View Full Version : CZ Wheels. Thumbs Down.

12-12-2014, 11:07 PM
CZ Wheels = NO

On 5/15/14 i sent messages back & forth with CZ wheels on Facebook. I told them i was looking for a set of Blitz 03 to build. They had sourced a set with polished faces from up garage they said $1,800 and to custom rebuild them another $1,600… so $3,400. I tried to haggle with them a little bit asked if they could do $3k, they declined. I asked if they could do $3,200. They declined. They said "Sorry bro, pricing is set. If you decide to go through with the build the final result would be awesome. Maybe I can even hook you up with a set of our new lugs. Shipping is $120" The best they could do is $3,400 + 2.3% paypal fee's. I said fine. I also decided to have them do my hardware gold. Additional $110. on 5/16/14 i sent them $3,591.00. They told me it would take 6-8 weeks.

15 days later 5/31 i messaged them asking how it was going.

"It's coming along. We have them apart. Getting the lip orders in this week and will be waiting on the parts.

13 days after that 6/13 i asked again, CZ Wheels:

"Just waiting on the parts bro"

12 days later 6/26 i asked again. [6 weeks in at this point] CZ Wheels:

"Same old. Did the hardware up for you. Still waiting on the parts. Factory said 3-4 more weeks.

15 days later 7/11 i asked again. [8 weeks since purchase] CZ Wheels:

"The lips are completed. Hardware is completed. All were waiting on is the inner barrels. You sure you don't want me to refinish the faces for you? They're the SBC/polish finish that came factory. They're in good condition but not perfect. Hoping for barrels within 2 weeks"

So now I'm like wtf? "SBC"/Polished finish?? SBC & Polished is not the same thing, and i didn't want Special black chrome…

7/12 i responded:

"I was assuming theyre in good condition and you would just go over them real quick and thats all thats necessary. What do you mean by "good" condition"

No response.

7/19 8 days later i messaged them again "?"

No Response.

7/22 3 days later i emailed them.

"Hello this is John i ordered the blitz 03 wheels, you asked me on facebook about a week ago if i wanted the faces refinished because they are not perfect. can you show me pictures of the faces?"

7/23 the next day i got a response. CZ Wheels:

"Hey John
Sure I’ll shoot some pics over tomorrow. They’re really not bad. Some people can just be anal bout stuff.
I’ll shoot the pictures over tomorrow.

7/25 2 days later i emailed them after not getting any picture.
[10 weeks since purchase]

"Sooo how about those pictures.. Did the inner barrels come in yet??"

No response.

7/31 6 days later i email again.

"Can i please get an update on the wheels, tomorrow is going to make 11 weeks since ive ordered.. & those pictures of the faces you said you would send me a week ago? Thank you."

8/1 next day i finally get a response. CZ Wheels:

Sorry for delay we’ve been moving our shop the past week and a half and trying to keep up with work.
I will receive update on your parts this week. I don’t imagine too much longer for the inner barrels.
Here’s the picture I owe you of the faces.

[Mind you the 8 days they didn't respond they were uploading wheels for sale on there Facebook and instagram daily]

http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h321/RPS13-NY/B80EC45F-1C83-4FD8-BC13-40A9AC678924_zpsqphsijxf.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/RPS13-NY/media/B80EC45F-1C83-4FD8-BC13-40A9AC678924_zpsqphsijxf.jpg.html)

In that picture the faces didn't look so bad so i said whatever.

8/3 i respond:

"The faces don't seem to be too bad do you guys shine them up at all/go over them a bit or u just bolt them on the barrels and ship em out?? & pleaseeee try and put a rush on it."

8/7 4 days later. Now almost 12 weeks since purchase, they respond:

Still waiting on the barrels. The factory says they have 5” inner barrels in stock if you’re able to go a half inch wider on the inside all around. It will make the wheel .5” wider and make the offset 6.5mm’s less aggressive than original. Same sizing just half inch wider on inside.
Let me know"

[ignored my question about the faces.]

8/7 my response:

"No, i want what i paid three thousand six hundred dollars for 12 weeks ago... I don't understand why it takes so long. The factory doesn't have the barrels i need in stock? Doesn't a factory produce barrels? Why does it take so long? I sent your quoted $3,600.00 trusting you guys are a legitimate company and i would receive my wheels in the 6-8 weeks you told me and all i get is false ETA after false ETA for these inner barrels."

8/7 CZ Wheels:

" John
Parts get made in batches through the machines. Standard part sizes stop at a 5” inner barrel and a 6” outer lip. Anything less for inner barrel / bigger for outer lip is considered highly custom order because people don’t generally order those parts, thus the batches get made less often. 4.5” barrels are almost never sought after due to making sizes negative, usually. Awaiting an accurate quote from the factory"

[Why wouldn't they tell me this from the beginning??]

8/18 11 days later i email them.

"Did the factory give you a quote yet?"

8/18 [little over 13 weeks since purchase] CZ Wheels:

"Yes inner barrels should be in late this week."

8/25 i email again.

"Did the inner barrels arrive?"

8/27 2 days later CZ Wheels:

"Yes everything is in machine shop getting fit properly. I will update you when complete, get the wheels together and ship once completed."

9/2 6 days later after not getting any update that they were completed i email.

"How long will it take i need the wheels before the 24th"
[now that i missed the entire season without my new wheels i wanted to at least have them for H20i the last event of the year]

9/3 CZ Wheels:

"They will be there right before then.
Easton" [Hint: This turns out to be a lie.]

9/19 17 days later!!! [18 weeks since purchase!!!]
CZ Wheels:

"Wheels getting assembled this weekend to ship out Monday.
Get you pictures upon completion
Thanks for your patience

9/19 i respond:

"Express mail them please!!! I need them wednesday the latest for h2oi weekend!!! Very much looking forward to pictures also!"

[i was very patient with them the entire time i was hoping maybe they could express them to me or SOMETHING so i could get them before the 24th, But nope…]

9/19 CZ Wheels responds:

"Expressing shipping on rims is $1200. That's next day. Two days is a little less than half that. We will be shipping them ground"

9/19 i respond.

"How long does ground take to ny? that sucks if i waited 18 weeks missing the whole season not even catch the last event of the year with these wheels."

9/20 CZ Wheels:

"Around 3-4 days.

[Ignoring my statement about being upset with the wait]

9/22 CZ Wheels:

"They're awaiting pickup from fedex now.
Here's your pic

http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h321/RPS13-NY/F518DA45-F741-4572-B055-9D3062BF34FA_zpswxe6bdy3.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/RPS13-NY/media/F518DA45-F741-4572-B055-9D3062BF34FA_zpswxe6bdy3.jpg.html)

The wheels arrived the 26th. The day after i left NY for Maryland..
[19 weeks since purchase.]

So after i come home from Maryland, i open up the boxes. The faces have some nicks in them nothing crazy although after paying $3,600 i think they should have gone over or something but whatever. December comes and i decided since they've already made me miss the whole season i might as well refinish the faces over the winter.

As if the transaction with CZ Wheels wasn't bad enough it gets WORSE.

Upon taking out the wheels and looking at the inner barrel to begin disassembling them, all the nuts were the original nuts from the wheels original hardware. Surface rust on all of them. I start taking apart the bolts and I'm seeing 1st of all the bolts are not what i was expecting. I wanted a chrome gold finish on them and they're transparent gold IF ANYTHING. I can barely even tell if theres any gold on there. So i start taking apart the hardware and I'm seeing the bolts are all different lengths!! The bolts were original too and upon removing them when they disassembled the wheels they apparently snapped many of the bolts. Many of them were just barely long enough for the nut to thread on. But then it got even better. 2 of the bolts were not even long enough to put a nut on the other side and they just left the bolts like that!

Here is a picture to show all the nuts with surface rust, you can zoom in and see many of the bolts especially on the top are different lengths, you can also see the bottom right corner of the picture you can see the 2 bolts without any nut on the other side. Here is a closer picture of the 2 bolts with no nuts.

http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h321/RPS13-NY/2014-05/CAD5D220-C974-4194-AAB6-91AD9BD7EE2D_zpsz7nj9o0i.jpg (http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/RPS13-NY/media/2014-05/CAD5D220-C974-4194-AAB6-91AD9BD7EE2D_zpsz7nj9o0i.jpg.html)

So i emailed CZ Wheels immediately after seeing this 8/3 :

"Hey, just want to let you guys know im pretty dissapointed in my blitz 03's i purchased and had rebuilt by you guys. All the nuts on the hardware are rusty. You reused the old nuts?? And some of the bolts are shorter than the rest.. Some not even long enough to put a nut on and you just left them like that...... Im guessing you reused the original hardware, some bolts snapping on removal and you just stuck them back. Pretty messed up thats the quality you provide. After i waited 19 weeks for these wheels and paying you $3,600 this is what i get.. <image.jpeg>
<image.jpeg>" [showing them the pictures i posted above]

8/4 CZ Wheels:

We had to reuse hardware on these. We normally will swap bolts if they’re that rusty but those bolts are M5 bolts which we are not able to get. It’s the first set of wheels in 4 years I’ve seen with bolts like that. Our supplier nor do other companies sell this sizing bolt. Now if one of my employee snapped a bolt and it’s sitting there, that would be an issue and I’d have to weigh out our options of having that hardware made for replacements."

[The bolts are actually M6]

8/4 the same day i respond:

Well they snapped 2 bolts to the point a nut doesn't even fit on the other side & theres about 20 other bolts that are barely long enough to just fit the nut on there. I guess you weighed that out and decided to keep that hardware then. Really disappointing, if i knew this was the service i was going to get from you guys i would have just asked for the barrels & faces and got myself new hardware and not paid $3,600... Because now i took them all apart to refinish the faces and i have to pay for all new hardware now.

Today is 8/13. 9 Days since i sent that email and i have not nor do i expect an email back from them.
UPDATE 9/13/2015: CZ wheels never emailed me back.

Never once throughout my whole transaction did they offer me ANY compensation.
They never ended up sending me a free set of there lug nuts, no coupon for a future purchase, no money back, they couldn't ship the wheels to me faster, NOTHING.
So id say if you're looking for wheels definitely avoid CZ Wheels, Worst customer service i have ever experienced with quality to match.

12-13-2014, 02:23 AM
Shld have not trust a company that charges paypal fees.its different than an individual transaction. Buy paypal fees from a company?come on now....

12-13-2014, 04:07 AM
Man, you young un's nowadays spend so much money on used wheels. Nearly $4k on a used set of "custom" wheels that still look like shit. If I were spending as much as you, I'm expecting a fully polished, repaired(knick, scratch, dent, mark, etc), and brand new looking set of wheels. No less.

Good luck though, definitely sounds like a shitty place though.

12-13-2014, 08:37 AM
I was never to fond of CZ and IMO there prices are so high even for there used jdm sets

12-13-2014, 08:55 AM
Man, you young un's nowadays spend so much money on used wheels. Nearly $4k on a used set of "custom" wheels that still look like shit. If I were spending as much as you, I'm expecting a fully polished, repaired(knick, scratch, dent, mark, etc), and brand new looking set of wheels. No less.

Good luck though, definitely sounds like a shitty place though.

Thats what i was expecting too.. I had never bought genuine wheels before i didnt know as many wheel sellers as i do now.

I was never to fond of CZ and IMO there prices are so high even for there used jdm sets

Yeah i know now that theyre overpriced now. If i had to do it all over again i would have gone with VR wheels.

Wheel Lounge
12-24-2014, 11:56 AM
Damn! Sorry that happened to you, Can't stand people that treat their customers that way! :confused:

12-24-2014, 12:34 PM
My experience was terrible as well.

I purchased my wheels about a year ago from them.

Weds Kranze Bazerias.

They were supposed to be 18x10.5 -/+ 0, 18x13 -15.

Wheels took over 5 months to arrive.

When they did arrive, I received an 18x9.5 up front. He sent me the incorrect outter lips & inner barrels. Not only that, my wheels were in terrible condition. My "brand new" lips were full of dried up water and rust from the hardware which I paid for him to re-do and he didnt. He left my "refinished" wheels outside for a couple days apparently.

He took another month to get me my other set of outer lips and they were STILL wrong.

I would NEVER deal with him again.

12-24-2014, 12:50 PM
My experience was terrible as well.

I purchased my wheels about a year ago from them.

Weds Kranze Bazerias.

They were supposed to be 18x10.5 -/+ 0, 18x13 -15.

Wheels took over 5 months to arrive.

When they did arrive, I received an 18x9.5 up front. He sent me the incorrect outter lips & inner barrels. Not only that, my wheels were in terrible condition. My "brand new" lips were full of dried up water and rust from the hardware which I paid for him to re-do and he didnt. He left my "refinished" wheels outside for a couple days apparently.

He took another month to get me my other set of outer lips and they were STILL wrong.

I would NEVER deal with him again.

Wowwww thats crazy. I can't believe these people even have business. Thats probably why they only have a Facebook fan page and instagram. If they had so much as a business Facebook page there reviews would be full of negative feedback

12-24-2014, 12:50 PM
you could have bought a sick set of wheels for what you spent... man that experience sucks.

12-24-2014, 12:56 PM
you could have bought a sick set of wheels for what you spent... man that experience sucks.

its okay, Blitz 03 are one of my all time favorite wheels. After i replace the hardware and get the faces finished they'll be great.

Extreme Wheels
12-25-2014, 12:23 AM
We refinish about 60 wheels a month on avg. That quality of work is unacceptable, and something that would never leave here.

If there is anything we can do to help. Please feel free to call/pm us if so.