View Full Version : so my very first time at the track...(1/8)

06-29-2004, 10:08 PM
well i think i did horrible, i have an 89 w/ red top, fmic, 14psi on mbc, shock/spring setup, 3" full exhaust, just the basic bolt ons... and my times...

well i expected to do a lot better from other cars w/ the same setup, but it was my very first time, saw 2hipsi there, after he saw my 2nd run he probably acted like he didnt know me haha j/p but maybe some people could gimme some tips from my times...

reaction: 1.092
60ft: 2.406
1/8: 9.589
mph: 74.26

reaction: 1.013
60ft: 2.240
1/8: 9.483
mph: 71.65

reaction: 1.115
60ft: 2.439
1/8: 9.642
mph: 75.91

now this would equate to what a 14sec run? well most cars like mine run 13's mid 13's...

and yea i had to double clutch 3rd b/c it grinds pretty bad sometimes...
any tips would be very helpful
and yes flaming is inevitable so flame away...


06-29-2004, 10:15 PM
Change your tranny fluid???;)

06-29-2004, 10:23 PM
I ran a 14.2 @95mph my first time out (sorry don't remember my 1/8th time) with basically the same as yours minus fmic. That was with a 2.2 60 ft. Hopefully the next time I go out I'll have the FMIC and VLSD in which should put me the 13's me thinks....even if I'm a crappy driver! :duh:

Suggestions? fix your tranny, get an LSD of some sort, and better tires. Those should all help.

What rpm were you launching at?

06-29-2004, 10:24 PM
i tried tha when i first swapped, but i tihnk im gonna try some GM SyncroMesh stuff... heard it works well

06-29-2004, 10:33 PM
your times are in the 14.7-90 ballpark 1/4 mile. your 60ft is god awful. how are you launching?

for reference my 1/8 times were in the 8.30s with pretty much the same mods........i dont remember the mph off the top of my head.

06-29-2004, 10:36 PM
Reaction times are really bad, but that can be takin care of with practice. And definitely work on your launches, you 60ft should be quicker then that.

06-29-2004, 10:45 PM
i launched at about 4k... i tried slipping it a little bit sometimes...
my tires are good, they are Yoko AVS ES100 245/45 in rear, im just afraid of my clutch, b/c when i try to slip it form high rpm's it slips bad and i gotta wait a min for it to cool down... but id did well tonight, i was told to try and feather the clutch on my launch from 1500 rpm... which surprised me, then work up until a certain rpm hurts my time..

oh yea i know it doesnt make much of a diff, but i had my spare tire and everything in my car..

06-29-2004, 10:51 PM
i launched at about 4k... i tried slipping it a little bit sometimes...
my tires are good, they are Yoko AVS ES100 245/45 in rear, im just afraid of my clutch, b/c when i try to slip it form high rpm's it slips bad and i gotta wait a min for it to cool down... but id did well tonight, i was told to try and feather the clutch on my launch from 1500 rpm... which surprised me, then work up until a certain rpm hurts my time..
What kind of clutch do you have? I have a spec stage 2. The second time I went out, I think I launched around 4k and my clutch seems to slip for the first few seconds of every gear. It sucked, and I ended up with a 14.6.... Next time (hopefully w/ the fmix and vlsd) I'm gonna launch around 2000-2500. We'll see.

06-30-2004, 11:32 AM
i got a clutch from a local clutch shop... turned out to be a not so great idea, it grabs alright, but now how i would like, i cant slip it too much or it will slip in every gear til i let it cool, thats why you always try to get quality instead of going for better deal...

Mr. Badlose
06-30-2004, 12:34 PM
i tried tha when i first swapped, but i tihnk im gonna try some GM SyncroMesh stuff... heard it works well

I believe that will eat brass syncros in our transmissions. Aren't we suppose to use GNL4 or lower? Someone chime in.

Mr. Badlose
06-30-2004, 12:42 PM
Damn, double-posted. We don't have permissions to erase our posts?

06-30-2004, 02:46 PM
and yea i had to double clutch 3rd b/c it grinds pretty bad sometimes...

What? Double Clutch? On a drag race?

You only double when you are DOWN SHIFTING, not upshifting. When you upshift, your engine RPM's are already way up, so double clutching does abosolutely nothing except waste time.

Now, if you are DOWN SHIFTING, you double clutch because your engine rpms are dropping and you want them to match the RPM of the gear you are going into.

If you mean that you MISSED third gear, then thats a different story all-together. But, don't every double clutch when you are upshifting. There is no point.

Hopefully that will help shave a few tenths.

06-30-2004, 02:59 PM
damn i'd be exstatic with 2.2 60ft times.

At stock boost, with a 2.75 60ft, I was barely able to break into the 14s. This is in the mountains though, so times are a bit slower

with my car, for some reason it either bogs down or spins tires of the line. Its hard slipping a 6 puck clutch.

I've been working on my launch, so I think i can pull a better time, and on top of that, more boost :D

06-30-2004, 03:11 PM
acutally, you should never have to double clutch b/c out trannys have snychros. When downshifting just rev match....

06-30-2004, 03:57 PM
acutally, you should never have to double clutch b/c out trannys have snychros. When downshifting just rev match....

correcto.. you said it.

unless his transmission is SO bad that the synchros are worn and he REALLY DOES need to double clutch.

people confuse double-clutching with rev-matching, there IS a difference.

double clutch = pushing clutch to take car out of gear, putting it in neutral, release clutch, press clutch, and then put into gear. this all has to do with synchros

rev-match = match the revs for smooth shifting.

big difference.

06-30-2004, 07:49 PM
thanks old_s13, thats what i have to do sometimes because when i try to shift into 3rd w/o double clutching then i will have to take it out of gear, then clutch and put it in gear...
i dont double clutch to be kool, and the tranny was like this when i got it, so i dont know how it got like that...
on the subject, do you think that couble clutching takes much time away, because i can tell a difference in when it spools, it takes longer (obviously) when i double into third... but would it be significant?

06-30-2004, 07:54 PM
do you think that couble clutching takes much time away, because i can tell a difference in when it spools, it takes longer (obviously) when i double into third... but would it be significant?

of course it does, in a run of about 13-15 seconds, having to clutch in, take it out of 2nd, clutch out, clutch back in, and put it in third...takes i dunno, a couple tenths if your FAST i'd guess. doesn't it feel longer to you?