View Full Version : Power FC D-jetro issues

06-09-2015, 06:12 PM
Hey Guys,

I know theres a few topics on this but can't seem to find anything relating to the problem I have.

I recently installed a power fc d-jetro in my S15, I'm fairly sure I wired it up all correctly (basically just splicing the air temp sensor into the harness) however I just need to confirm some things: Regardless of how rough it is, should the engine run straight out of the box? When I try to start mine it cranks but wont fire, I've read d-jetros don't have a base map so I would assume thats normal. What is concerning me is when I do try to start it the hand commander will display "Communications error" - is this normal, when in accesories mode it works fine I can access all menus etc.

06-09-2015, 07:10 PM
Ive never seen "communications error" I think you have another problem related to the computer/wiring/commander to deal with first.

Usually there is plenty of fuel in the basemap to get it to fire up first try. It does need tuning right out of the box though, so don't expect it to be too great.

06-10-2015, 01:48 AM
Well since I last tried it the communications error has seemed to fix itself, (it has been swapped around with the stock ecu & back since then to move the car - also showing it starts on the stock ecu.) Now it just cranks but still wont fire. I took a video (below), I noticed the tach swings all the way past redline whilst cranking - is this normal?

The Real Keith
06-10-2015, 02:17 AM
No the rpm going to red line while cranking is not normal. I would assume that either you have the wrong unit or it is bad. You should be able to install it, initialize it, and crank the car. Shouldn't really be anything else so it.

Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk

06-10-2015, 02:32 AM
Yeah its a d-jetro. The only wiring I did was splice into the wire connected to pin 26 and put a new wire on pin 21 (as per the manual) for the intake temp sensor.

The Real Keith
06-10-2015, 05:31 AM
I would double check your wiring and if that's not it then I would say it has to be the unit. http://yhst-27796775113468.stores.yahoo.net/appofcsrdiat.html

Sent from my SM-T330NU using Tapatalk

06-10-2015, 07:19 AM
Thanks for that link, wish I had it a few weeks ago, would have saved me alot of work. I'll double check that wiring, another thing I came across is because my s15 is an Australian model there are a few pins which need to be swapped to work with a JDM ecu (which the power fc would be pinned up for) including moving a fuel pump relay pin and also swapping the camshaft position wires, the fuel pump one is leading me to believe that could be the reason it isn't firing.

06-22-2015, 06:23 AM
Mine had a similar issue and it ended up being a wiring harness issue. Check all of your pin outs and voltages. Also check to make sure the eccs relay has full voltage. The power fc is very specific on the incoming voltage because of being a performance ecu. Also the map should start the car and the initial idle will be rough until it does the complete idle learning process. The tach issue sounds like the cluster instead of the ecu. As long as the commander is reading the correct rpm from the engine. If the commander rpm reading is jumping around too then it is apexi issue. Hope this helps.