View Full Version : Location of stock S13 ignitor chip?

06-08-2015, 09:28 PM
I have the s13 ignitor chip bracket and I would like to trim off the unnecessary bits and mount it in the factory location (or at least get really close). I was able to find some pictures of S14 front clips that showed the ignitor bracket but no S13's.

Does anybody have a photo of the location of the stock ignitor mounted in the bracket? The best I have been able to find so far has been "on the strut tower".


06-08-2015, 09:34 PM

Mounts to a bracket which mounts to the strut tower.

http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j274/joshds25/SDC13137.jpg (http://s82.photobucket.com/user/joshds25/media/SDC13137.jpg.html)

The Saint
06-19-2015, 04:46 PM
I know that:
OBD 1 KA's used an external igniter mounted on the driver's side wheel well.
OBD 2 KA's have the igniter integrated with the distributer.
It may be the same for SR's