View Full Version : Wiring help!!!

05-06-2015, 06:24 PM
Ok guys, here is a little background.

I bought a 93 s13 automatic se hatch from the original owner, she bought it new drove it for a long time. She had a kid and when he became old enough to drive she gave it to him. He drove it for maybe 3 years and it developed rod knock and they parked it. So there it sat for 2-3 years.

Then I'm driving around and see it sitting under a tree and picked it up for. $300.

I get it back to my house strip it and find out all the local squirrels had a orgy in it. So I go through the harness and solder back all the chewed through wires ( which surprisingly was about 10)

But NOTHING works in this car besides power locks, and mirrors ( at least pass. Mirror. Drivers is broke off')

My buddy who is a s13 guru, and our friend who is a mechanic, and myself are completely stumped..
I am getting power and grounds throughout the dash harness. But the windows,ac blower, ac direction( flap that channels the ac for defrost to feet and such) cluster, any dash lighting. Windows or anything power do not work!

So I read on a thread that the tcu goes bad that controls all that. So out of curiosity after looking at it for any burns or such. Decided to see if it was getting power or grounds. I accidentally touch 2 pins and the buttons ( popup&hazard) light up, blower starts blowing, and a few dash lights come on. Like the batt . Light.

So I go to my buddy's house and rob one off a running 92 base hatch and still nothing works!!

Once I jump my tcu, which I assume is bad. I hear a relay click in the engine bay & relay behind CD player which I believe is the blower relay

Also once I first hooked a batt. Up to it it blew the room lamp fuse in the driver kick panel.

Is there a difference between the base and se tcu?

What could cause all these to not work.

I know I am not getting power to the windows. But that's another day. I am more worried about the ac blower, and cluster to start.

Oh! There is no engine, or engine harness in the car right now.

I have a ls1 I'm going to put in the car but I don't want to put it in the car just to take it out and fuck with more wiring.

I'm sorry for any misspelled words or bad grammar ( I typed this on my phone)

Any help would be appreciated