View Full Version : s13 ignition key,

05-22-2014, 07:30 AM
anyone in arizona have a bunch of 240 keys(s13 hatch) i could try on my ignition? or know a really cheap locksmith, i read about the dealership and stuff.
don't know how i lost my ignition key..just fell off the chain…and i need my car today.

or does anyone know anyway to start the car without cutting wires or screwing anything up?

05-29-2014, 10:56 AM
I wouldn't trust someone with a buncha 240 keys..or bunch of any kind of keys... whom i dont know...to try and find one for my car.....If you have a jar full of keys you probably steal cars.

see if they have pop-a-lock in your area. When I lost my key i called them and they made me one for like 75 bucks or something and dude hooked it up with an extra for free. they made the copy from my trunk lock. came to my house and did it in my garage, so if the ignitions been changed and your door key and ignition key don't match your doomed to the dealership or getting your shit stolen and probably murdered.