View Full Version : hyoer te37 vs gram lights 57dr

08-29-2014, 12:57 AM
Just curious what you guys thought were one versus the other

In hyper blue

The 37 cost more and I believe weigh more but not sure

The 57dr cost about 1k less. The spokes look thinner (I like)
And ray is made into the.spoke no sticker needed (I like)

And hence the name and the look of thinner spokes might
Even weigh less

But with that all said and done which do.you think is better

Car is dark green like the stock 98 240sx came in.


Thanks for reading

angel mkiv
08-29-2014, 01:41 AM
It really just depends on what you think looks better..we can't tell you what's better since it's a opinion unless you want to know which one is lighter/stronger for race use..then I'd imagine the te37s..but explain your definition of "better"? Looks, performance, durability?

08-29-2014, 01:43 AM
All 18x9.5

Te37 mag. Forged mag. 17.2lbs
Te37. Forged. 18.3lbs
Ce28n. Forged. 17lbs
Under a quick search I found this but nothing for same size
For 57dr thou

08-29-2014, 12:52 PM
I see
Im only in for the look

Im more concerned about how my gold brembos
will look behind them

Since I never seen them in person
So side by side comparison not

I know its my choice
Blue is gonna be the rim color

But the te37 will.have 2 stickers on it
And the 57dr they have only one with
Gram lights written on.one of the spokes

If its just.a matter of cost its 57dr but
Looks with sticker and all with gold
Brembos is the full equation.

And the brembos I dont have yet
Cause wat color brembo lettering?

Te37 with a red sticker wouldn't
Look good with red lettering imho