View Full Version : Did I get jipped?

06-14-2015, 02:47 PM
Years ago, I bought a fidanza flywheel and spec clutch from a guy on the forum and I finally decided to install it because I am also installing a head gasket and the bolts are super easy to get to. Anyways, I was trying to put the flywheel on, but it just wouldnt slide on smoothly. I tried the old one and with a little wiggle, it went on smooth.

The etching on the front of the flywheel is NIS13 6848. I cant find anything on the internet to reference it against.

I'm pretty sure that I got taken advantage of, I just wanted to see if anyone has seen this before and can hopefully clarify

http://i1004.photobucket.com/albums/af166/JAStirrett/001_zpsw3cx7xlu.jpg (http://s1004.photobucket.com/user/JAStirrett/media/001_zpsw3cx7xlu.jpg.html)

06-15-2015, 07:22 AM
Gee. Thanks for providing zero information for us to help you determine if it's the right part of not.
- is it the same size as your old one?
- have you contacted the manufacturer to see if they can help determine if it's the right part?

06-15-2015, 10:20 PM
A front and back pic of the whole flywheel would help