View Full Version : Montanas First Ever Drift Event! Sideways Saturdays

A DOG 406
06-27-2014, 11:34 AM
Well it finally happened. Montana finally had its first ever drift event. Sideways Saturdays was at the Yellowstone Drag Strip just north of Billings, MT. I had helped plan this event for the last month and it was a huge success!!! We had around 15 drivers show up from all around MT and even one from Minot ND. Since this was the first event of its kind a lot of drivers had never drifted before. By the end of the day everyone could link the course together.

It was the most fun I have had in a long time. The Montana auto community is pretty tight online but rarely do we get a big event that a bunch of people come out to. It was awesome meeting all these people I only knew online. Here are some pictures I got from the event.

Video i made for the june event

A DOG 406
02-10-2015, 08:34 AM
Here is the latest video from Montana. This is from the Sept 27th 2014 event.

That was the first time i have done tandem and it was a whole new level of drifting. So fun hearing the car behind you and pushing yourself to go bigger and faster so he cant keep up. We are working on the 2015 drift schedule. Stay tuned

02-10-2015, 09:48 AM
That pretty awesome. I'm totally looking forward to the 2015 season. Do they require cages where you are to tandem?

A DOG 406
02-10-2015, 10:24 AM
That pretty awesome. I'm totally looking forward to the 2015 season. Do they require cages where you are to tandem?

No cages are required. If you have a convertible you have to have a roll bar.

Like this LS swapped Pink widebody Miata has a nice roll bar. Its fast as hell
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10484135_323396531143645_2572643426520486535_n.jpg ?oh=d5d4d61c72274d95856a43511eb28c5c&oe=55559729&__gda__=1432386449_2068662b5e0f9652906ec5b6d52aaad 1