View Full Version : Why all the Apple HATE?

11-02-2014, 05:37 PM
Maybe this belongs in loud noise, but hopefully it doesn't.

Back Story : Feel Free to Skip

I've been recently looking to update my phone. I originally purchased a Note 2 at launch and it served me... well. I loved the huge size and once I rooted it and replaced the OS it was fantastic. The big set back was I had to replace it under warranty because the AUX jack stopped working. I latter replaced that one when the mic went out... and the third one, out of warranty also had the AUX jack and WiFi go out. Prior to the Note II I had a iPhone 4 and 3G. I also missed the audio-integration feature of the iPhone.


But I loved the phone. A few days after the WiFi went out I dropped the damn thing shattering the screen. Bought a used iPhone 5 because I new in September the 6 would be out and the 5 between July and September would not really lose any value.

The Point of this Tread:

So now I'm looking at getting a iPhone 6, 6+ or Note 4. Reading reviews, seeing stuff about specs and #bendgate but the thing that is just nauseating is the just brutal hatred for Apple that some people have.

On youtube and any of the review sites the comment sections are just full of absolutely worthless idiotic name calling dribble from people that hate Apple, the iPhone and their users. In their complete immaturity (name calling, racial slurs, idiotic arguments and analogies) they are clearly trying to dissuade people from using Apple products but I had to stop and say "why??"

Seriously, why are people so amped up like these are sports teams or something? They are so freaking worried about "Who is winning" and just mortally offended that someone doesn't like the same product or brand that they do? :face palm:

To be honest I've never seen such a level of idiotic nonsense. Not from Sneaker Heads, not from music fans and certainly not from car enthusiasts (who are certainly known to brand/origin bash).

Seriously, WTF Gives.


11-02-2014, 05:47 PM
I think I'm too old to understand how my wife's iphone works. She hands it to me & I can't do shit on it. I been Android for too long to try figuring that thing out. My deal is, I just don't understand the hype & I generally hate overhyped products anyway. As far as I can tell, no iphone adds any more value to my life than any other comparable smartphone, yet ppl go nuts for each new one.

I with you, man. I just don't get it. I'll stick with Android.

11-02-2014, 06:01 PM
iphones are great ios is simple which is perfect for the majority of peeps

android a lil more like a pc lots of background stuff in the forefront

a few years ago a lot of the apple h8 even tho absurd had some merit bc the hardware you got for the price was further apart.

fast forward this year and the past two years the macbook pro has become the benchmark laptop and their imac comes w/ a 5k dell display.

battery life, ssd usage, retina to 4k displays, the hardware today is more compelling for what you get and the $ discrepancy you could argue is what youre paying for the operating system.

11-02-2014, 06:16 PM
I've had my iPhone 4 for the last few years now. Worked perfectly fine, not one single issue, dropped it dozens of times with an Incipio cover and never shattered the screen.

Now, I'm definitely in the market for an upgrade due to the phone being a bit slower and the battery life just not being there. Thing is, I do feel as though I got my money's worth out of this thing.

I love apple products for their simplicity and reliability. I'm not one to spring for the latest gadget (which is why I've had this phone for so long) along with my G5 towers.

People will bitch because they can.

Same applies to cars and styles. Don't knock on something just because it's not your cup of tea.

11-02-2014, 06:56 PM
I don't consider myself tech savvy by any stretch of the imagination...I stuck with my last phone for 4 years before upgrading.

But I really think Apple fanboys are the most pretentious douchebags in the world. Don't get me wrong, I don't understand the hate towards Apple, but I kinda think they really bring it on themselves with all of this waiting in line for a phone that just replaced the one that came out less than a year ago.

11-02-2014, 07:09 PM
I can't stand how the iPhone works, but mostly apple. They want you to have everything apple and it's quite annoying. I got rid of my iPhone real quick. Had my note 2 for almost 2 years and I still love it

11-02-2014, 07:14 PM
lol chilllllllll nerds will be nerds, no diff between ppl who stand in line for a phone or a gaming console.

@ future, every brand wants you to have their products; microsoft and google are the same.

iphone and ios are some of the easiest, most straight forward, smartphone experiences out there, if it befuddles you then all I can attribute to that is 'USER ERROR'

11-02-2014, 07:32 PM
been wanting to switch back to android for a while now
having bad luck with iphones, theyve always had some sort of deffect
my 5c randomly restarts its self if my gf sends 3 or 4 messages at one time
also one time i threw my phone at the wall in a fit of rage and the screen shattered, can you fucking believe that shit?

i love macs , always had one and always will.. ipods and computers is all ill ever own by apple i feel

i do like the design of alot of androids that are on the market... not to mention being different... everyone has a freaking iphone; its annoying
dont you hate standing in line for something and you hear the iphone *ding and everybody checks their phone lol

iphones are simple..very simple..too simple.....boring

i am in no way tech savy either, im just your average consumer
whats keeping me from leaving iphone is itunes..... i want itunes on my phone... ive literally spent a grand on music in the itunes store... so id have to get a ipod if i switch to android.. right??
anyways i dont make sence..... byeeee

11-02-2014, 09:56 PM
I hate having having to use itunes to transfer music

11-03-2014, 04:53 AM
lol chilllllllll nerds will be nerds, no diff between ppl who stand in line for a phone or a gaming console.

@ future, every brand wants you to have their products; microsoft and google are the same.

iphone and ios are some of the easiest, most straight forward, smartphone experiences out there, if it befuddles you then all I can attribute to that is 'USER ERROR'

Yeah, I don't understand the people who stand in line for a product on day 1, or worse, the idiots who camp outside of a WalMart for 3 days before Black Friday. That shit is for the birds.

As for the simplicity of ios, I think that's why some people are turned off by it. I know I was ready to throw my wife's Mac out the window because I kept trying to right click, and drag and drop...you know, simple things that it couldn't do.

This is the last Mac I remember being happy to use...when I was in 8th grade.

Find me playin that Dr. Quandary's Island...

11-03-2014, 05:42 AM
throw my wife's Mac out the window because I kept trying to right click, and drag and drop...you know, simple things that it couldn't do.


User error.

The GUI on all of Apples products is extremely simple, user friendly and intuitive.

Now if you want to complain about customized icons or some thing, sure. But drag and drop? Really?

11-03-2014, 05:48 AM
User error, that's cute. I'm used to Windows. I prefer the interface over Mac. Using words like "intuitive" to describe it makes you sound like one of those pretentious dbags I mentioned earlier, BTW.

11-03-2014, 06:09 AM
User error, that's cute. I'm used to Windows. I prefer the interface over Mac. Using words like "intuitive" to describe it makes you sound like one of those pretentious dbags I mentioned earlier, BTW.


Do you know what "intuitive" means?

11-03-2014, 06:19 AM
Yep. Which is why I mentioned that I'm used to how Windows works, rather than Mac.

Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it comes naturally, or works for everyone else.

Same reason why you have people out there screaming about how Linux is better than everything else. It boils down to personal preference. I prefer Windows (aside from Windows 8, of course), just like you apparently prefer Mac/ios.

11-03-2014, 06:50 AM
Yep. Which is why I mentioned that I'm used to how Windows works, rather than Mac.

Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it comes naturally, or works for everyone else.

Same reason why you have people out there screaming about how Linux is better than everything else. It boils down to personal preference. I prefer Windows (aside from Windows 8, of course), just like you apparently prefer Mac/ios.

Honestly, I have to disagree. I've owned dozens of PCs and I work on a dual screen dell laptop 10hrs a day.

I've owned 4 Windows laptops. 2 HP, 1 Lenovo, 1 Asus. I've had 5 desk tops.

I've owned 3 Macs, a Performa and a SE I bought from my school when they went full Boni Blue iMac.

My personal home computer is a 2010 Mac Power Book. I've replaced the batter once but it runs like a tank. Well worth the premium I paid after my 2nd HP blew up.


The nerds that say Linux is best are arguing that from a system background perspective. As I recall the modern Mac OS is based on Linux or Uniux or some shit from when Jobs left and returned after creating NEXT.

Regardless, just because it's different to you does not mean it's not "intuitive". I'm not out running around with a torch and pitch fork howling about "pretentious PC dbags" because I have to right click and can't figure out how to drag and drop.

11-03-2014, 06:58 AM
I can see some of the varying perspectives having some merit but I don't understand the brand loyalty/bashing either. I have both PC and Mac platforms that I use everyday.

I have an iPhone 4 cause it is cheap, works with my stingy straight talk plan, is built with decent quality and serves my needs well. Could it be better yes, but there is a huge used market for these phones and if anything happens I can find another quickly and affordably (~$100). Not to mention I can transfer/backup all my data simply.

My other apple product is a Mac Mini that is coupled w bluetooth mouse/keyboard hooked up to my flatscreen. It makes sense for a home entertainment solution as it is compact and features a lot of hardware and a great OS for a low price. It's perfect for what it does, dead reliable, and it runs all day every day without issue. I use it for streaming, basic computing, and to play movies from the external drive that bounces between my machines. I have more tied up in this than my other gear but I plan to have it for years (~$550).

Then I have a HP Elitebook w/ Windows 7 Pro for ECU tuning, basic office productivity software, and to use as a mobile computer if I'm travelling. It was used and affordable (~$200), well built, very well spec'd hardware wise and quite compact with its smaller screen.

I like all of them for the tasks they perform. Will you find me camping in line in a tent waiting on the next new thing. Nope. Just give me what works.

11-03-2014, 07:57 AM
Why I love Apple? Simple and efficient OS for both Phone/tablet and their computers.

A well maintained PC would crap out within 2-3 years no matter what if you dont reformat.

Ive owned my 13in Macbook pro for 3 going on 4 years. Still works just as good as I first purchased it. Still am yet to reformat it or replace the HD or battery. Only upgrade I did was bump the ram up to 8gb. I paid $1099 (purchased on base) for it and with how well it still performs to this day its worth every single penny.

I had an English professor who had an iBook and that thing was still smooth considering its age.

My Gfs little sister is a complete idiot in terms of computer maintenance and her MBP operates just half a step slower than mine, even with a damn near full HD.

People say that Apple is overpriced but IMO their stuff is so efficient that it outlasts any sort of android and PC out there.

11-03-2014, 08:23 AM
^I have the same components in my custom PC that I started with since 2009, so there goes ur claim of 3-4 years and its done lolololol.

fyi apple outsources most of their parts from diff companies, intel for their cpus, samsung for their ssds. iirc the only thing they design inhouse are custom pcbs for their motherboards and their mobile processors, which the apple A8 cortex isnt its made by ARM (they dont have a fabrication plant so of course another company, tsmc, produces cpu wafers for them)

11-03-2014, 11:32 AM
Honestly, I have to disagree. I've owned dozens of PCs and I work on a dual screen dell laptop 10hrs a day.

I've owned 4 Windows laptops. 2 HP, 1 Lenovo, 1 Asus. I've had 5 desk tops.

I've owned 3 Macs, a Performa and a SE I bought from my school when they went full Boni Blue iMac.

My personal home computer is a 2010 Mac Power Book. I've replaced the batter once but it runs like a tank. Well worth the premium I paid after my 2nd HP blew up.


The nerds that say Linux is best are arguing that from a system background perspective. As I recall the modern Mac OS is based on Linux or Uniux or some shit from when Jobs left and returned after creating NEXT.

Regardless, just because it's different to you does not mean it's not "intuitive". I'm not out running around with a torch and pitch fork howling about "pretentious PC dbags" because I have to right click and can't figure out how to drag and drop.

Apparently we are both coming to the same conclusion about each others' preferences. If it works for you, great. I personally don't like it, and I'm allowed to have that choice. This thread was about why people condemn Apple users, and I responded by saying that most of them act like douchebags about their product being superior beyond the comprehension of us knuckledraggers that prefer Windows. Not saying you do that, but you were getting close to it.

That's all.

11-03-2014, 11:45 AM
OSX is my favorite OS, but I still use Windows 7 mainly.

11-03-2014, 12:17 PM
not getting used to osx is def a user error issue.

take a few mins to go thru some tutorials, a few days later ur command + keying all over the place.

now for example win8 which is a giant pos, thats an operating system we can talk about being a giant pain in the butt for any kind of user.

and bringing up linux, usually the peeps that are pro linux are power users, which the open source nature of linux makes things easier for people to code.

with that said, ubuntu is something ive installed on a few older pcs whose aging specs run faster w/ the linux os; its a good intro to linux, ez for the avg person to use.

11-03-2014, 12:30 PM
This thread was about why people condemn Apple users, and I responded by saying that most of them act like douchebags about their product being superior beyond the comprehension of us knuckledraggers that prefer Windows. Not saying you do that, but you were getting close to it.

That's all.

This is the reason why I don't like Apple highlighted in bold. lol

I met too many Apple people who believes Steve Jobs and the I-devices was god's greatest gift to man.

On a deeper aspect regarding the mobile ecosystem of IOS, a person like me (I guess i'm a nerd lol) I value open-source and exploits. I like being able to take a device and use it to it's max potential. I'm a heavy mobile power user.

In Apple's IOS mobile system, too me it's simply too limited (which also explains for it's simplicity) for what you get. Now you can jailbreak the device and what not, but it's simply absolutely not even worth it because once the IOS gets updated it disappears once again. Guys who stay working IOS exploits and etc goes through quite the measure to have partial, limited success initially.

With Android, these problems doesn't necessarily exist. A simple root can open many devices up tons of different uses that you could never think of doing with you phone. Rooting is also not as difficult as jailbreaking IOS. (I personally go the "old school" way and use command prompt/ADB). This is another reason why I don't like Apple from an advanced technological standpoint.

I will admit though, that the Mac OSX is actually pretty clean. I use Linux (which Mac OSX is based off of) quite a bit for simple browsing on my laptop. So they got a few ques that this neat.

But the killer for me...is not got damn right click. lol Screw Apple for that haha.

11-03-2014, 12:51 PM
But the killer for me...is not got damn right click. lol Screw Apple for that haha.

Careful saying that out loud, someone will tell you that you're not advanced enough to not need it.

drift freaq
11-03-2014, 12:58 PM
Apparently we are both coming to the same conclusion about each others' preferences. If it works for you, great. I personally don't like it, and I'm allowed to have that choice. This thread was about why people condemn Apple users, and I responded by saying that most of them act like douchebags about their product being superior beyond the comprehension of us knuckledraggers that prefer Windows. Not saying you do that, but you were getting close to it.

That's all.

See now this is so funny. Back in the 90's Windows user used to talk crap about Macs constantly more so than Apple users talking crap about windows. Though we did tend to call it windblows lol.

Thing is I live in an area that has a cross section of IOS users and Android users. I don't see a lot of Iphone users lauding there phones over Android users . I see them using it liking it and not saying anything.

I work in Audio which has a lot tech savvy nerds and a lot of them own and use IPhones simply because they work and they don't want to take the time to futz with uber customization of their phone. They have other nerdy things they focus on. Oh and I definitely qualify in the tech savvy department myself and use an IPhone 6 and love it. I have used and owned Androids as well.

End of story is there a current disproportionate amount of hate mongering on the Internet these days. In the 90's it was Microsoft becuase they so dominated . They were called,the Evil Empire much like Android fans call Apple these days.

Funny thing is Apple takes things that are possibly un successful and makes them successful thereby paving the way for others to have success.

Android would not have been blown up by Google had it not been for the Ipone and Eric Schmidt being on Apples board of directors while also being at Google and taking the idea after seeing Apple with it and running.
Hate on that if you will its a fact.

So It's popular On the net to hate on Apple to call their owners douchebags. I could say the same thing about some Google and Android owners. Just travel to the Bay Area to see it and realize it might go a little both ways.

You get successful at something and people hate on you. Its practically human nature albeit jealous envious but none the less truth.

There are douchebags everywhere and Apple lovers are not some disproportionately larger segment of that. You just focus on it because you don't like Apple and therefor are prone to notice the possibility of it.

Just like the bend gate deal for the 6+ . Guy puts his phone in his pocket goes to a wedding gets shit faced drunk dances , stays up all night , goes home in the morning to sleep it off still with the phone in his pocket and clothed then wakes up am complains that his bent? What the fuck dude you were pretty much black out drunk. You fucked your phone up. Oh and the vid about how it bends when you can see clearly they guy stressing hard to bend it. lol and only nine people out of millions sold complained to Apple
Internet and media hyperbole extraordinaire lol and you are complaing about Apple people being douchy or hating ? It fucking goes both ways man , take off the rose colored glasses.
Get over it, use what works for you and move along.

Careful saying that out loud, someone will tell you that you're not advanced enough to not need it.
Wow see here you go you are as guilty as the people you are complaining about. Pot meet kettle.

First rule to stopping hate,don't hate back. If you do be prepared what ever comes back and don't be hypocritical about it.

I will add I love debate and I can go back and forth with the best of them but I have learned, when I reach a point were I don't like it I stop.
You are just throwing fuel on the fire here making you as guilty as the people you criticize.

11-03-2014, 01:57 PM
I will add I love debate and I can go back and forth with the best of them but I have learned, when I reach a point were I don't like it I stop.
You are just throwing fuel on the fire here making you as guilty as the people you criticize.

This whole thread was started because of the OP not understanding why hateful comments get thrown at Apple.

- I tried to illustrate that it was a two way street.

- You did the same thing, but in a much more neutral tone than I did. Forgive me, please.

Like I said in the thread earlier...I don't consider myself tech savvy. I simply made a statement that Apple fanboys seem to be douchebags compared to everyone else, and I believe that to be true. Just because I didn't acknowledge the Samsung/Android fanboys doesn't mean I don't deny that they exist.

All of you people are getting way too defensive and writing too long of a post just to try and make the same point I already made.

11-03-2014, 07:24 PM
Careful saying that out loud, someone will tell you that you're not advanced enough to not need it.

haha trust me, I have came across that before. My response to people who say that is "At least my device wasn't built around the idea that users don’t even know how to turn a computer on :cough :cough Apple"

It's get them all the time. Haha :keke:

11-04-2014, 01:31 AM
This is the reason why I don't like Apple highlighted in bold. lol

I met too many Apple people who believes Steve Jobs and the I-devices was god's greatest gift to man.

On a deeper aspect regarding the mobile ecosystem of IOS, a person like me (I guess i'm a nerd lol) I value open-source and exploits. I like being able to take a device and use it to it's max potential. I'm a heavy mobile power user.

In Apple's IOS mobile system, too me it's simply too limited (which also explains for it's simplicity) for what you get. Now you can jailbreak the device and what not, but it's simply absolutely not even worth it because once the IOS gets updated it disappears once again. Guys who stay working IOS exploits and etc goes through quite the measure to have partial, limited success initially.

With Android, these problems doesn't necessarily exist. A simple root can open many devices up tons of different uses that you could never think of doing with you phone. Rooting is also not as difficult as jailbreaking IOS. (I personally go the "old school" way and use command prompt/ADB). This is another reason why I don't like Apple from an advanced technological standpoint.

I will admit though, that the Mac OSX is actually pretty clean. I use Linux (which Mac OSX is based off of) quite a bit for simple browsing on my laptop. So they got a few ques that this neat.

But the killer for me...is not got damn right click. lol Screw Apple for that haha.
*Nerd voice*

Ackshhually OSX is POSIX compliant, and UNIX based. Linux is also UNIX based, but not 100% POSIX compliant.

I love Linux too.

11-04-2014, 10:46 AM
...most of them act like douchebags about their product being superior beyond the comprehension of us knuckledraggers that prefer Windows

This is the reason why I don't like Apple highlighted in bold. lol

I met too many Apple people who believes Steve Jobs and the I-devices was god's greatest gift to man.

Funny thing about this is I notice MANY more Android users clowning on iOS device owners constantly. Any time talks of an iPhone come up, Android users act like they are the most 1337 hackers on earth and need a phone which suits their superior needs.

Most iPhone users don't give a fuck if people use Android. But Android users more often than not have an inferiority complex which makes them feel the need to force their platform down other peoples throats.

When it comes to phones, people just want something with internet, the ability to text, and a decent camera. Everything else, they don't really care about all that much.

11-04-2014, 10:49 AM
For all you dudes using sticking with iPhones simply for iTunes, or if you're like me and have a giant itunes library and an Android phone check out ISyncr in the play market....Brilliant

Like a few of the posters here I don't think the Apple iOS platforms are bad...I don't like the way in which they work, control what you can and can't do.

They only thing I don't like about Apple as a company is they tout thier "innovations" as new or never done before to the masses... (ie: notifications, bigger screens etc) which in reality if you look back through time, Apple originated very little, but added nuggets that other companies had already done..

I don't really care what the fanbois of any product think...


Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

11-04-2014, 11:27 AM
Funny thing about this is I notice MANY more Android users clowning on iOS device owners constantly. Any time talks of an iPhone come up, Android users act like they are the most 1337 hackers on earth and need a phone which suits their superior needs.

Most iPhone users don't give a fuck if people use Android. But Android users more often than not have an inferiority complex which makes them feel the need to force their platform down other peoples throats.

When it comes to phones, people just want something with internet, the ability to text, and a decent camera. Everything else, they don't really care about all that much.

:picardfp: One more time for the slow people...

This whole thread was started because of the OP not understanding why hateful comments get thrown at Apple.

- I tried to illustrate that it was a two way street.

- You did the same thing, but in a much more neutral tone than I did. Forgive me, please.

Like I said in the thread earlier...I don't consider myself tech savvy. I simply made a statement that Apple fanboys seem to be douchebags compared to everyone else, and I believe that to be true. Just because I didn't acknowledge the Samsung/Android fanboys doesn't mean I don't deny that they exist.

All of you people are getting way too defensive and writing too long of a post just to try and make the same point I already made.

11-04-2014, 02:17 PM
How does the quote go? "Ignorance breeds fear. Fear breeds hate. Hate breeds violence. Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace..."

11-04-2014, 05:37 PM
i started with mytouch then a g2 then iphone 4s i now have the iphone 6. it works great i have never had problems with it or the the one before.

i have noticed that every other company compares everything to the iphone or apple. like "bro you mad?"

apple or die.

11-04-2014, 07:03 PM
This whole thread was started because of the OP not understanding why hateful comments get thrown at Apple.
He understands. He just wanted other poor misunderstood Apple users to come in and whine and hug each other.

drift freaq
11-04-2014, 09:21 PM
He understands. He just wanted other poor misunderstood Apple users to come in and whine and hug each other.

Matej I see you are returning to utterly not understanding or trying to be a smart ass. Either way you fail miserably.
If you can't comprehend the fact that most Android boys ar big haters then you just fail like usual. Oh I bet you own an Android as well which would just prove my point.

11-05-2014, 11:50 AM
Matej I see you are returning to utterly not understanding or trying to be a smart ass. Either way you fail miserably.
If you can't comprehend the fact that most Android boys ar big haters then you just fail like usual. Oh I bet you own an Android as well which would just prove my point.
Everybody knows about the groundless Apple-hating. Who cares? Just ignore it like most people above the age of sixteen do. Asking to have it explained to you is like asking to explain to you why all the comments on YouTube turn into racist arguments.

But Apple users have no right to act as if it was a one-sided phenomena, because guess who started with the annoying attack marketing first.
Remember this?

And I do not use Android, thus your point is not proven.

11-17-2014, 01:26 PM
I believe that apple's theory and policy of simplicity is very future thinking.

Back when the cpu for household use was taking off... i had to explain very many things to many older people about how it works constantly.

My perspective at that time was that this is a learning curve and you'll either catch up or get left behind. That perspective was shared by many people. Learn or get left behind.

What apple has done is help bridge the gap for those people. Its like they created a technology gateway drug. Now these people that could barely figure out a mouse are now facebooking amd instagraming with the best of us.

I think we should instead hate on everybody else... they were content with making the older generations either learn a completely abstract concept with little help or shiver in the shadows of technological obscurity.

11-17-2014, 02:12 PM
I think we should instead hate on everybody else... they were content with making the older generations either learn a completely abstract concept with little help or shiver in the shadows of technological obscurity.

The other fact is you will always have "an older generation behind the curve".

People act like kids with technology today are different. The reality is that Granny who can't use smartphone was once trained and proficient with cutting edge technology. The wonder machines of her youth included automatic typewriters, fax machines, data punchcard entry, adding machines, photocopiers etc.

Kids that are rooting androids and all that crap will one day be old and going "God damn those Windows 65!! To damn complicated!"

Most people...almost everyone, is not as tech savvy as we think. Sure you can root and install a new operating system, crack a video game and copy a blue ray.... All by following the instructions online. Few people can actually write the code and software to do these things.

11-17-2014, 02:44 PM
The other fact is you will always have "an older generation behind the curve".

People act like kids with technology today are different. The reality is that Granny who can't use smartphone was once trained and proficient with cutting edge technology. The wonder machines of her youth included automatic typewriters, fax machines, data punchcard entry, adding machines, photocopiers etc.

Kids that are rooting androids and all that crap will one day be old and going "God damn those Windows 65!! To damn complicated!"

Most people...almost everyone, is not as tech savvy as we think. Sure you can root and install a new operating system, crack a video game and copy a blue ray.... All by following the instructions online. Few people can actually write the code and software to do these things.
Cant argue with you on the basis that techology will always leave somebody behind.

But thats the genius of apple... they realized this and made it a market where they have a captive audience.

Everybody else just said something along the lines of "learn it, love it or screw off"

But alas i think most of apples genius may have died with jobs.

chato de shamrock
12-01-2014, 11:09 PM
Apple turned me away some years back when their computers made a come back. My first experience with a computer was Apple, back in the late 1980s when I was in elementary school. I loved this new toy i was exposed to and rainy days at school were actually something I looked forward to. Once I moved on to Junior High Apple seemed to have disappeared and since then I became used to working with Windows. By about the late 1990s or early 2000s when the iMac came out I actually considered it until I found out you need to have Apple this to work on the iMac, or Apple that to work on the iMac. At that time there were fewer options then there are today to get Apple computer accessories. You were mainly limited to buying from Apple and that was a HUUUUGGGEEEE turn off as opposed to being able to go to any electrical store and pick up any (lets say for example) memory stick. Not with Apple computers, there were fewer options and you had to make sure, then double and triple check what you were buying was in fact Apple compatible. Now-a-days there are countless companies making products for Apple software that you dont have to go buy from Apple. Still, i've been so used to Windows and their even larger market for accessories that I just don't care to want to learn how to use an Apple computer. I've fiddled with them at the stores and, yes indeed, I rather stick with Windows. Same applies to their phones, except i've heard this new phone will allow you to change the battery so I might be open to perhaps one day get an Apple phone, but for now the only thing from Apple I own is an ipod I bought some 5 years ago.

One other reason why I steer away from Apple is they're the front runners of producing useless technology (junk) products and I just don't want to be associated as one of the "suckers" that fell for the bait. The tablets are useful in some cases with some people, but I honestly believe that for the most part those things are useless for most everyone. I'd never trade my 17 inch laptop for that tiny thing i have to hold with one hand which leaves one hand free to work with, and I'd never be caught looking dumb holding such large device up in the air when I can have a camera the size of my hand to take pictures with. These things just don't seem practical for the average Joe.

drift freaq
12-02-2014, 11:55 AM
Everybody knows about the groundless Apple-hating. Who cares? Just ignore it like most people above the age of sixteen do. Asking to have it explained to you is like asking to explain to you why all the comments on YouTube turn into racist arguments.

But Apple users have no right to act as if it was a one-sided phenomena, because guess who started with the annoying attack marketing first.
Remember this?

And I do not use Android, thus your point is not proven.
Touche, figures you would post that ad. Though fact is we are specifically talking about Apple vs Google i.e. Android. I get you think the OP's question was rather naive .
Though it is valid in the sense that really most Apple fans do not really run around hating on Android . While there seems to be a plethora of people in the Android camp dissing IOS and IPhones at any given moment.
The word should be shut the fuck up enjoy your phone and move along.
I do see anti Iphone ads from Samsung I don't see anti Samsung ads from Apple.
It does make for a perspective like the OP's to surface.

12-02-2014, 12:27 PM
I use both OS, have many PCs and macs. Still prefer my Macbook over all.

I'm not here to debate, but I do have ONE thing to say.

You CAN right click...

...why does everyone think you cant?

12-02-2014, 02:38 PM
The other fact is you will always have "an older generation behind the curve".

People act like kids with technology today are different. The reality is that Granny who can't use smartphone was once trained and proficient with cutting edge technology. The wonder machines of her youth included automatic typewriters, fax machines, data punchcard entry, adding machines, photocopiers etc.

Kids that are rooting androids and all that crap will one day be old and going "God damn those Windows 65!! To damn complicated!"

Most people...almost everyone, is not as tech savvy as we think. Sure you can root and install a new operating system, crack a video game and copy a blue ray.... All by following the instructions online. Few people can actually write the code and software to do these things.

The act of leaning how something works is a skill set all by itself. Plasticity is evolving in human nature, and there are "signs" in the day to day changes in electronics as we knew them. The ravine of technology is too deep for any individual, no matter what your educational background.

12-07-2014, 11:02 AM

Oh my childhood

12-12-2014, 06:23 AM
Honestly, all the people crying and bitching make me want it more.

Like that stupid new Surface commercial....it's like "wow thanks for convincing me to get a power book"

12-13-2014, 04:44 PM
This thread is funny.

A thread about people taking phone brands too seriously... and OP seems to be the one taking phone brands more seriously than anyone else.

12-14-2014, 09:44 AM
This thread is funny.

A thread about people taking phone brands too seriously... and OP seems to be the one taking phone brands more seriously than anyone else.

I take everything seriously.

12-14-2014, 10:34 AM
I use both OS, have many PCs and macs. Still prefer my Macbook over all.

I'm not here to debate, but I do have ONE thing to say.

You CAN right click...

...why does everyone think you cant?
Only if you get a proper mouse.

12-14-2014, 01:29 PM
Only if you get a proper mouse.

You can right click on Mac Trackpads and mouse. It's just turned off by default.

12-15-2014, 10:16 PM
I will say one thing about my galaxy S5. I dropped it from the 22nd story all the way down to the 13th story. Straight down. Slammed into a metal scaffold, you know the temporary platforms on job sites. It was in a otter box. Not one scratch, crack, malfunction, chip or anything. All it did was turn itself off lol. Not sure if that is android quality or just the otter box. But god damn it I was impressed. So was everybody else lol. I just watched it helplessly floating down for like 3-5 seconds. Landed straight on the face and didn't even bounce or roll. Probably what saved it, spread the impact through the whole phone rather than one corner.

12-15-2014, 10:28 PM
I will say one thing about my galaxy S5. I dropped it from the 22nd story all the way down to the 13th story. Straight down. Slammed into a metal scaffold, you know the temporary platforms on job sites. It was in a otter box. Not one scratch, crack, malfunction, chip or anything. All it did was turn itself off lol. Not sure if that is android quality or just the otter box. But god damn it I was impressed. So was everybody else lol. I just watched it helplessly floating down for like 3-5 seconds. Landed straight on the face and didn't even bounce or roll. Probably what saved it, spread the impact through the whole phone rather than one corner.
The otter box definitely saved it. I have one on my note and love it. Great sense of security, and the rubber helps me grip it alot easier. Love that I don't have to baby my phone around.

12-22-2014, 01:40 AM
Lol I've worked for apple for 5 years now. And to be honest I've been kinda a pessimist for 3 out of the 5 years I've worked there. i love the product line up now.. Iphone 6 is pretty damn nice for the most part works when I need it to and it shoots amazing video and I can edit pretty damn easy with iMovie on my iPhone... My MacBook is awesome they simply give you great editing tools like iMovie and garage band practically for free... Yes some of the people are rather do I say special.... But dudes I seeously made this whole movie on my iPhone and edited it in iMovie!!! https://vimeo.com/114736852

12-28-2014, 04:02 PM
i can do way more on an android. simple as that.
iPhones feel very 'restricted access', less customization, less apps, less flexibility, plus they want you to buy apple shit thats way overpriced.

and everyone i know with an iPhone starts bitching about how theirs is slow/breaking from the new update, hmm maybe they're trying to pull another few hundred outta you for that new iphone.

I just feel like when I use an iPhone, I'm using a fisher-price dumbed-down version of android.

android phones seem to be alot more durable than iphones, case or no case. more options with android as far as different phones go.

12-28-2014, 05:01 PM
If you're an Android user, all Apple users are wrong.

If you're an Apple user, you don't care what Android users are doing/have.

12-28-2014, 05:41 PM
and everyone i know with an iPhone starts bitching about how theirs is slow/breaking from the new update, hmm maybe they're trying to pull another few hundred outta you for that new iphone.

I just feel like when I use an iPhone, I'm using a fisher-price dumbed-down version of android.

android phones seem to be alot more durable than iphones, case or no case. more options with android as far as different phones go.

If you're an Android user, all Apple users are wrong.

If you're an Apple user, you don't care what Android users are doing/have.

all aboard the b/s train next stop user errorville. :picardfp:

02-05-2015, 10:54 PM
whens the m9 come out by htc
they say it'll unveil march 1st. does that mean i can get one then?? lol

really getting sick of iPhone

02-21-2015, 05:17 AM
I was just thinking to change my phone with Iphone 6 but when I heard about the errors and internal issue then I change my mind.
Now I'm happy with my current Company and Model.

02-21-2015, 07:44 AM
I was just thinking to change my phone with Iphone 6 but when I heard about the errors and internal issue then I change my mind.

Now I'm happy with my current Company and Model.



02-21-2015, 10:13 AM
really getting sick of iPhone

So I upgraded to iPhone 6. Whatever, fuck you

I like it so far. Taking pictures in burst mode and slow mo is cool.
The phone it's self looks great but it's a little bit to big for my hands but I'll make it work. But watching YouTube videos and plying games on it is great for the size of the screen
I just really really wish it had swype text or something similar