View Full Version : fyi about me! [prolly getting closed/moved to OT]

07-24-2004, 08:14 PM
ive been out of town for weeks, when i post a msg on here, or you speak to me on here, or on the jdmheaven email/im/pm...it is normally one of my employees and/or friends.

i stand behind anything they state on here for sale for whatever price, because normally i tell them what to post :)

however, an individual no longer in my employeement nor my life as a former friend, made a few bad deals and dicked some people over. i will not point fingers at anyone but myself for being so trusting.

as for the s14 seats that havent been sent or refund issued, you can rest assured, the moment i step foot into the warehouse tuesday they will be sent out.

as for the g/b's i have posted here and other areas, these are straight from my mouth and i stand behind them 110%. i am not in the business of screwing anyone out of anything. we all were the little guy at some point or another, and just because i may not be in some senses, doesnt give me a single right not to treat all potential customers the same. the right way.

im was sure, since i went out of my way to help a friend out with a job, he wouldve done his best for me, but thats not the case at all.

beyond ALL the messed up dealings ive seen via pm on a few forums, im sick to my stomach.

thats pretty much all i got right now, til i press charges on this knucklehead =/

Campione, you will have your seats asap. zilvia friends who stuck up for us, you wont be forgotten. and the rest of ya, if ya got a bad image of me, i can promise with the things we have planned, we can hopefully help change your mind :)

07-24-2004, 09:13 PM
this doesn't belong in chat.

(and since you seem to know it doesn't belong and will get locked/moved, then why do it? that's disrespectful.)

07-24-2004, 09:32 PM
it was meant as no disrespect, just wanted it to be in an area where everyone could see it...

im all for you moving it to off topic