View Full Version : S13 Coupe W/ Battle Damage!

08-16-2004, 05:20 PM
So i had a tire blow out on I-75 going up to G-Ville. This is the end result.



My baby...



08-16-2004, 06:08 PM
my god... the entre fender is trashed. but weird how it didnt even touch the door. and you seem pretty calm about it. not even a small rant. id be furious. good luck with getting it fixed

08-16-2004, 06:26 PM
this is to short blah blah

08-16-2004, 06:46 PM
aint that some shit. the tire tread was just big enough to hit the entire fender, not the easily replaceable door. thanks tire.

08-16-2004, 06:49 PM

damn that sucks

08-16-2004, 07:56 PM
that does suck....
hope you get it fixed soon
now you'll have to add tires blowing up to your list of common 240 problems.. hehe :drama:

woah new smilies!!

08-16-2004, 08:27 PM
that's freaking INSANE. i've seen whole fenders get shredded by 4x4 F250's with mud grips blowing out.... crazy.

08-17-2004, 12:20 AM
hahah battle damage. right.

more like 'tire blowout' damage

hell it looks more like your tire blew, you lost control and smacked something.. I dont know how a tire could push in sheetmetal like that. That would require ALOT of force, more than the perpendicular forces of a blownout tire could provide.

What'd you smack?

08-17-2004, 01:03 AM
dude...wtf did you hit? how you getting that fixed?

08-17-2004, 01:08 AM
Looks like you drifted into Rosie O'Donnell. :2f2f: + :doh: = :Ownedd:

08-17-2004, 01:14 AM
Looks like you drifted into Rosie O'Donnell. :2f2f: + :doh: = :Ownedd:

hahahaha. that was cold.

who takes the credit for the new smilies ( if they are new, never seen them before) because they are kickass.. i like how this :2f2f: is labled 2f2f.

08-17-2004, 01:14 AM
time for wide rear overfender.

08-17-2004, 01:41 AM
who takes the credit for the new smilies ( if they are new, never seen them before) because they are kickass.. i like how this :2f2f: is labled 2f2f.

Well, Sykikchimp recommended the 'drivin' smiley, so I uploaded it and called it 2f2f in honor of westboroughpimp's suggestion.
There's 4 others too.. but I only announced them to the Premium members.
:cj: :drama: :bowrofl: and :keke:

08-17-2004, 03:41 AM
hahaha thats awesome im digging the 3rd one. i shall become a premium member one of these days. i have just recently spent more time on the boards so it would be worth the money. or least to help out mark. 10+ hours a day on forums is hell on the fingers but im improving on my typing speed. ok you guys dont care. back to topic. sorry

08-17-2004, 08:34 AM
didnt hit a thing. it blew out all of a sudden, and there was this incredible thumping sound. the back end flew out a bit, and i got it under control pretty quickly. Apparantly the belt ripped off the tire, and was loose. it was smacking around, and thats what hit the underside of the rear bumper ( i assume ). since it was loose, it just kept smacking around while i slowed down, slowly denting the shit out of my side.

08-17-2004, 08:55 AM
i dont think thats a wide rear overfender fix it kinda smash. thats a whole new rear quarter followed by a 3k$ fix it kinda smash. good luck fixin that because its not easy or cheap and you might end up junkin the car... :-/ that sucks man. unless you have some big cash in it or its just too hard to transfer parts to another 240 thats the point where you might just say part it out time...

08-17-2004, 10:05 AM
No, I'm still gonna have to call BS on this.
Take a look at this:
This is what happens when a 4500lb SUV reverses into the side of a 240sx at about 5mph, and pushes it about 3-4 feet laterally.
Please note that the damage is LESS extensive than nissantuner22's.

Also note that the damage at the extreme rear of nissantuner22's is in an 'in and up' configuration. Even if you were running Super Swampers, the damage would still be FORWARD of where it is, and get less severe as you get away from the hub of the wheel.

Now, sure, fastbacks and coupes are different, especially in the rear. However, they remain structurally VERY similar in the wheel arch area. There are three layers of sheetmetal there. One for the wheel arch, one vertical support, and one of the outer skin. Now check this out:

the 2 circled areas are the result of 20+ minutes of me hammering with a 10lb piece of iron (a jackstand top) I was doing this so her car could be driveable with her wheels on there and not rub the tire and cause a blowout. Now, I'm not a big dude, but I was applying some WICKED force to that sheetmetal. All 3 layers. And that was the result.. Me moving it out from the body maybe 3-4mm. Now sure, tires have a goodly amount of mass, but even if a tire weighed 200 pounds instead of 20-30, the force it'd apply to the body would be radially away from the hub! There isn't a way for the OUTSIDE of the body to be caved in like it is. Let's say that the wheelwell sheetmetal was caved in to the point that it started to take the other sheetmetal with it. the first place that would start caving in would be the arch of the wheelwell, since that's the nearest meeting point.
That's still not happening.
Last, not that the caving goes all the way to the doorseam, just like nissantuner22's.
Sorry to have to call :bs: on you like this, but I've shredded tires and seen plenty of shredded tires and blowouts on S13s, and the only time they ever get dents like that (in MY experience) is when the car hits something.

08-17-2004, 10:50 AM
oh without a doubt he hit something and it would take some serious evidence to convince me otherwhise. i dont care that he hit anything and either just didnt mention it or doesnt want to look bad (surviving a tire blow out at high speeds and not killing yourself is an acomplishment in itself) theres no way the tire would fly off then dent in and downward. you can tell the car hit something sideways and then the suspension compressed on that side making the angle of the hit at the door. the bottom of the back i think could have been a result of the blowout because of where it is but i mean its more than obvious the top more frontal dent was something else (more than likely a stationary object like a high rise guard rail of some sort.

08-17-2004, 11:40 AM
whoa! whats it like to be wrong guys?

I should have saved the tire to show in more detail just what I think took place.

Going 100MPH, I felt a strange vibration. ( which I now credit to the belt moving in my shitty rear tire )

few seconds later, BAM! the outside tread of my tire was ripped off, smacking the hell out of my car. It almost sounded like a drum roll, ( which is from the tread hitting first the bottom bumper area, flying out the side of the wheelwheel, and landing back on the car near the door area. Instead of the piece of tread ripping off, it continued to beat the side of my car. The pictures above are after about 10 minutes of hard hand scrubbing trying to get the rubber off of my paint. notice in the first picture black residue. thats actual tread that was being ripped across the paint. Its even more evident in the second picture where i didnt spend much time at all, since its not in plain view like the side of the car. Any certain shot views you guys would like? Be happy to supply them, as this is being a very educational expierence for you guys.

Not trying to start nothing, just saying you guys are wrong.

Oh, and mr.meph, how much did it run to fix your baby? your car looks like it took the hit pretty well.

08-17-2004, 07:32 PM
that's not my car, it belongs to a friend of mine.
I was just doing her a favor.

08-17-2004, 07:44 PM
holy shit man, I slid my coupe into a giant rock at about 10mph and did less damage than you

08-17-2004, 08:06 PM
G-ville playa! Where all the REAL gangsta roll (mmmmhmm!)

08-17-2004, 11:01 PM
I cannot believe some of you guys. Yeah, he wanted to be cool so he lied about a tire blowout.
I have seen tire blowouts snap a human body in half (albeit not a car tire), so I can definatly see how it could cause that damage.

08-17-2004, 11:31 PM
that's nadine's car...

08-18-2004, 12:01 AM
Join Date: Apr 2003
: VA
Posts: 1

Lurk much?

Lazy - and?

08-18-2004, 03:30 PM
its ironic that he calls it battle damage but his tire blew. usually its referred to drifting/racing? but whatever

08-18-2004, 03:59 PM
i just figured its a weird angle. i still dont understand how a tire can really do that and circle around then put hundreds of points of downward/inward force on the side of the car... very strange...

08-18-2004, 09:37 PM
the tread flopping around at high rates of wheel rotation apparantly.

anyhow i took apart my interior today so i can get inside access to the dent. I got the vast majority of it out, am pretty impressed with myself. the rear bumper portion though, i have no idea how to fix.

08-18-2004, 10:43 PM
^ get in your trunk and take the plastic shit out. your jack anything that can get in the way. you can put your hand all the way down to the bumper. im sure you could get a hammer down there.

08-19-2004, 09:17 AM
hmmm will try that. thanks!

08-19-2004, 04:27 PM
remove the tire, and stick the oem jack between the bent sheet metal and the fender wall and use that to push out the fender, it worked for me..

08-19-2004, 04:32 PM

learn from my mistake and dont do it teh same way i did. Tho i still feel confident taht I can save it.

08-20-2004, 12:19 AM
thats a damn good idea i wish i thought of that when i had my other car!

08-20-2004, 03:58 PM
hyper, that can be easliy fixed by anybody thats good at welding. Of course, the top of the weld will have to be ground down flush with body, and use some bodyfiller, but it can be done

08-21-2004, 02:50 AM
yeah nice cheese gater on your fender man! even if you did do that^ it still looks like it took some structural integrity away. IMO

08-25-2004, 11:27 PM
I'll take dude man's side on this one. being a victim of a tire blowout in an awd eclipse cost me a front fender and it was nicely beat up. now mine was right after I had crossed the line for the 1/4 and my et speed was 128mph so I was probably doing about 125 when it blew out because I was about 10 ft from theline, almost cost me the whole car into the jersey wall, did a full 360 on the track and brought it back under control, scary as shit but only cost me a wheel, tire, and fender. the inertia in a tire is a decent amount, and you have to remember, the 4500 lb suv didn't apply 4500 pounds of force on there, it had inertia, yes, but at the same time the most it could have applied really is the inertia+ the actual tire torque ((engine torque output - drivetrain loss) x rear end gear ratio x final gear ratio)...... alright my brain hurts now, but OK

08-26-2004, 10:07 AM
over fenders ; )

08-26-2004, 02:49 PM
i just got a skin from nissan. gonna have it welded on.

08-27-2004, 11:29 AM
what kind of tires did you have on there ?? Firestones??

08-27-2004, 11:35 AM