View Full Version : 88 Rotors

03-20-2015, 11:53 PM
Was less than pleased with my first experience with 88 Rotors. The rotors I wanted were out of stock when I called in on a Thursday was told they'd be there the upcoming Tuesday.

Tuesday comes around and I call to double check everything came in and I was told they get there at the end of the day so Wednesday I can get them. So I call in again and I'm told the rotors will be in Friday. At this point I'm a bit annoyed but I understand these things happen. I call in Friday and I'm told they'll be in at the end of the day (sounds familiar) and I can get them tomorrow.

I ask them a few times to make sure the rotors will be there as I'm going to head out around 8:00 so I could get there at 10:00 am when they open and they assured me they will. So I head out the next day, skeptical about what to expect. They had some nice cars and a cool shop but they seemed unsure of the part numbers. I waited for them to bring me the correct rotors. Paid for it, thanked them thinking that was that.

Fast forward three days, I finished tediously taping off my rotor faces and spraying the mounting hub with black caliper paint, installed my whole brake upgrade, got my tires switched over to my 5 lug rims only to find out that the rotors they sold me have next to no clearance with the caliper, I couldn't reinstall one of my OEM shims because it would rub. And what's more is both sides are locked up because I believe the edges of the rotor stick out too far due to hasty machining.

I know for a fact something is not right with these rotors I just haven't had time to examine it more thoroughly. I'm probably going to have to grind off a bit of my caliper to create more clearance. Im definitely not about to be giving them my business again anytime soon, I shoulve just gone to auto zone for some generic blanks when 4 days turned into 9, lesson learned I guess.

I saw one or two odd bad reviews for this place but thought I'd give them a try because they've been around Zilvia for a while but I feel like I've been cheated out of my money and had my time wasted. I even asked about getting OEM style blanks but the sales rep assured me they had really great, quality rotors and that it would take longer because they have to ship the blanks in.

Next time I'll just go with eBay/PepBoy rotors. Its just extremely frustrating that I have to leave my daily on stands until I can afford new rotors or figure out how to grind some of my caliper off to make clearance. It may not be to some, but $150 is a solid chunk of money for others.

03-21-2015, 12:56 PM
I usually have good experiences with 88. My sales rep of choice is Soloman. If you do have an issue, try to talk it out with them first. What if you ended up dealing with a new worker or they were sent the wrong part etc.

Try speaking to a manager and talk about it to them. Its inconvenient that something bad happened, but its always best to just talk it out. I know every business makes simple mistakes, but its the managers goals to limit them to the smallest degree possible.

03-22-2015, 01:34 AM
In regards to speaking with a new worker, I probably called in a total of 8+ times prior to actually getting my rotors initially. After the first few times, I started telling them I had called in previously about the rotors and was forwarded to another representative, who I'm assuming was the manager, every time. I would then explain my situation again and was essentially assured that the rotors were "almost there" every time I called in. It seems to me as if I was just being roped along to keep waiting for their rotors and then when I was finally able to go in and get them they had no idea which rotors were which. They didn't ask if I needed non-ABS/ABS rotors when I asked for the fronts and rears on the phone a handful of times, as well as in person when it really mattered. I had to tell them to make sure they're non-ABS rotors when they got up to start looking, the guy sort of grunted at me and nodded as he walked off. Which he did not.

I will say this, when I called in today and spoke with Solomon he was polite and acknowledged the problem, I came in and he helped me exchange the proper rotors.

Still, I'm not going to get back the 8 hours and wasted gas I've spent going out there three times. Nor the money I spent paying my mechanic to come out and tell me why my brakes kept locking up when the rotors were bolted up because I thought it was my own fault. I guess I should have just assumed they were the wrong ones from the start since I've changed OE rotors before with no problem.

What ended up happening was their shipment of rotors (from the 88 Rotors processing facility in Orange County, I'm assuming) had been delayed from the original Tuesday date until Friday evening, past their business hours. When I went in to buy the rotors on Saturday they had a few people sitting in the shop. I saw three employees up front who were running back and forth between the phones and orders.

They found the rear rotors within 5 minutes of me asking, the part number was there which I looked up while I was waiting for the fronts, everything matched up, no problem.
They were having trouble finding the fronts and I could hear them questioning each other about the part number at their desks. I was brought up a pair of rotors with no part number on the box which left me feeling skeptical. I asked if they were the 5 lug, non-ABS model to double check as I did every time I called in. Was told they were, paid and left.

You can imagine my frustration when I found out that I was given ABS rotors after asking if they were non-ABS so many times and waiting 9 days instead of the original 4 I was told. I understand shipment delays but I don't understand when you produce your own rotors an hour away from where you're located, how it takes 9 days to get your rotors in instead of 4?

Better yet why did it keep getting pushed back in 1-2 day intervals over the phone? Why aren't the employees trained to take out a measuring tape and double check rotor specifications if they are unsure of a part due to it lacking a visible part number? I also noticed they don't seem to have any sort of log/book with rotor dimensions for different vehicle models should they actually decide to train their employees to do this.

I've been fortunate enough to have not ever had anywhere near this much difficulty buying rotors, or really any part for that matter, up until now. So I don't think I'm out of line by saying you really need to step up your game 88 Rotors. I don't know if I'll be returning as of right now. This whole incident resulted in my car being on stands for three days of the week, I had to walk & bum rides off people to work and school, which I really hate. Luckily I had a friend who was willing to let me borrow their Tacoma and make the trip out there again today to make the exchange. I very easily could have been shit out of luck for another week or two because of poor organization / improper sales technique.

They have a cool shop, nice people, and from what I can see they will fix their mistakes. I just prefer not to deal with these mistakes in the first place, which is why I called in so many times and ALWAYS asked them if they were non-ABS, 5 lug rotors even when they repeated it to me. Guess I'm psychic cause I could tell I was going to get the wrong parts before I even bought them lol, I just didn't think I had to take my rotor off and bring it with me to match them up. I assumed their inventory was recorded better than that.

03-23-2015, 04:20 PM
What happened to Travis at 88 Rotors; i realized a year after buying my rotors while they were on a heavy discount i was sent the wrong size, A WHOLE YEAR. And he no questions asked offered a return
This was probably late 2012 2013

03-23-2015, 04:37 PM
What happened to Travis at 88 Rotors; i realized a year after buying my rotors while they were on a heavy discount i was sent the wrong size, A WHOLE YEAR. And he no questions asked offered a return
This was probably late 2012 2013

Returning them was no problem, I called in until they answered and explained my situation and Solomon said I can come in an exchange them.

What I don't understand why do the wrong sizes keep getting sent out? They should come up with a more efficient way of keeping tabs on which rotor is which.

I spent 8 hours total between 3 round trips out there when I could've headed to Pep-Boys, 10 minutes away from my house, and got a full set of blanks for $80-100 and it probably would've been correct the first time as my local store is pretty good about pulling up the correct part. Would've saved me time, and gas/mechanic money.

I don't think customers should be inconvenienced so heavily for some brake rotors because of a store's repeated mistakes. I was taught to learn and adapt from your mistakes, don't just keep repeating them. 88 Rotors should give that a shot

03-23-2015, 04:38 PM
Honestly, it's equally the car owner or mechanics responsibility to make sure you are installing the right part on your car, as much as it is the person selling you the part. I mean you could have taken one of your old rotors with you to compare the sizes, or compared them before you installed them on your car and tried to drive it. Mistakes happen.

03-23-2015, 04:47 PM
Honestly, it's equally the car owner or mechanics responsibility to make sure you are installing the right part on your car, as much as it is the person selling you the part. I mean you could have taken one of your old rotors with you to compare the sizes, or compared them before you installed them on your car and tried to drive it. Mistakes happen.

I figured they knew which rotors were which since they produce them themselves and saw so many positive reviews about them. My car is my daily so I drove it out there to get it, I didn't have the option of taking my wheels off there and matching them up.

I did bring the rotors with me on my third trip out there to exchange the rotors. And if I ever decide to go back I'll be taking measurements myself or bringing a rotor once again.

I'm just letting people know that apparently it's a recurring problem for them to give out and send people the wrong rotors, although they own up to their mistakes and replace them, I'm hoping they see this and improve their system. Not trying to bash their business just provide some constructive criticism.