View Full Version : Replaced maf, but still runs like shit, code 12.

04-28-2015, 05:58 PM
Hello all, I have a supercharged KA running a z32 MAF, its throwing a code 12. I replaced the MAF, but it is running exactly the same. The idle gets terrible when I plug it in, I have to accelerate extremely slow and shift around 2.3k. Any ideas what else it could be?

04-28-2015, 06:16 PM
Is it wired properly? Same thing happened to me ... I had it wired wrong. Can you rev in N over 2500 RPM ?

04-28-2015, 06:18 PM
It has been wired up the same for probably 3 years which is the kicker. I have not tried to rev it up since it started acting goofy, I will give that a go tomorrow.

04-28-2015, 06:33 PM
Is your ecu tuned for the Z32 maf? What happens if you unplug the maf while the car is on?

04-28-2015, 06:46 PM
Yeah, it is, car was built and tuned 3 years ago, just started having issues the other day. When I unplug the maf the idle jumps a bit high, but stays steady, when I plug the MAF if it drops down but surges. Both MAFs do this. Bought a used one (he says it was known good, just taking his word on it though), but it does the same thing. So guessing it may not be the MAF? I cleaned the one I had on there, and it was new when the build was done, so only 3 years old, might be wiring I guess? The whole harness was reloomed and all connections redone at the time as well.

04-28-2015, 09:18 PM
What are you using to tune? Just tuned ECU? Check for burnt contacts on ECU, and if you're using something like a SAFC make sure it's set up for the Z32 MAF. Boost leaks?

04-30-2015, 03:57 PM
Its an ECU tune, no safc, and its supercharged using an m62 bolted directly to the intake. I will try and check for any leaks, but last time I checked I didn't see any. My GF was in the hospital last night so I didnt get a chance to check yesterday, I will check a few things this weekend and see what happens.