View Full Version : Just my luck..........(picture heavy)
08-12-2004, 02:29 PM
So i turn off the main cop infested road to a side road that would take me a back, wooded way with no cops. Im flying down this little side road....I saw a set of turns coming up so i stomped on the throttle, I fly around the turn getting up to 80 mph....... first picture.....
These were just takin this morning when i found a ride down there...
Do you see a stop sign? Or a dead end??
Still see a stop sign yet? or a dead end if that car wasnt turning.....
Oh theres that stop sign!! and the guard rail! look how much time you have to react.......
There is no kind of warning anywhere before of a stop sign or a dead end where you hafta go left or right.... At night time the stop sign is not visible until the last second, and the guard rail HAS NOTHING ON IT. the guard rail is COMPLETELY invisible at night.
see my tire marks? see the broken section?
So at the last second i saw the sign, keep in mind i have a little donut from a blowout earlier on my front drivers side. I hit the brakes and they immediately locked up. i slide straight through the intersection smashing into the guard rail.
went to pay the tow guy for my car...its now sitting in front of his shop waiting for me to tow it somewhere. Heres the damage.........
Beautiful huh? He said its trash and he could get rid of it for me...i told him nope, im going to try fixing it since its such a rare fucking car and id never find it again, OR i would strip it and make $2,000 off parts from it. He said..."Ya know what?! I just towed a 200sx or something last week to a body shop 1/4 mile down the road...the owners are scrapping it they dont want it...." i asked if it looked like mine or not he said he wasnt sure but he thinks its a hatchback..... Told me to go down there and tell em he sent me, i'd prolly be able to get it for next to nothing....
Go down there and what do i see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same exact car as mine, color and all except its an SE with loaded options. Needs paint on the front bumper, and has a minor accident in the rear....looks like they backed into a pole or something softly....its a quick pull to the trunk area......the parts on my trunk will fix it fine... Id hafta fix the trunk, swap all my parts over to it, including my engine and manual trans (its an automatic car) and i'd be as good as new!!!
Asked him what he wanted for it......he said make an offer.... I told him $200, he said sold. Your the highest bidder so far, tomorrow the guy gives me the title, and its yours.
Just brought the car home today.....
93' SE, all options. 184k. Engine is trash, has a nice knock and sounds like the timing chain is about to snap any second. Besides the damage to the rear (minor) theres slight damage to the quarter panel, and looks like the girl rear ended someone softly. Radiator support is less than a 1/4 inch in and needs a $200 pull. Rad is cracked from the support pushing it back.....and the headlight motors dont seem to work.
Not bad considering the damage to my S13. Going to start stripping my S13 this weekend of everything but the shell. Motor and trans will go right into this one as soon as either the motor dies, or i replace my timing chain, water pump, and headgasket on my 120k motor. Only things leaft to replace on my motor so i figure i'd do it while its out of the car to make things easy, then i'll have nothing to worry about....
heres some pics
08-12-2004, 02:38 PM
what were you thinking... unfamiliar road + low visibility = don't speed. glad you weren't hurt. congrats on a 'new' car but next time be careful...
08-12-2004, 02:38 PM
dude that sucks ass that it total BS
08-12-2004, 02:42 PM
Better check out to see how bad that rust on the strut tower is before you do anything. Sucks you crashed your car, good deal for 200 bucks though on the new one.
08-12-2004, 02:46 PM
Holy shit! How fast were you going at impact? Are you okay? Ouch man! That was a nice break thought about getting that coupe hopefully for very little..still ouch
Kid Zelda
08-12-2004, 02:49 PM
80 mph on a dount ? wtf
I do not feel sorry for you ( glad you're not hurt though)
you spire tire-speeding-not knowing- dumbass .. THINK
[email protected]! .
Andrew Bohan
08-12-2004, 02:52 PM
unfamiliar road + drunk + fuckin around with a donut on = no sympathy from me.
you deserved that
08-12-2004, 02:59 PM
can i have you back seats?
08-12-2004, 03:18 PM
Ok well there is actually ALOT more to the story then what i posted here. Actually the original post on my forum is exactly 24,036 characters............
I knew the road......i just did not remember the stop sign being that close...that i had atleast a half mile leaft.....
These guys on my forum have known me for a longggg time.......
Didn't want to post the entire story due to the OBVIOUS things that would be said....My judgement on right and wrong decision was heavily impaired by a 3 year outside influence.....never again....
Car is more important then her.....
My older sister and a good friend both went to check out the scene at night time.....both doing no more then 25 and even being careful because i told them how it was.....almost went straight through the stop sign.....Buddy only realized the road ended there because a truck towing a big boat flew past right before he hit the stop sign...and he still never saw the stop sign while looking for it
08-12-2004, 03:20 PM
can i have you back seats?
Leather back seats? Or ugly cloth ones outta my 91'???
08-12-2004, 03:24 PM
im mostly pissed because i have owned the car for 5 years now. I bought it with 58k and in MINT condition. It was the best condition S13 i have ever seen....period (without restoration that is)
Owned the car since people didnt know anything about it. Shit people at the philly drag's were amazed it was rear while drive and stock cept an exhaust killing all the hondas they loved so much.....
08-12-2004, 03:27 PM
Better check out to see how bad that rust on the strut tower is before you do anything. Sucks you crashed your car, good deal for 200 bucks though on the new one.
I dont understand that at all...It is the only spot on the damn car with ANY rust.....Im going to go outside and grab a couple more pics of it...maybe sand a little of the top real fast.....
08-12-2004, 03:42 PM
Shouldn't be too bad of a fix, right? I mean it really is the only spot of rust on the whole car......
08-12-2004, 03:51 PM
unfamiliar road + drunk + fuckin around with a donut on = no sympathy from me.
you deserved that
:werd: You're just lucky you didn't hurt yourself or anyone else. 80mph on a donut? What the FUCK were you thinking? Then you have another chassis just fall in your lap? Now I'm not only disgusted at your lack of good driving judgement, but I'm also jealous of your find. :rl:
:rant2: Congratu-fucking-lations dumbass! :rant2:
08-12-2004, 04:40 PM
:werd: You're just lucky you didn't hurt yourself or anyone else. 80mph on a donut? What the FUCK were you thinking? Then you have another chassis just fall in your lap? Now I'm not only disgusted at your lack of good driving judgement, but I'm also jealous of your find. :rl:
:rant2: Congratu-fucking-lations dumbass! :rant2:
Did you read the link i posted? Yes my good driving judgement was lacking THAT NIGHT and only that night. To be honest with everything that was going on....i forgot about the donut, nor cared. It was very unfortunate that i did what i did that night, and i regret it.
Man you guys are harsh........... :-/
Mr. Badlose
08-12-2004, 04:44 PM
a shot of Grey Goose vodka to start off, then 6 heinekens before we decide to leave....
Wow, you're a genius. "Don't flame me too hard!" Is that a joke? How is everyone too harsh? You should have expected worse than what people have said by posting this on a public message board.
Sometimes life can become unbearable tough, but you just have to learn to keep your emotions in check and THINK. And try not to end up on Jerry Springer...
08-12-2004, 04:58 PM
that wasnt all in the span of a half hour....that was a longgggg time....
I really wasnt bad, more upset then anything.
Things could have turned out to be 1,000's of times worse then they did. I'm thankful that they didn't. I know it was stupid, don't need to be told.
When i said you guys were harsh i didnt mean only here...i meant all over the forums period.
08-12-2004, 05:08 PM
Well I got family in Philly, so you being impaired, emotional, and speeding puts their wellfare at risk. So yeah I'm harsh, get over it. You did something really stupid, you posted all over the internet that you're an idiot, and then had the nerve to label it "Just my Luck" likes it's something to be fucking proud of, so don't get mad when people call you on it. :madfawk:
08-12-2004, 06:05 PM
Well I got family in Philly, so you being impaired, emotional, and speeding puts their wellfare at risk.
That's the gayest shit I've ever heard. Go join M.A.D.D. or quit acting like a whiney bitch. This guy isn't the sole cause of every accident in all of Philadelphia, there are tons of people that cause much worse accidents, ones that actually put other people at risk.
Your family go out cruising down backroads at 3 in the morning? No? How are they at risk then?
Did anybody use enough brainpower to take the CONTEXT of the situation into account? He even said he doesn't usually drive like this. Obviously. If that wasn't the case there'd be weekly threads just like this...
I think you guys need to chill out a bit and get off the "condescention bandwagon." I'm sure a lot of us have done something stupid to get the same end result, posting it on the internet doesn't make him any more stupid than the next guy who tries to keep it a secret.
God, he must be the only person on the planet who has ever gotten upset and drove like an idiot to relieve stress. :rolleyes:
Dude, just think of all the positive remarks you'd be getting if you would've just said you were drifting and crashed it... :hahano:
Andrew Bohan
08-12-2004, 06:35 PM
i have never gotten drunk and all upset and gone driving to relieve stress.
and i have never drifted on the street.
why not?
because i'm not a fucking idiot, that's why not.
08-12-2004, 06:36 PM
There is no context where this situation is acceptable. Period!
M.A.D.D. Me Against Dumbass Drivers? Not only am I a member, I'm the damn President. :fawkd:
08-12-2004, 06:45 PM
Man you guys are harsh........... :-/
We're harsh because it's stupid lapses of judgement that kill 240s and get their owners in trouble or dead.
You can make any excuse you want, but it'll never justify your mistake.
Just... think next time. :loco:
08-12-2004, 07:26 PM
Dude, just think of all the positive remarks you'd be getting if you would've just said you were drifting and crashed it...
Oh i know, i thought about it...i didnt even want to post it, but i wanted to post the quality and deal of an S13 i got...If i had without posting the other i'd be flamed and shit for being a "newb", when i have owned and pushed that car to its limits LONG before most of the people here got off their fucking honda craze......I'd be another poser if i said "I'm cool i crashed my car drifting look at me!" I've slid off the road drifting but never ever tried making myself look cool by posting it on here, once again.... LOOK AT ME IM A DRFTR!
Just my luck was a title that wasnt meant towards the accident....It could have been taken like that and i understand why it was....but I feel that i was more then lucky in this situation....not only did i not get into any trouble, or destroy my own or anyone elses life.....but for me to find almost my exact same car 2 body shops down.......was mind blowing to me... I did not want to settle for another S13 that wasn't burgandy...
I love the color and i think it is one of the best looking colors when clean.
Thank you Salty....appreciate it.
I DID NOT get drunk and go out driving to release stress..... If you read the original post i linked to you would know that i had no other choice....i had my buddy leave me at my girls house because i live 30-45 minutes away from there. I DID NOT want to drive. I was turned away by her cousin who attacked me when all i wanted was a couch to crash on for the night so i could put my spare on in the morning and head home....I even used up every last bit of the change i had on me calling everyone i knew for a ride, or a place to stay....(girl smashed my cell into pieces.....) I even went to my buddies house that dropped me off and rev'd up a little trying to get his attention with my loud ass URAS i just put on.....i tried as much as possible to not drive.....just wasn't my night. I wasn't even so concerned about the alchohol as much as my mental state.
I am no where near a dumb ass driver. I had one night where i was forced to drive 30 some miles to get home. When i shouldn't have been driving. I will outdrive you on my worst day bro. You probably didn't even know what a 240sx was while i was learning the abilities of the car on my way to work in the am in the rain, just trying to make a slow left or right turn at a light. That guy can blow me.
Theres a difference between just being a cock and being harsh. Mrmeph wasn't even harsh.....what he said is true WITHOUT being a cock about it.
My car already had passenger rear quarter panel damage that required cut and weld, or an A+ body man....had planned on fixing it but hadnt gotten around to it before this. That was a taxi cab in philly slamming into my side without braking...... His fault. If the car was in mint condition when this happened i'd be a little more angry....i'll post the pic soon as i find it on my server...
And i said its not only in this thread, but all over the forums in threads that are nothing at all near this one.......
just noticed thatguy is a marine.........that explains him being such a cock :fawk2:
08-12-2004, 07:39 PM
30 miles isn't THAT far to walk, trust me :D . Anyway, I got heated. Maybe you deserved it, maybe you didn't. Anyway, as for my driving skill?? Nice generalized statement. I'm not gonna start another fight over that. I've had my 240 for a couple years now, but I've tested my limits in a few different platforms and cars. Your choice of title is up for interprentation, I took it one way, you meant it another, tough. And as far as my harshness goes, Boo Friggin Hoo! And I was an asshole well before I joined the Marine Corps, so again great generalization. :jerkit:
Think, Re-Think, Act.
Andrew Bohan
08-12-2004, 07:46 PM
that last post i made was in response to salty
anyway, you DID have a choice.
you could have slept in your car on the side of the road.
of course no one wants to sleep in their car, but it would have been better than crashing your car...
since you chose to drive, you also could have chosen to drive the speed limit, or even slower given your mental state at the time and because you had a donut on one corner.
08-12-2004, 07:57 PM
i tried as much as possible to not drive.....just wasn't my night.
No you didn't. You could've stopped somewhere and slept it off.
You could've found a supermarket parking lot and borrowed a parking space for a few hours. You could've found a motel and gotten a room.
What happened is you got pissed off and drove mad. You fucked up and you want us to feel sorry for you.... but we don't.
We're mad at you for a variety of reasons..
1.) you crashed a 240.
2.) you crashed it for a stupid reason
3.) you were intoxicated
4.) you put yourself and others at risk
5.) you're seeking sympathy from us for all of this.
Sorry, it just won't work.
I wouldn't say the "new" car has minor damage. It will take quite a bit to get it all fixed. The trunk doesn't line up with the rest of the car so more damage under that trim and rear bumper. Same for the front bumper. The rust might extend farther than it looks and the car doesn't run.
Definitely a project... not bad for $200 but you got what you paid for.
08-12-2004, 08:25 PM
No you didn't. You could've stopped somewhere and slept it off.
You could've found a supermarket parking lot and borrowed a parking space for a few hours. You could've found a motel and gotten a room.
What happened is you got pissed off and drove mad. You fucked up and you want us to feel sorry for you.... but we don't.
We're mad at you for a variety of reasons..
1.) you crashed a 240.
2.) you crashed it for a stupid reason
3.) you were intoxicated
4.) you put yourself and others at risk
5.) you're seeking sympathy from us for all of this.
Sorry, it just won't work.
I don't want you to feel sorry for me.....none of you. Neither am i seeking sympathy, just wanted to put out the chassis i got and why i got it.
I wouldn't say the "new" car has minor damage. It will take quite a bit to get it all fixed. The trunk doesn't line up with the rest of the car so more damage under that trim and rear bumper. Same for the front bumper. The rust might extend farther than it looks and the car doesn't run.
Definitely a project... not bad for $200 but you got what you paid for.
New car has minor damage when compared to mine. Front and rear. (posting them pics asap). To get it fixed enough to be driven wont take long. The trunk is fine. Its the lower piece that is throwing it off, the trunk lines up fine with the passenger side. I already started pulling that out. That is an easy pull that i can do with the little bit of body knowledge i have. Rear bumper is coming off tomorrow to continue the pull. The rear is not a problem at all. The front end i already made arrangements to have that put on a frame rack and pulled out next week.... $200 for the pull. I'd do it myself if i had a frame rack (dont like the idea of using a truck and a chain someone suggested). Tomorrow im removing the wheel well and im going to inspect the rust. The rust is the only thing that i am worried about at this point. I just switched jobs from a very good body shop in my area, thats where im getting the very cheap pull done, and he will work with me on the rust, and paint of the rear quarter (not immediate worry)
The car does run, i drove it home. Just needs a timing chain, and the knock might not be an actual knock. As of right now the rad support has the rad and accessory fan right about at the clutch fan....the clutch fan is eating away at the fan shroud ATM and i believe the clutch which extends further then the fan is actually touching the accessory fan causing the Knock type sound im hearing. After the pull it will no longer be an issue, then i can diagnose the motor further and see how long it will get me by. I have my 120k motor that is still in excellent shape, it could go in as early as next week....i just dont want to do it that soon. Would like to do my timing chain and water pump with the motor out of the car.
Other then that i need a rad and battery. Rad im looking at $94-$130 dunno what to do with that......
So after everything needed just to make the car road looking at $500 roughly....
Even if i hadn't crashed my car, i would have bought this thing for $200 and fixed it, or just parted it out. I would make out either way......
I just would have never found the car had i not crashed
08-12-2004, 08:30 PM
I have that entire completely undamaged lower bezel to put on after i pull out the little bit of damage
since im posting all these might as well....
08-12-2004, 09:06 PM
thanks for proving beyond a reasonable doubt that you are a moron.
08-12-2004, 09:08 PM
im almost disappointed that you got that lucky and found the new 240, some people get it to easy. iam glad you diddnt hurt anyone though.
08-12-2004, 09:52 PM
Blow me
It took me over a year to find my S13. I actually got very lucky with it. it just took alot of time and patience.
Yes i did get lucky with this chassis, sort of. It isn't in the best of shape...i'm mostly concerned about the rust. Now i think that if i found an undamaged, clean burgandy coupe for cheap (not $200 but yeah....) THAT would be getting it too easy. But i did not, wish i could. I have found a couple of coupes but only 1 is in nice condition (without looking at it in person) and its an ugly dark green with tan interior. for $1,800 with high mileage. Can you not find any 240's in your area?
I am starting to think it would have been better to be one of these child "posers" on here and just said i was drifting and crashed my car. Then i would have gotten nothing but "WOW DUDE GOOD SHIT!" "Thats awesome glad it worked out"
Guess thats what you get for being honest these days huh?
Mr. Badlose
08-12-2004, 10:27 PM
Ok, so what replies did you expect when you posted this story on here? Seriously...if you didn't think that everyone would tear you a new asshole then you're delusional.
08-12-2004, 10:43 PM
drifting on the street is just as dumb and reckless as going 80mph on a small 2 lane back road. dont think everyone would be on your nuts if you wrecked your car doing another immature act
08-12-2004, 11:47 PM
people make mistakes is what you wanna hear. were sorry for your loss. but regardless thats also how people die. its remarkable that your still alive after something like that. 80mph while drinking is not wise no matter what the circumstances. pile on everything you did and...i wont join the bandwagon and be a total dick on things, nor will i accept what you said you did. all im going to do is feel somewhat saddened by the idea that this is the fate of what was a nice car, and they give anyone liscense... im just gonna slowly shake my head then go to bed...
Drift Style S14
08-13-2004, 12:30 AM
congrats on the new car, too bad about the accident. becareful next time.
08-13-2004, 02:02 AM
people make mistakes is what you wanna hear. were sorry for your loss. but regardless thats also how people die. its remarkable that your still alive after something like that. 80mph while drinking is not wise no matter what the circumstances. pile on everything you did and...i wont join the bandwagon and be a total dick on things, nor will i accept what you said you did. all im going to do is feel somewhat saddened by the idea that this is the fate of what was a nice car, and they give anyone liscense... im just gonna slowly shake my head then go to bed...
Its not too remarkable im alive. The accident really wasn't even as bad as it sounds. My rad support took all the shock. My automatic seatbelt also took most of the shock. I had a red mark on my neck from the belt, and a sore neck and back for a couple days. Nothing serious at all. COULD have been....Extremely lucky it wasn't. Taking it as a blessing. Dont really like the license comment though, because i am an excellent driver. I have avoided over 50 accidents in my time in the 240......not my fault, just being a cautious and aware driver. Was a bad bad night. No excuse but yeah. Drop your guard for 1 second and WHAM
Lesson learned. Like i said before, if the car was in perfect condition i'd be more saddened then i am. I mean i am sad, car was my best friend.....But after the taxi cab hit me, the car was jinxed. Not a perfect panel leaft on the car before this.....
How about coming down a major highway doing 80 (cruise speed for the highway) at about 12am on the way home....out of NOWHERE 1 of those tall thin black lamps with the ya know cone type top for the light.....kinda hard to explain, should know what i mean. Standing straight up in my lane.......that was the end of my hood and roof........
sounds like some fucked up kids video taping something they think is funny
08-13-2004, 10:17 AM
Dont really like the license comment though, because i am an excellent driver.
is this what happened to excellent drivers? its a good thing i am not as excellent as you are! ;)
I have avoided over 50 accidents in my time in the 240......not my fault, just being a cautious and aware driver.
wow, you actually counted them?
I mean i am sad, car was my best friend
haha okay, you're truly a sad case.. step out of your house and make friends with real living creatures, not automobiles that suck.
But after the taxi cab hit me, the car was jinxed
maybe you were the one to hit the taxi cab and maybe you are jinxed? maybe you just suck? who knows, who cares. its called "man-ing up to reality" once you start taking responsibility for your own actions, life becomes much more exciting.
your car isnt rare, your driving probably sucks a good amount, AND, the street which you showed us SHOULD have some better notice.. but it didnt. Shame on you for speeding on a street that you dont know. I know all the streets i occasionally speed on, and even then i leave margin for error because you never know when there is shit on the street etc etc...
so, just be careful and next time know not to post your mistakes on zilvia because all we do is talk shit and point out your idiotic mistakes.
08-13-2004, 10:58 AM
lol old summed it up pretty well about posting on here. dont bother putting up a defense or trying to look any better in our eyes you really should have known about stuff like that before you post. quite frankly you coulda slept in your car on the side of the road if you were drunk and there really is no excuse for it regardless. the liscense comment was because good drivers dont go 80 when they have been drinking on a sideroad. find me one who does (one thats still alive)the fact that your alive is a darwin anomaly. your really gonna take alot of hell on this thread, expect more from everyone. suck it up learn from your mistakes and dont drive when your not capable of it whether mentally or physically. dont apologize or explain you have nothing to prove to us were just funny lookin weirdos on the other side of a screen that melts your eyes :Ownedd:
Deluzional the way you present yourself here really makes you sound dillusional. Like you counted 50 accidents that you got out of..and they werent your fault.That's more times than cars almost hit me on my bike. You personality is that of a compulsive liar . And you must be a real asshole if your "friends" didnt even let you stick around when you were drunk and trying to crash somewhere. You either are a royal asshole, or you live in a trailer park, where all you trashy fags act out your childhood trauma for the rest of your life . Eat shit and die
08-13-2004, 02:23 PM
Dang that sucks. Poor guard rail :wtc:
08-13-2004, 02:30 PM
Deluzional the way you present yourself here really makes you sound dillusional. Like you counted 50 accidents that you got out of..and they werent your fault.That's more times than cars almost hit me on my bike. You personality is that of a compulsive liar . And you must be a real asshole if your "friends" didnt even let you stick around when you were drunk and trying to crash somewhere. You either are a royal asshole, or you live in a trailer park, where all you trashy fags act out your childhood trauma for the rest of your life . Eat shit and die
Wow this was the most ignorant comment yet. It saddens me to know that there are such ignorant 240sx owners out there. Never said i counted, but i have avoided many many accidents from stupid people, deer, etc. Talked about 5 years here, not 1 month. Compulsive liar? You really are ignorant, i have been nothing but honest here and thats why i'm being bashed so much. It was 3am and no one was awake. My girlfriends scumbag family was freaking out and wouldn't let her help me (not her parents). Sorry bro no trailer park here.....Should really think more before you say such ignorant things, its really ashame........So far from everything i have read on these forums, there are some extremely ignorant 240sx owners. Westborough is the epitomy of them.
I can take shit like what mike said, and what mrmeph said, etc. It's the truth. But man the ignorance kills me. I wish you lived closer to me bro. I'd see how much of that you said to me in person. Get a life and pop your internet muscles
Wow this was the most ignorant comment yet. It saddens me to know that there are such ignorant 240sx owners out there. Never said i counted, but i have avoided many many accidents from stupid people, deer, etc. Talked about 5 years here, not 1 month. Compulsive liar? You really are ignorant, i have been nothing but honest here and thats why i'm being bashed so much. It was 3am and no one was awake. My girlfriends scumbag family was freaking out and wouldn't let her help me (not her parents). Sorry bro no trailer park here.....Should really think more before you say such ignorant things, its really ashame........So far from everything i have read on these forums, there are some extremely ignorant 240sx owners. Westborough is the epitomy of them.
I can take shit like what mike said, and what mrmeph said, etc. It's the truth. But man the ignorance kills me. I wish you lived closer to me bro. I'd see how much of that you said to me in person. Get a life and pop your internet muscles
WIN!! he hates me the most
08-13-2004, 02:37 PM
it seems like you guys really do try to see who can be hated most all over the place................
08-13-2004, 03:58 PM
just to prove mine, and salty's point.......
08-13-2004, 04:08 PM
man the ignorance kills me.
Actually your wrong. You are DAMN lucky that your ignorance didn't kill you or anybody else when it killed your 240sx.
So far from everything i have read on these forums, there are some extremely ignorant 240sx owners.
Like ones who go 80mph while intoxicated at 3am on a road they obviously donot know very well?
It saddens me to know that there are such ignorant 240sx owners out there.
How many 240sx's has westborough killed going 80mph into a guard rail b/c he was being a dumbass? Hmm?
Let me remind you that YOU are the dumbfuck who can't drive with the ruined 240,not me,or westborough.
08-13-2004, 04:33 PM
just to prove mine, and salty's point.......
Hey this thread is quite an acomplishment for you,isn't it? You prove a point,and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt you are the one of the biggest dolts to ever drive an S13.
What did you expect to come from this thread? You tell us you are drinking and coming home at 3am driving 80mph on backroads that you are not familar with? To no ones surpise you wrecked the car you were driving. Smooth move santana. Then when people tell you like it is,you try to defend yourself.
1. You still wrecked your car for no reason (100% avoidable)
2. You ruined a car we obviously all love.
3. We told you that you need to shape up and you defend yourself as if you did nothing wrong?
08-13-2004, 04:36 PM
WIN!! he hates me the most
Damn I thought I had it locked down. :mepoke:
I can't beleive this thread is still thriving. Delusioned One, what you did was dumb, even you have agreed to that, so stop trying to defend yourself and just accept it. The more you respond and talk trash, the more ammo you give us. Every time you attempt to "justify" yourself, or point out "how harsh" we are, the more you just piss people off and make them want to flame you more. If you need the attention, then feel free to keep trying. However if you just accept you were wrong and vow not to be a dipshit in the future, I'm sure we Asshole Zilvians will let you be. :angel: :fawk2:
Mr. Badlose
08-13-2004, 04:52 PM
Well said. Comparing a crash to you drinking, driving emotionally on a road you don't know, with a SPARE just ridiculous. You can't claim to be a good driver and forget you have a spare on. I consider myself a low-grade crappy driver, but even I'd be able to tell my wheels weren't right. Give it up. Let's just end it now and be happy go lucky! YAY!
08-13-2004, 04:54 PM
the guy with with the gts admitted he was at fault, admitted he was being dumb, was not drunk, was driving on a what seems to be a familiar road to him, was not driving on a doughnut. i still dont consider his actions exactly the brightest still but the situation being discussed here are slightly different.....
08-13-2004, 04:55 PM
ssshiiiiiiii........ to bad you don't live by me. You could bring that car by the shop and I'd take care of that rust. I'd grind it down and weld that bitch up!!!! lol. Glad you are ok....
08-13-2004, 05:05 PM
Damn I thought I had it locked down. :mepoke:
I can't beleive this thread is still thriving. Delusioned One, what you did was dumb, even you have agreed to that, so stop trying to defend yourself and just accept it. The more you respond and talk trash, the more ammo you give us. Every time you attempt to "justify" yourself, or point out "how harsh" we are, the more you just piss people off and make them want to flame you more. If you need the attention, then feel free to keep trying. However if you just accept you were wrong and vow not to be a dipshit in the future, I'm sure we Asshole Zilvians will let you be. :angel: :fawk2:
3. We told you that you need to shape up and you defend yourself as if you did nothing wrong?
Im not defending what i did.....I never even said i didnt do anything wrong. I have stated numerous times how stupid it was. Thats not what im defending. I'm merely defending myself against the "flames"
Many people in this thread have said how stupid it was/i am and did i say anything to them? Any human being would defend itself against some of the comments made. I accept that i was wrong, and what i did was wrong. It was a one time thing and will never in my lifetime, ever happen again. Just goes to show that a 1 time thing can go horribly wrong, even if it was the first time it had ever been done.
I apologize if i offended anyone, but don't blame me for getting defensive when people are offending me. (not all, just the un-needed obnoxious comments)
Done and done....
On a sidenote i just came back inside, pulled the fender wall and there is no rust inside the fender under the strut tower....i believe its actually 2 seperate pieces, and there is no way to see past the piece that is viewable inside the fender. I tried removing the fender but to no avail. Guess i'd just hafta sand down the rust from the top and see how deep it goes? Or what? Never hadta deal with rust, so i don't have much knowledge as how to fix it.
Also pulled out the dent in the rear, and made the trunks line up perfectly. Didn't even need a slidehammer, just my hands and some careful pulling. Now i needta get down to my car and get my tail lights and that lower bezel, then i can make the finishing touches to the pull. Sunday a body guy i worked with is taking the car to his shop in jersey to pull the rad support for me. After the rad support is pulled i can put in the new rad, battery, and accessory fan. Then i can diagnose the motor a little more and hope it gets me throgh atleast a month of driving to work while i replace my timing chain etc. on my good motor.
Any ideas or help on the rust issue since its my main concern atm is greatly appreciated...
I wont hate any of you after this thread.....just prolly changin my name, lol. Deluzions was a joke of a name since i couldn't get the name i wanted. Didn't wunna be another fanboy with a name like S13lover or whatever
08-13-2004, 05:09 PM
the guy with with the gts admitted he was at fault, admitted he was being dumb, was not drunk, was driving on a what seems to be a familiar road to him, was not driving on a doughnut. i still dont consider his actions exactly the brightest still but the situation being discussed here are slightly different.....
woot im not comparing the situation at all..... salty said i shoulda just said i did it drifting and not said anything about any of the other circumstances and things woulda been cool...that was my point... And i admit it was my fault (although the road conditions are rough....would sue the township if the situation wasn't how it was), and i was being dumb...nuff said.
You would just grind it down then put a spot weld on the seam? Thats all?
08-13-2004, 05:29 PM
this is great, i'm enjoying these types of thread since i'm bored at work,
hold on while i get my popcorn...
carry on...
FastBack 240
08-13-2004, 05:30 PM
WTF am I lost here? Driving down a road that you really have no clue about (wait you drive it all the time yet don't know where the stop sign is) and are so called *intoxicated* with a donut on the front going 80mph. Sounds like a death wish to me. Your car is not fast. We all know this. I guess I just dont get he reasoning behind this post or this retarted person. Try not to kill anyone or anything next time you make your lousy delusional decisions. :fawk2:
:goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou:
08-13-2004, 05:55 PM
WTF am I lost here? Driving down a road that you really have no clue about (wait you drive it all the time yet don't know where the stop sign is) and are so called *intoxicated* with a donut on the front going 80mph. Sounds like a death wish to me. Your car is not fast. We all know this. I guess I just dont get he reasoning behind this post or this retarted person. Try not to kill anyone or anything next time you make your lousy delusional decisions. :fawk2:
:goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou: :goyou:
No i never said i drive it all the time, i have driven it but thought the stop sign was atleast a 1/4 mile farther. You don't know the whole story since i removed the link to it...
We all agreed a couple posts above to let it be..... now stfu im not repeating myself to you. The answers to your questions are all in the thread. Maybe you should learn how to read before flaming anyone
I will outdrive you on my worst day bro.
08-13-2004, 06:11 PM
you should sue the city though, not for rembursment for your accident but simply to correct the intersection.
08-13-2004, 06:15 PM
you should sue the city though, not for rembursment for your accident but simply to correct the intersection.
Not a bad point. After the officer told me on the phone what to do and what he was going to do, i told him he really needs to go checkout the intersection, and have something done about it. He acted as if he really didnt care and hung up.......
08-13-2004, 06:23 PM
In your situation, a petition might be better then a lawsuit. If you file a suit, they will want to know facts like: Speed you were traveling, condition of your vehicle, your physical condition/impaiment. Not saying there is nothing wrong with the intersection, because there is, but a lawsuit would just be asking for trouble IMHO.
If nothing else, I would personally go out and trim some bushes and maybe slap some reflective tape on that guard rail, but that's just me.
FastBack 240
08-13-2004, 08:44 PM
No i never said i drive it all the time, i have driven it but thought the stop sign was atleast a 1/4 mile farther. You don't know the whole story since i removed the link to it...
We all agreed a couple posts above to let it be..... now stfu im not repeating myself to you. The answers to your questions are all in the thread. Maybe you should learn how to read before flaming anyone
But your still retarted like previously stated. Just glad you wern't as beat up as the ride.
08-13-2004, 09:56 PM
But your still retarted like previously stated. Just glad you wern't as beat up as the ride.
By law you have to be able to see a stop sign from so many feet away,IIRC the higher the speed limit the further away you have to know about it. Hence the signs that warn you there is a stop sign ahead?Find out what kinda laws/regulations your area has about that. They might just say your right and trim that bush/tree thing in the way.But its worth a shot,if nothing else to prevent people from going through the same mess you did; complete fuckedup situation using dumbass logic (I'm not trying to piss you off,I am just saying regardless,it could happen again with somebody else.) and 100% your fault or not.
08-13-2004, 10:03 PM
By law you have to be able to see a stop sign from so many feet away,IIRC the higher the speed limit the further away you have to know about it. Hence the signs that warn you there is a stop sign ahead?Find out what kinda laws/regulations your area has about that. They might just say your right and trim that bush/tree thing in the way.But its worth a shot,if nothing else to prevent people from going through the same mess you did; complete fuckedup situation using dumbass logic (I'm not trying to piss you off,I am just saying regardless,it could happen again with somebody else.) and 100% your fault or not.
Ok here are the details of the road....
Well those pictures were taken at noon, so you should be able to imagine what its like at night time.
There is NO speed limit posted anywhere on the road. Judging by the road it should be 25 or maximum of 35. There is no warning of a stop sign, or even a dead end that you have to make a left or right at. Then the road that crosses has a hump in it, so the guard rail is only visible when your at the stop sign. At night time the guard rail is completely invisible due to no signs on it, or reflective anything.
I posted previously my older sister, and 1 of my good friends both went there at night time, WITH all my warnings of the road. They were both doing 25 or under and both almost blew the stop sign completely, and even had a hard time stopping just to abide the stop sign. My friend actually never even saw the stop sign, and only even knew the road ended there by a big truck flying by towing a 25+ foot boat. He thought the truck was driving on the grass or something (may be a joke, ya know). I will probably go to the township with the pictures i have of it and see what they say. If they refuse to do anything then i'll look further into it.
But with the entire situation how it is, and how i didn't get in any trouble at all for it. I think its best that i walk away quietly without any type of lawsuit.
Hell i even told the story and location to some guys at my old body shop where my cars at....and they knew of the situation on the road as soon as i told them the street names of the intersection.
08-14-2004, 01:36 PM
Lawsuits take up alot of time and/or money. You don't want to deal with that;I'm glad to see you taking some action about that road though. It sounds VERY dangerous.
Good luck on the coupe
08-14-2004, 02:46 PM
hey buddy, you were screwed from they get go. i don't drive drunk, ya know why? cause when i'm drunk i'd much rather be at a dying party than be dying in a ditch somewhere. BUT more importantly, i'd rather not drive drunk than spend thousands of dollars that could go to making my car BETTER on making it FIXED. that's where you screwed up first.
secondly, if you were flying on a road that you find unfamiliar you ARE AND IDIOT. you want me to skywrite it for ya? putting your car's life and anyone elses in danger is not acceptable by any means. if you want sympathy try or something cause we got a low supply of that 'round these parts.
p.s. you don't deserve the good fortune you've been blessed with.
08-14-2004, 05:16 PM
Ok bro can you not read? Not looking for sympathy from anyone, especially a texan dick like yourself..
Know what they say about texas....
Steers and queers
08-14-2004, 05:43 PM
Know what they say about texas....
Steers and queers
oh hell man, you got me there. man, such an original slam too... genius. if you were MORE of a genius i don't think this forum could stand the amount of bandwidth required to keep your mind entertained. i mean, seriously, how do you stand being so unique and intelligent between jacking off to internet porn and slamming your car headfirst into a guard rail? i mean, its just nice to see you squeeze in sometime for us cause i'd hate to go a day without such insight as yours keeping this world form unraveling like the big ball of yarn it is.
so if you weren't seeking sympathy what were you doing? bragging? in that case, you're just as stupid and i wish that gaurdrail had shredded you like it did the poor S13 you used to pilot.
yeah, i'm an Ahole, especially to simpleton third grade dropout wankers, like yourself. you're smokin crack if you thought that crap would slide.
08-14-2004, 11:40 PM
guardrail slut..
blah.. it's only a cancer ridden s13 with an auto tranny..
08-14-2004, 11:50 PM
someone needs to chill the FUCK out.
08-15-2004, 12:20 AM
ok lets see.... Cancer ridden? There is 1 spot on the entire car and its surface. Will be ground down and spot welded then painted. BIG DEAL..
Auto tranny? once again big fucking deal, i have my 120k motor and 5 speed tranny with every part i need on my 91' coupe. Jealous?
I have chilled out stang, and everyone in the thread agreed to chill out about it and stop. Till these guys come in the thread and start back up again like some children.
Zilvia is an excellent resource to the scene, sucks theres so many immature cock lovers on the site that shamefully own the same car. Most of which are just bandwagon jumpers after Import Tuner started putting 240's in their mag. They went from "Honda's rule!" to "I wunna be cool and drive a 240 too!"
08-15-2004, 12:24 AM
and you say everyone else is being immature?.....
08-15-2004, 08:23 AM
Till these guys come in the thread and start back up again like some children.
Zilvia is an excellent resource to the scene, sucks theres so many immature cock lovers on the site that shamefully own the same car. Most of which are just bandwagon jumpers after Import Tuner started putting 240's in their mag. They went from "Honda's rule!" to "I wunna be cool and drive a 240 too!"
look, cunt, if you are implying that i'm some ex-honda loving turbo mag fanatic it only shows how incredibly naive you really are. try checking out my sig. i've done more work to my car in the three months i've owned it than most people ever do (including you, bucko). oh yeah, lets not forget the reason this thread exists; you crashed your car into a gaurdrail cause you were drunk and have the mental capacity of the average housefly.
08-15-2004, 08:55 AM
did everyone make sure to give him shit about the spare? WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU SPEED WITH A SPARE WHEEL ON?! holy shit, do you have "fucking retarded" stamped on your forehead.
08-15-2004, 09:08 AM
my e-penis is larger than everyone's.
enough bickering.
FastBack 240
08-15-2004, 09:24 PM
did everyone make sure to give him shit about the spare? WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU SPEED WITH A SPARE WHEEL ON?! holy shit, do you have "fucking retarded" stamped on your forehead.
Because its fast yo. And he was drunk and its was a tyte road. :goyou:
08-15-2004, 09:26 PM
I used to drive like hell on my spare in the mustang, I had that thing on for months goin 70 on the highway and shit, wore the thing down quick but thats about it
08-16-2004, 01:14 AM
:O you truly are a sick bastard sir....
08-16-2004, 07:52 PM
how could you stand to drive on a donut for more than short distances? i enjoy driving far so much i WILL have a REAL spare in my car. i've even stocked spare tires before just cause in my podunk town none of the tire shops carry the stuff i like.
08-16-2004, 10:22 PM
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you.............
08-17-2004, 04:21 AM
So i turn off the main cop infested road to a side road that would take me a back, wooded way with no cops. Im flying down this little side road....I saw a set of turns coming up so i stomped on the throttle, I fly around the turn getting up to 80 mph....... first picture.....
These were just takin this morning when i found a ride down there...
Do you see a stop sign? Or a dead end??
Still see a stop sign yet? or a dead end if that car wasnt turning.....
Oh theres that stop sign!! and the guard rail! look how much time you have to react.......
There is no kind of warning anywhere before of a stop sign or a dead end where you hafta go left or right.... At night time the stop sign is not visible until the last second, and the guard rail HAS NOTHING ON IT. the guard rail is COMPLETELY invisible at night.
see my tire marks? see the broken section?
So at the last second i saw the sign, keep in mind i have a little donut from a blowout earlier on my front drivers side. I hit the brakes and they immediately locked up. i slide straight through the intersection smashing into the guard rail.
Ya know...your local public works/street maintenance is responsible for making sure that dead-end intersections should be clearly marked and all shrubbery cleared away from posted stop signs. There should also be some sort of marking on the street indicating a stop sign or an intersection. Seeing the tree in the middle of the road as you approach the intersection should be a clue, however late at night....I doubt even sober it would be hard to see. Judging from your pictures it looks like the road banks to the right as you approach that intersection. But it doesn' you learned the just ends!!
You might want to contact an attorney & see if you have a claim against the city or county for your little incident. I'm sure you weren't the first or won't be the last person who's had a little run in at that intersection.
Judging from your photos, it looks as though the city/county has a liability issue on their hands. If you don't file a claim, then at least let the city/county know so that the city/county can clean up the foilage around the stop sign & put some sort of yellow warning sign, (something that says stop ahead), along with marking the guardrail a bit clearer so that someone else doesn't suffer the same fate as you. But then again, that guardrail may NOT be city/county property...but a safety fence installed by the property owner due to previous incidents....???...
As for your drinking & driving story....well...lets just not go there...
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