View Full Version : Couple questions on Xanex....pronounced (Zanex)...

10-23-2001, 12:17 PM
I know this propably seems way out there, but I was wondering if anybody in this forum has had experience with or know someone who has taken this particular drug for a &quot;high&quot;.....I am no way inquiring about it for my own use, nor am I encouraging the use of it.....I have a loved one (girlfriend) who has recently happened upon this drug while at one of her brilliant friends house. I personally never thought she would dabble in this type of behavior, but have since been proven wrong. She has a wonderfully strong mind and has so much going for her and would hate to see her throw her life away for something of this nature....anyways let me know of any experiences or stuff you have heard about this drug please....I'm really worried for her.....any help?<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/confused.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt='???'>??<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

10-23-2001, 12:47 PM
I had alittle experience with Xanex. Just get her off of it now. It is an addicting depressent and like most drug's, you need to take larger and larger dose's as time go's on. Hopefully it's just a &quot;phase&quot; she's going through.

10-23-2001, 12:48 PM
never heard of it, will i have but never been near it, i'd do it if some one were gonna give to me for free, but paying to fuck yourself up is stupid, Ecstasy hurts your back for days,

just stick to weed if you have to be stupid,

i gave it all up for a lady, sex is the best drug going right now anyways, and it always has been,

you have to make choices in life, and everyone experiments, if she really is smart then she may try it and realize the dangers. you can learn alot about yourself by your responses to these situations. &nbsp;

i believe there is no such thing as peer pressure, it's just an excuse.

10-23-2001, 12:48 PM
xanex is a sedative along the lines of valium but stronger. it can become habit forming, so please encourage your girlfriend to quit. i used to work in an emergency room as a paramedic, and i saw all kinds of people strung out. it is not a pretty sight, i am not saying your girlfriend is going to become a junky, just watch her. oh, and don't let her drink when she takes it, she could pass out and quit breathing. sorry for the ugly picture i've painted but it is reality.

10-23-2001, 12:55 PM
Hey, I don't see anything wrong in getting information from here. I personally never tried any drug in my life (besides birth control, and that sucks), and honestly, I am scared to. I have no will to do anything of such kind even though I would have extremely easy access to them if I wanted. I don't smoke, and I can't take too much alcohol either. But, what I do get high on is racing, believe it or not. And umm... other things... :biggrin:

10-23-2001, 01:57 PM
other things?....... &nbsp;

10-23-2001, 02:04 PM
I really appreciate the replies guys ( and gals).....This is so hard on me....we've been together for two years, hardly ever fight, have so much in common, and have talked numerous times of our future together and I thought everything was a breeze from there....until this totally blind sides me. She has never expressed interest in any drugs or alcohol before.....the two times she drank she found herself over a toilet the next morning.....I want her to have all the fun she can and any friends she wants, but I've heard so many bad things from different people about &nbsp;this particualr girl....smokes, drinks, ecstasy, ect...who knows where it ends.....and she's dragging my girl into this shit and it 's freakin me out. I'm caught between a rock and hardplace....if I badmouth this girl then I'm &quot;jealous&quot; and if I act like nothings wrong.....I'm afraid what might happen. I hate to rant everybody....I'm sure you can understand....this is one of my few outlets I have to find any info.....thank you all so much and wish me luck in turning all this around.

10-23-2001, 03:06 PM
I can definitely relate to the situation you're in, even though mine doesnt' have to do with drugs, it involves me making a wrong choice prematurely, and making presumptions. And it's hard not to know if you're right about something or not. I just say you try and do your best at dealing with what's coming along, that's all... Talk to her, make sure she knows what she may be getting herself into. Good luck again.

10-23-2001, 03:18 PM
i think u just gotta do what u have to to stop her from doing something she will regret. she might hate u for trying to get in the way at first, but in the long run she'll realize u were just trying to help her n c that it was a good thing. i've seen stuff like this a couple of times actually, n it ain't funny at all when they start feeling the need to resort to drugs for everything. my friend (anonymous) was getting into crack n stuff cuz she was real depressed cuz she got kicked out of her house n was having a whole bunch of problems in her life. i saw how messed up she had become after i came back from my summer vacation n i flushed her ecstasy, weed, n cocaine down the toilet (after i talked to her n stuff though). she slapped me n started punching my chest n stuff so i left, but about a week later she apologized n stuff n couldn't believe what she was getting into, she saw how the ppl that she was haning out w/ have turned out n she didn't want to end up like them. unfortunately, she still wants to smoke up every now n then, but it's better than she was before, n i'm sure she'll c that she doesn't need that either. basically, i think u should stop it while u still can.

10-23-2001, 03:31 PM
if it was me, i'd make her stop. &nbsp;no way in #### my gf would be doin stuff like that with me around. &nbsp;do whatever you feel is necessary or justifiable. &nbsp;sounds kinda strong, but if its a serious gf, i wouldnt be able to accept my gf as a druggie. &nbsp;drinking, whatever, pot, not a fan but once in a while ok, but other things, no.

10-23-2001, 04:50 PM
that stuff is seriously some bad stuff...my mom was on i for a while and it screwed her up....highly addictive and can technically put you in a coma.

10-23-2001, 06:05 PM
Well I will reply in two steps one being pro and one being con...I have taken the xanax for two reasons, the first being a long time ago during my &quot;experimental times&quot; and agree 110% it can be habit forming and increasing the dosage is something that will oncur with time. The second step I wil address is why I take it now, I take it becuase of anxiety and panic attacks I have begun to have starting a year ago. Although I dont particularly like the doppy disconnected feeling I experience it helps cope with this problem. I wish I didnt have to take it as when I was younger I did alot of different drugs and reflect on that and hate them now, even perscription ones but have to handle things as my doctor says...Just a mans outlook on things hope it helps..

10-23-2001, 06:15 PM
I seriously think you should just watch for her. Even if it means getting in her face about it and really, really, really and I mean really make her think about things. If you have to ostracize her from her friends; in the long run she will realize that all your doing is trying to help her out. &nbsp;Remember, love is not about letting a loved one do whatever he or she wants just cuz its &quot;their&quot; life to do what they want, its about actually watching out for them and doing whats BEST, even if you have to lose him/her in the process. &nbsp;

Just watch for her and keep your head up.

10-23-2001, 06:52 PM
In the beginning I kinda felt like a prick for even briging this topic to the forum, but cannot express how thankful I am for the replies....I'm normally a down to Earth person and don't mind my friends doing this kinda stuff, but I never thought my innocent little girlfriend would ever think to do such a thing. To this day I get poked fun at by mt friends for never taking a hit off of a cigarette......I'm that straight laced. I know in my heart, that in the end she'll realize her ignorance and if not ditch these friends, then atleast quit the Xanex issue. Thanks again for all the replies and I'll be sure to keep you all posted on the outcome in the end....I don't post here nearly as much as I do in another forum, but you guys and gals are all really great people........alright, enough sappy stuff...so how bout' them Cowboys...haha

10-23-2001, 07:00 PM
i went through this with my G/F and let me tell you to just drop her for a wile but keep in contact every other day to see how she is doing and keep encourging her to get off it if she loves you you will see it in her and if you love her than stick with it but dont be dum about it and think that every thing will work out you have to draw a few lines
do some reserch on it the down falls of the drug and add some of your own to scare her a little

10-23-2001, 08:14 PM
my step-brother has taken it a few times, he knows I get real pissed when he does stuff like that. &nbsp;his friend offered me some, I was like sure.........but only did that so he'd give it to me and I could put it to waste. &nbsp;for the night my step-brother took it, he was just being ridiculous and totally ignorant about almost everything, a week later, he took I think twice the number, and he got real real sick. &nbsp;then I griped him out, and now he knows why I flipped out on him in the first place. &nbsp;so just watch out for her, I know how it is to not want to do it just because you look like a jerk, but then when something bad does happen (just for say it does) you would feel real bad because you didn't say anything. &nbsp;but gotta go to bed, I'm fixing to pass out (soooo tired)

10-23-2001, 11:31 PM
I have done it before because I dont like to drink, but I wanted to get real messed up quickly so I tool them with alcohol, I was wasted and I didnt remember much the next day. They are addictive as most drugs are but it certainly isn't the worst drug in the world. Do what you can to stop her but if it isnt having her thrown into rehab, she will find a way to keep doing it. She has to want to stop.

10-24-2001, 04:19 AM
Well I talked to her ast night and tried the scare tactic approach and she did seem a little concerned, but at the same time stated she knew all of what I told her. She said that she shouldn't even have to think anout stopping for me, she should have done it in the first place....we'll see what happens over the next couple of weeks. There is no way in #### I'm going to let her get addicted to this stuff......thanks again everybody!!!

10-24-2001, 11:20 PM
See, she's a smart cookie! And people here are pretty nice :biggrin: . I hope everything works out for you guys!

10-25-2001, 12:23 AM
I agree with what everyone else said above, but most likely she was just experimenting. &nbsp;I'm not trying to make light of it at all, but don't over-react unless she does it again. &nbsp;Just let her know how you feel about it, and she probably won't do it again. &nbsp;I'm glad to hear that talking to her about it worked out, just remember if you come off too strong against it, she won't tell you if she does it again, and that could be worse. &nbsp;Don't get too worried yet, just keep an eye (and ear open) and see if she tries it again (or anything else). &nbsp;Some experimentation shouldn't be a big concern, but anything that starts to be regular should.
Good luck. &nbsp;Hope everything works out for you.

10-25-2001, 12:43 AM
I feel for you but you need to get her to stop Xanex is no joke. &nbsp;good luck

10-25-2001, 04:25 AM
Well, I hopefully had the last serious talk with her last night.....the first time I've talked to her and she actually got emotional. I think she has finally seen that it really bothers me when she does it....woooohooo.....appreciate all the input everybody....