View Full Version : Drifting video - IRAQ style

08-26-2004, 02:44 AM

08-26-2004, 02:49 AM
wheres the rolfcopter, that is if this is not a repost.

08-26-2004, 02:51 AM
wheres the rolfcopter, that is if this is not a repost.

repost THIS



FastBack 240
08-26-2004, 02:51 AM
http://members.cox.net/pimpbot9000/lollerskates.gif http://members.cox.net/pimpbot9000/roflcopter.gif

08-26-2004, 07:32 AM
iraqie definition of drifting - seeing how many times one can spin the car/how many parts it can shuck before violently slamming into what may or may not be an inanimate object.

08-26-2004, 08:30 AM
a while back there was an arab "drift" video clip, if you could call it that. it was actually pretty impressive, similar to that clip but the guy didnt hit anyone or anything.

08-26-2004, 03:30 PM
crazy mofos

08-26-2004, 04:14 PM
i wonder about thier ideas on the quality of life... to me, its too precious to to stupid stuff... but people are brought up in different ways.

08-26-2004, 05:46 PM
i wonder about thier ideas on the quality of life... to me, its too precious to to stupid stuff... but people are brought up in different ways.

Allah will bless them with 1,000 virgins when they die... or didnt you know that :loco:

08-26-2004, 05:54 PM
Allah will bless them with 1,000 virgins when they die... or didnt you know that :loco:

Not true. Read the Koran if you're going to talk shit. At least be informed about it.

FastBack 240
08-26-2004, 06:11 PM
Isnt it the Quran and dont they get blessed with virgins when they go to heaven? I mean I had a few buddies that were into the religion pretty heavily and I asked some questions. But maybe they are wrong.

08-26-2004, 06:50 PM
Isnt it the Quran and dont they get blessed with virgins when they go to heaven? I mean I had a few buddies that were into the religion pretty heavily and I asked some questions. But maybe they are wrong.

I thought that too... Otherwise I would not have posted what I did.

08-26-2004, 07:48 PM
Were they really doing that for fun???? Thats nuts!!

08-26-2004, 09:12 PM
nah, i think the virgin's thing is just part of one of those messed up 'one-off' takes on the quran, i read a few passages, same thing as the bible but with allah instead of god.

all the nutty people who supposedly follow the Quran could be compared to people who have crazy distortions of the bible as well.

but yeah, as for this video........................WTF

FastBack 240
08-26-2004, 10:01 PM
nah, i think the virgin's thing is just part of one of those messed up 'one-off' takes on the quran, i read a few passages, same thing as the bible but with allah instead of god.

all the nutty people who supposedly follow the Quran could be compared to people who have crazy distortions of the bible as well.

but yeah, as for this video........................WTF

Allah= god and is considerd same god as christianities. Can you read arabic writing? The Quran is only in arabic. The Quran has no duplicates because the muslims beilive that the informations is only truthful and correct in arabic. All other translations are false and inaccurate.

Not trying to bash. Just asking questions.

08-26-2004, 10:16 PM
my boss had a copy of it translated into english, i didnt realise that they were rare or something.

he showed it to his kids because he encourages them to choose their own faith or not

08-28-2004, 02:56 PM
hey guys, im muslim, i read the quran in arabic and i kno my shit, if allah promised me a 1000 virgins id be dead by now!! no really it doesnt say that anywhere, allah is the same god as the one in judiasm and christianity, and about the translations, they are never perfect and they might be misinterpreted so thats why pple dont put too much faith into them, if you wanna really know your shit you gotta learn arabic then read the quran, my parents made me take arabic classes since i was 6 until i was in 10th grade so i kno my fair share, also heaven for muslims, is the same heaven for christians and jews, its just paradise where u basically get wahtever u want

cliff notes
no virgins in heaven when u die
translations arent too reliable
same god as christianity and judiasm

08-28-2004, 05:51 PM
Life must be cheap over there

08-29-2004, 11:45 PM
spectators only walk to get out of the way! WTF!!!

08-30-2004, 03:55 PM
repost THIS



DAMN!!!!!!! :wackit: