View Full Version : Time for CAPTCHA?

09-16-2014, 08:08 AM
Is there a way to make it a month or so that new members have to enter a captcha?


11-14-2014, 06:55 AM
Offtopic just got hit hard. 10 at once

Even this section is getting them now lol

11-14-2014, 10:11 AM
I was thinking the need stronger CAPTCHA for registration. Anti bot hidden field that catches the bot before it hits submit is also another one.

There's probably other advanced anti-spam measures like regex filtering (maybe blocking spammy emails or an algo that detects spammy content.)

Zilvia is running on an older version of vBulletin, so perhaps there are existing anti-spam measures that they haven't tried yet.

11-14-2014, 10:52 AM
May be time to upgrade versions, however 5 is just as vulnerable.

I've been following where VB5 is and as of late most patches out are being overridden by a lot of SQL injection keeping them vulnerable.

I'd say a better form of registration is at least the bare that can be fixed or help what's going on.

11-14-2014, 01:24 PM
Just make me a mod.

11-15-2014, 04:37 PM
I think putting in a 30 day rule before being allowed to post will be good.

11-18-2014, 03:02 PM
May be time to upgrade versions, however 5 is just as vulnerable.

I've been following where VB5 is and as of late most patches out are being overridden by a lot of SQL injection keeping them vulnerable.

I'd say a better form of registration is at least the bare that can be fixed or help what's going on.

I dunno if you know this... but when VB5 was in planning stages of the alpha, a lot of big wig core developers jumped ship and went over to Vanilla Forums. I've been watching Vanilla Forums for a while... They're open source plugin/theme community has grown a bit in the last 4 years...

vB, IPB, and Vanilla are awesome, phpbb kind of lost steam :(

11-19-2014, 07:38 AM
I dunno if you know this... but when VB5 was in planning stages of the alpha, a lot of big wig core developers jumped ship and went over to Vanilla Forums. I've been watching Vanilla Forums for a while... They're open source plugin/theme community has grown a bit in the last 4 years...

vB, IPB, and Vanilla are awesome, phpbb kind of lost steam :(

Actually I didn't! I've looked very vaguely into Vanilla. I may dig in and see what it's all about.

I really miss having phpBB boards. They were almost to open sourced though for most people who really wanted to get custom custom. I've since seen them go downhill though, unfortunately.

11-19-2014, 12:18 PM
Actually I didn't! I've looked very vaguely into Vanilla. I may dig in and see what it's all about.

I really miss having phpBB boards. They were almost to open sourced though for most people who really wanted to get custom custom. I've since seen them go downhill though, unfortunately.

Yeah check it out, one of the reasons why I leaned towards Vanilla is because Penny Arcade supports it's development and there's been an active community for supporting mobile / responsive design. Step lightly though, everywhere you look about Vanilla they try to up sell you on hosting (for obvious reasons, they want to make money as well as continue growing the code base). I just like the fact that they give you the option of hosting it yourself or using their expertise.


Kind of reminds me of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

11-20-2014, 11:08 AM
Yeah check it out, one of the reasons why I leaned towards Vanilla is because Penny Arcade supports it's development and there's been an active community for supporting mobile / responsive design. Step lightly though, everywhere you look about Vanilla they try to up sell you on hosting (for obvious reasons, they want to make money as well as continue growing the code base). I just like the fact that they give you the option of hosting it yourself or using their expertise.


Kind of reminds me of WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

It boggles my mind that most CMS forum based websites are NOT responsive. With, what looks like, a huge percentage of people viewing most websites on their mobile devices it would be stupid not to have a website capable of responsive.

The wordpress.com/org thing was a perfect move for them. They got people who had zero idea on what to do on the hosting side of things and essentially made it easier for that non-tech type of person who, for example, wanted to run a small shop online. It was great for the "basic" type of person who all they had to do was forward their sub-wordpress-domain to their current personal URL. Overall was a win in my books. Not for me obviously, but great for an average non-techsavvy person.

01-09-2015, 04:13 PM
95% of off topic is flooded. Im not even gonna try to sort through

01-11-2015, 10:23 AM
I don't know what we need to do, but I am feeling this too...

I'm tired of all this spam on Zilvia. Every fucking day I get multiple notifications for BULLSHIT SPAM replies in subscribed threads. 2 days in a row for this thread.

If anyone wants to see how this turns out, I'll be on NICO exclusively unless / until Zilvia fixes this fucking mess of a forum.

I won't be back until Captcha is implemented.


01-13-2015, 01:09 AM
Yep, I agree.

The spam bots have taken over this forum. I dont know why an admin has not chimed in yet, this is pretty odd.

It shouldnt be too hard to fix this issue:

01-29-2015, 01:03 AM

Seriously why the fuck isn't there anything being done?.

03-05-2015, 08:45 AM
I just saw like 15 THREADS about skin care and other spammy bullshit. Can I be a mod please? Even if it's just spam ops. I'll just ban those members and delete those threads.

03-06-2015, 06:49 AM
I just saw like 15 THREADS about skin care and other spammy bullshit. Can I be a mod please? Even if it's just spam ops. I'll just ban those members and delete those threads.

You have my vote! Plus another marketplace mod wouldn't hurt as this forum is honestly turning for the worst this past year....

03-06-2015, 07:43 AM
I pressed 'New Post' and 2 of 5 pages were spam threads.

03-08-2015, 05:54 PM
did admins abandon ship?

04-20-2015, 11:41 PM
What the fuck is going on with this site? Spam is out of hand and the rest of the forums are just running on the notion of rules and regulations. For a forum that was once so healthy and useful, this is shameful. Seems like getting new mods on board is well over due. The only value the board has now is the Marketplace and even that is falling apart rapidly.

04-24-2015, 01:19 AM
It's terrible right now... And by right now, I mean within the last 20-30 minutes of posting this. Muscle care, skin care, weight loss...