View Full Version : Banned from Market place?

07-05-2014, 07:22 PM
Hi, I wanted to know why I was banned from the market place.

I made a thread about selling few things that I have laying around and come back the next day to check if I got any pm me's and check my thread only to see my name has "Banned from the Market place" under it.

I don't remember doing or posting anything that would get me banned from market place. I don't sell stuff often, usually only buy things and never had an issue.

Any mod can help me out here? I will correct any wrong doing in the future.


07-05-2014, 11:41 PM
after doing some searching I found 2 possible reasons:

according to new marketplace rules,

this f/s thread, no pics were posted of the product being sold.

2nd, im pretty sure outside links such as Craigslist aren't allowed.

yet, keep in mind these are just my assumption.

i would read up on the new rules and find out what caused you to be banned. good luck.

07-05-2014, 11:50 PM
Cool....rules, rule!

07-06-2014, 06:14 AM
I could see a possible pinking but banned for that?? People get by doing much worse. Someone had a bad day I guess.

angel mkiv
07-06-2014, 11:45 AM
I'm really curious why you were banned if what your saying it's true..hopefully a moderator responds

07-06-2014, 03:01 PM
It's probably a temporary ban

07-06-2014, 05:28 PM
Usually get some sort of warning, no? Maybe try to PM a marketplace mod to ask why.

07-07-2014, 12:16 AM
it says very clearly 0 tolerance, but yet people still post "text for pics"

07-07-2014, 12:50 AM
I think you ar right blackrms13, I said that I didn't have pics yet and I would post them after holidays and anyone interested could pm me for pics.

Banned temp, till 19th of July....and I really need to find a maf. :/

07-25-2014, 06:54 PM
i just got banned for "NO TEXT/EMAIL/PM/ASK FOR PICS!"

im pretty sure I know what thread this is referring to, but I in no way told anyone to ask or text for pics. I just didn't post a picture. can someone explain that to me?

I know its just temporary but still

07-25-2014, 07:15 PM
i just got banned for "NO TEXT/EMAIL/PM/ASK FOR PICS!"

im pretty sure I know what thread this is referring to, but I in no way told anyone to ask or text for pics. I just didn't post a picture. can someone explain that to me?

I know its just temporary but still
They're really cracking the whip. If you don't post pics theyll give you a timeout. No more warnings I guess.

07-25-2014, 07:18 PM
it sucks because I cant view the rules while banned

07-25-2014, 07:21 PM
<b><u>For Sale Rules and Guidelines</u></b><br />
<br />
<u><b>INTRO:</b></u><br />
The Marketplace forums are a favor to our users, allowing them to purchase and sell items amongst themselves. Zilvia takes NO responsibility for ANY transactions made by its users, and advises ALL users to 'caveat emptor' (let the buyer beware). Some users aren't reliable, and it's the buyers responsibility to ensure they don't lose their money. Please learn to utilize the users trade ratings system to determine if you would like to do business with another user.<br />
<br />
Seeing as this is the "For Sale Forum", limit your new topics to items that are "For Sale", otherwise we have separate forums for "Wanted To Buy" threads, "Group Buys" and "Vendor Sales". Any "Wanted to Buy" threads started in the "For Sale" sections will be deleted upon discovery. Absolutely no commercial sales or group buys are allowed in the user based "For Sale Items Forums". If you would like to become a vendor or host a group buy, please visit USER CP > PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS. If you are found conducting commercial sales without a paid vendor subscription in any of the user based "For Sale Forums", you threads will be immediately deleted upon discovery. Persist without a vendor account and you will banned from the Marketplace completely until you pay for a vendor subscription.<br />
<br />
Threads with items for sale on E-Bay and Craigslist ARE NOT ALLOWED! Threads with these listings will be deleted upon discovery. No links to E-Bay or Craigslist ads or to other forums are permitted!<br />
<br />
Members new to Zilvia are not allowed to post a "For Sale" thread within the Marketplace until 90 days has elapsed.<br />
<br />
<br />
All users posting items for sale must follow these guidelines. <u>ALL "For Sale" threads MUST contain photos of what you are selling.</u> Its 2014, every cell phone comes with a camera and there is no excuse not to have a web based image host like imageshack.us, facebook.com, instagram.com or photobucket.com. Threads without photos will be locked and/or deleted upon discovery. Any threads found using sourced imagery from Google or any other site will be immediately deleted! Your photos MUST be your own!<br />
<br />
<br />
Please list all information on item(s), including prices and how to contact you in your thread, and it must include pictures at time of posting thread... not a week later! If your entire post is not ready to go (all info, pricing and pics) then please delay posting it until you are 100% ready. Incomplete threads will be deleted.<br />
<br />
The items you post for sale must be IN YOUR POSSESSION and owned BY YOU! No posting something for sale for a friend. This is too easy for someone to scam another member. No posting items you are "waiting for arrival" on, you must have ALL ITEMS YOUR POSSESSION PERIOD! Posts made for items NOT in your possession will be deleted.<br />
<br />
<br />
<u><b>THREAD BUMPING:</b></u><br />
<u>THREADS ARE ALLOWED TO BE BUMPED BY THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR ONCE EVERY 24 HOURS.</u> Any more than that will result in your thread being deleted! Times are tough for some folks and selling higher priced or multiple items does require more effort and this is understood.<br />
<br />
If your thread is locked/deleted for disobeying the bumping rule, you may re-post in 3 days(72 hours) with new pricing or info. If you have to keep bumping, then you need to re-evaluate your prices and information. <br />
<br />
<br />
<b><u>CONDUCT:</u></b><br />
Do not trash talk someones item they are selling just because you dont like it or because you feel it is not priced properly. Posts consisting of trash talking, thread jacking or trolling will result in an immediate 2 week ban on your account! If you feel you need to give advice, please Private Message the user and let them know in a mature manner that they may want to reconsider something about their thread. If you are found flaming the user via PM, you will receive a 4 week ban.<br />
<br />
Users found thread bashing a vendors thread will be subject to an immediate 2 week ban! Constructive criticsim is one thing, thread jacking or trolling is NOT welcome!<br />
<br />
<br />
<u><b>PAYPAL/MONEY ORDERS:</b></u><br />
For your own protection, Zilvia recommends that you ALWAYS send money as a "PAYMENT" and not a "GIFT". It is not the resposibility of Zilvia if you get ripped off because you wanted to save a few bucks on Paypal fees. "GIFTING" payments to people is a very easy way to getting scammed. If you want to make the deal legit, send a "PAYMENT" and deal with the fees. If a user is requesting you send a money order, <u>DONT!!!</u> This is the #1 way of getting ripped off! If the user isnt willing to accept a trusted payment solution thats online based and is reputable (ie: Paypal), we heavily advise you to steer clear of this. Zilvia does not take responsibility for your gamble!<br />
<br />
<br />
The sale of animals (domestic or exotic), weapons and fire arms is not permitted. Anyone caught selling said items will have their thread immediately deleted and will be banned from the marketplace for 6 months. Non autmotive based items will be under the consent of Admins/Moderators. If it doesnt fly on the forums, it will be deleted.<br />
<br />
<br />
Users are not permitted to make money by utilizing Zilvia's bandwidth, other than by selling their parts, etc in the "For Sale" sections. Linking to pyramid schemes like Free i-Pods or Free Flat Screens, Hits4Pay, etc etc WILL result in administrative action without prior warning necessary. If you have the slightest concern that something you're linking to might not be kosher, don't do it and report the thread.<br />
<br />
<br />
This is an automotive forum. Moreover, this is a private forum which is publicly open to minors. This means Zilvia has a zero tollerance mandate regarding pornographic or NSFW content (direct or implied). Any material above PG-13 which is either displayed via IMG tags, linked to, uploaded, or otherwise presented will result in immediate deletion of thread and a 4 week ban! In addition, any information deemed sensitive such as celebrity phone numbers, social security numbers, VIN numbers not posted by their owners, etc. will be deleted and the user who posted it warned and then banned if the offense is repeated.<br />
<br />
<br />
<u><b>SIGNATURES:</b></u><br />
Signature images must not be more then 400x200 pixels combined. Failure to follow these rules will result in your signature being removed without notice. Depending on file size of the image it will be removed from your profile without notice.<br />
<br />
<br />
<u><b>GRIEVANCES:</b></u><br />
Zilvia is not a grievance forum. If you have a problem with a seller or buyer, settle it with them. If you are unable to contact them and seek further assistance, contact your (and their) local law enforcement.<br/>

07-25-2014, 07:42 PM
i just got banned for "NO TEXT/EMAIL/PM/ASK FOR PICS!"

im pretty sure I know what thread this is referring to, but I in no way told anyone to ask or text for pics. I just didn't post a picture. can someone explain that to me?

I know its just temporary but still

it is 20 freaking 14. how in the heck are going to try and sell something w/o posting pictures. You know people are going to ask.... come on. Why even bother omiting something like that, like someone is going to buy something off line sight unseen.

07-25-2014, 09:08 PM
it is 20 freaking 14. how in the heck are going to try and sell something w/o posting pictures. You know people are going to ask.... come on. Why even bother omiting something like that, like someone is going to buy something off line sight unseen.

it was a bee r rev limiter. black box with wires. if I was selling a car or wheels etc. I could understand...

07-25-2014, 09:09 PM
but now I see it clear as day in the rules so its whatevs im just lazy jackass

07-25-2014, 11:34 PM

Really it's to cut down on scammers as they tend to steal pics and use them as their own. Makes it easy to catch them.

If you own the item it should be easy to post pictures of it to prove you have it.