View Full Version : The Government Owns You and Everything You Have

05-04-2014, 12:55 PM
It's a funny thing, ownership. It brings us pride and elation when we purchase something we've wanted, and for most of us it brings a very serious desire to keep that which we own safe.

However, it's all a load of bollocks. We own nothing. Everything we have can be taken by our government, a government we think of as flawed but ultimately one of the better on Earth.

Housing- Dependent on taxes and fees. Don't pay the taxes or fees and the house or land becomes the government's. This is true even if you utilize zero government infrastructure. You lease the land you think you own.

Transport- Dependent on licensing and other regulatory fees. Don't pay the fees, don't get a license, and you're out. They take your car and force you to comply or they sell your car.

Personal effects- Dependent on your actions and how much you owe the government. Don't pay your taxes, or be involved in something that the State thinks is illegal and buh-bye gaming computer, sweet Snap-On toolbox and vintage skateboard collection.

Person- You don't own yourself. The government owns you. If you commit a victimless crime (i.e. one where there was no initiation of force [force being assault, murder, theft- anything which either causes monetary or physical harm to another]), the government authorizes its employees to arrest you. If you do not recognize this arrest, you will be forcibly taken into custody. If you resist this force with equal force, the government will escalate force until it neutralizes you by incapacitation or death. If you allow yourself to be arrested, you will spend time in a cell and will possibly get raped. (More men get raped in this country than women- look it up. [2020 edit: I believe this was misogynistic and I apologize.])

Think about it. Nothing that I've said is a lie. You will never truly own anything in your life. Everything you have will always be a misstep or ideological requirement away from being gone. Free men have a luxury none of us have ever known- no claimants. Free men know fairness- we do not. Free men have only thieves to guard against, we have governments to guard against.

I despise the fact that I will never own anything. The only things I guess I could consider "owned" are those the government can never find- the things one cannot enjoy because they are hidden.

05-04-2014, 01:20 PM
pretty true.

05-04-2014, 04:46 PM
Sadly it is what it is.

05-04-2014, 05:46 PM
My name isn't in any governmental databases. I have had cops in two cities tell me that after trying to "Run" my name through their computers.

05-04-2014, 08:27 PM
My name isn't in any governmental databases. I have had cops in two cities tell me that after trying to "Run" my name through their computers.

Not really sure exactly how that's relevant ITT, but they can still deprive you of life or liberty without knowing who you really are.

05-04-2014, 11:34 PM
It's sad but true. We're like puppets in a way, with the govt's hands up our ass being manipulated.
This fucking place isn't free.

05-05-2014, 12:05 AM
the thing that pissed me off is "they" say that $40,000 annually is considered stable pay but people say we make that money. i say "mother Fucker do you know how much i take home?". fuel goes sky rocketed price and the cost of living keeps going up. business are going out of state or country. everything we worked for, owned is kept with a price tag from the government. i say i stay home and drink beers..........:fruit:

05-05-2014, 03:26 PM
Many of you will disagree with this but I honestly feel that the more time I spend thinking about how the government works and where it's headed I get very depressed. I also cant even watch the news anymore because of all the stupid crap they feed to the public, but this is just my opinion. I choose to just drink beer, work on my car and when that rare moment in life comes where a girl lets me sleep with her I take that opportunity.

05-05-2014, 03:47 PM
Many of you will disagree with this but I honestly feel that the more time I spend thinking about how the government works and where it's headed I get very depressed. I also cant even watch the news anymore because of all the stupid crap they feed to the public, but this is just my opinion. I choose to just drink beer, work on my car and when that rare moment in life comes where a girl lets me sleep with her I take that opportunity.

Quoted for truth haha

05-05-2014, 03:55 PM
Many of you will disagree with this but I honestly feel that the more time I spend thinking about how the government works and where it's headed I get very depressed. I also cant even watch the news anymore because of all the stupid crap they feed to the public, but this is just my opinion. I choose to just drink beer, work on my car and when that rare moment in life comes where a girl lets me sleep with her I take that opportunity.
100% argee, and waiting for the government to fall apart...

05-05-2014, 05:24 PM
And people wonder why I have more money invested in brass, lead and copper rather than the stock market.

It's rigged. It wasn't always that way, but once Wall Street and the Feds got buddy buddy with each other, the only guaranteed losers are the citizens.

05-05-2014, 05:39 PM
the thing that pissed me off is "they" say that $40,000 annually is considered stable pay but people say we make that money. i say "mother Fucker do you know how much i take home?". fuel goes sky rocketed price and the cost of living keeps going up. business are going out of state or country. everything we worked for, owned is kept with a price tag from the government. i say i stay home and drink beers..........:fruit:

the funny part is "they" make exponentially way more than 40k a year lol

and a lot of them were born w/ a silver spoon in their mouth

05-05-2014, 07:30 PM
Wow I think this is the first loud noises thread I've seen that hasn't turned into some heated debate.

people actually agree with each other on something.

05-05-2014, 07:41 PM
I don't think anyone can disagree that the politics in this country are headed anywhere but corrupt...

05-05-2014, 07:57 PM
Wow I think this is the first loud noises thread I've seen that hasn't turned into some heated debate.

people actually agree with each other on something.

Very true. It is sad that it takes something like this for people to agree, but I know its because in the end this will have an impact on all of us.

05-05-2014, 08:40 PM
The comfort level people can afford is very distant to what the economy provides. The most GDP per capita countries have the least ownership of homes, cars, etc.



05-05-2014, 09:27 PM
I want to say blame Obama but this way we'll before him

05-06-2014, 01:32 AM
i think the BS was handed by Bush. honestly. i wouldn't go for any politicians because I'm so fed up with the BS. i have politicians at work, i think they should be running for president ( for those who i mean when it comes to guys that know how to talk the BS). our system is so F'up. all they want is easy money. at some point well never have a true person that knows what we go through. the reasons are everyone has their needs. every politician we went through ran the bill based on their "wants".

05-06-2014, 04:26 AM
Not really sure exactly how that's relevant ITT, but they can still deprive you of life or liberty without knowing who you really are.

The government can't do anything with something or someone that isn't found in the databases.

When the cops have run my name they get told: "Do not detain." Which means: "You are free to go." I have seen cops get pissed off because my name isn't in their database.

Have you ever seen an out of state car with expired tags?

05-06-2014, 06:55 AM
Many of you will disagree with this but I honestly feel that the more time I spend thinking about how the government works and where it's headed I get very depressed. I also cant even watch the news anymore because of all the stupid crap they feed to the public, but this is just my opinion. I choose to just drink beer, work on my car and when that rare moment in life comes where a girl lets me sleep with her I take that opportunity.
Agreed. This topic is like ppl who worry about Illuminati... So what if its true? What are YOU prepared to do about it? Tear down the current system & incite anarchy? Good luck. The vast majority are to pacified to agree with that at all.

Worrying about this stuff brings no solace. And whoever said "$40k is stable income" is on some bullshit. That ain't no real money. What I try to do instead of fighting the current system is learn its rules to get ahead & provide a happier life for my small circle of influence. You gonna give yourself a heart attack worrying about this pointless shit.

Also, even though the govt places these expectations on its citizens, it provides a fair amount back in exchange. Roads & infrastructure, military defense, housing assistance, healthcare (albeit subpar) & more...

I don't think anyone can disagree that the politics in this country are headed anywhere but corrupt...
Agreed. But I think we can all agree, things could be far worse. Imagine living in any govt south of us or in Africa... Our politicians haven't parsed us off enough yet to overthrow anything.

05-06-2014, 07:09 AM
Enjoy the freedoms you have while you have them. Americans are to lazy to take to the streets and fight our government.

Sent from my mobile NSA beacon.

05-06-2014, 08:10 AM
If you keep on keeping on, your legacy is to pass down a controlled and regulated life to the next generation. Your legacy is to tuck tail and drink and screw when the going gets tough. Makes for a good story but is selfish without virtue.

Americans have been keeping on since 1803, when the Supreme Court declared itself able to interpret what was and was not constitutional. That had a major effect on checks and balances.

The previous generation to you kept keeping on. The generation previous to mine voted Dubya into office, allowed the USAPATRIOT Act to be passed, supported war on countries with dubious ties to terror, countries we had supported in the past, countries we worked with to make chemical weapons. My generation reelected Dubya, allowed the continuing of the USAPATRIOT Act, allowed the troop surge, elected Obama (twice) and did just about diddly to prevent the growth of the NSA.

Everything we consent to, every search we allow, every increase in governmental regulatory power we say yes to, has far-reaching consequences. We still suffer from the choices our great-great-grandparents made, and their parents before them. I'm not asking anyone to be selfless in their support of smaller government, I'm asking them to be as selfish as possible- after all, is not your life the one of utmost import to you?

05-06-2014, 08:32 AM
and do what, exactly?

05-06-2014, 09:55 AM
and do what, exactly?

Right? I went through this conspiracy/revolutionary phase in my mid-20's too. I can appreciate the OP's concern, but thats a big machine to tear down. I'd rather move to a different country if I didn't like things here, but no way would I give up my citizenship.

05-06-2014, 11:00 AM
I do agree with this, this country is a mess.

05-06-2014, 11:20 AM
A bit off topic, but the fact that the national debt keeps climbing without any way of paying it off really shows that this county is the proverbial shit inching closer to the fan.

Right? I went through this conspiracy/revolutionary phase in my mid-20's too. I can appreciate the OP's concern, but thats a big machine to tear down. I'd rather move to a different country if I didn't like things here, but no way would I give up my citizenship.

Australia! They speak english and they have skylines lol :naughty:

05-06-2014, 05:04 PM
I'd say Canada. ...I actually wanted to, but it's too damn cold

05-06-2014, 08:50 PM
and do what, exactly?

Tear it all down, the only way that an adherent to the non-aggression principle can without being arrested- vote well. Every vote you make needs to be informed, and every election is one you can use to dismantle the machine.

Never vote for a lesser of two evils, and never support the ideas of liberals or conservatives unless their outcome is freedom. Freedom is the reason for living, as all joy comes from it.

Most of all, refuse to be meek when it comes to others' stupidity. Just because someone is your friend does not mean they should be immune to you questioning their beliefs. This will make you a pain in the ass and you'll probably lose friends, but you might also help advance the cause of freedom. Your ignorance can reduce my freedom- and I'll resent the hell out of you.

The gist of this idea of revolution is not armed revolt but rather a return to intelligent politics. I merely ask that I be left alone, that unless I initiate force I am not even a blip on anyone's radar.

I will continue to advocate for you to stop paying taxes, now. Just stop.

I will continue to advocate for you to never rely on the government for help. Live right, and be prepared.

I will continue to ask that you not wage war. Government bullets and the sovereignty of foreign nations should be goddamn sacred.

Canada and Australia are both less free than we are. I hope you were joking...

05-07-2014, 02:15 PM



05-07-2014, 02:18 PM
We will complain about the system till the sun goes down, then we will pass it to our children.

Sent from my mobile NSA beacon.

05-07-2014, 03:46 PM
Canada and Australia are both less free than we are. I hope you were joking...
Free is a very loose and relative term. Americans love to wave it around as some sort of a golden totem, while in reality the average person in Germany enjoys much more freedom without even thinking about it. In the end, 'freedom' means nothing without happiness and comfort, and Canada and Australia both have a much happier population.

Here is the most recent Democracy Index, the US is 21st (page 5):

Here is the most recent World Press Freedom Index, the US is 46th (page 30):

05-07-2014, 05:15 PM
lol this is so true..

i always said were all slaves in a way...we work to live and live to work

but i'm a happy slave.. happy with what i have. But don't really own

05-07-2014, 06:17 PM
People seem to JUST now start realizing this... All the conspiracy theories...well.. they are no longer theories.. they truth exposing facts about the government.

The main one Martial law.... the act of the government considering any and everyone they please as a potential terrorist. And arresting you with out any reasoning. Another words.... Guilty until proven innocent.

There is more and more evidence of the gov planning for martial law..

Like them giving nearly every police force across the nation Mrap vehicles... Why would any police force need a vehicle that is capable of actual warfare in common urban cities ?

https://www.y outube.com/watch?v=kBQgnlxOyA4 In this video is a recent training excercise performed in down town l.a. which i dont understand.. Almost seems like they are planning for events like this to unfold.

Ultimately the government does not have plans that are in the best interest of the American citizens. People in this country who actually truly believe everything is fine and dandy and nothing is going to happen are just oblivious to whats happening. More people need to find out about the negative things the gov wants to happen.

05-08-2014, 09:38 AM
i'm just waiting for the day the government runs out of money and can't pay all the people on welfare and food stamps. That's when shit would really get outta hand..

Michael E
05-08-2014, 10:04 AM
And people wonder why I have more money invested in brass, lead and copper rather than the stock market.

It's rigged. It wasn't always that way, but once Wall Street and the Feds got buddy buddy with each other, the only guaranteed losers are the citizens.

You have been missing out on some good returns! Sorry you feel this way but the market has treated me very well over the long run

05-23-2014, 04:24 PM
I despise the fact that I will never own anything. The only things I guess I could consider "owned" are those the government can never find- the things one cannot enjoy because they are hidden.

the way it should be ...
The Philosophy of Liberty (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muHg86Mys7I)

05-29-2014, 02:24 PM
Hence government supported attacks against the 2nd Amendment. Every resistance by the people, for the people, has been through the end of a barrel.

Of course we don't truly possess things. Even if you pay off your house, your car, etc.. you are still forced to pay insurance and property tax.

No we do not own our bodies. Prostitution anyone? Government passes a law forbidding how you, the individual, can and cannot use your body.

Want to live off the grid? Grow your own food? With all the regulations placed on farming and size restrictions, you better keep in on the DL.

Basically if there is any way to live outside government control or influence, our hypocritical law makers will go well beyond the Constitution to prevent it.

Regardless of the people, nothing has changed in 2 centuries. Now that a high percentage of people live off the government, resistance is futile.


Now back to work and hobbies to take my mind off reality.

05-29-2014, 02:52 PM
i'm just waiting for the day the government runs out of money and can't pay all the people on welfare and food stamps. That's when shit would really get outta hand..

They don't have money, they borrow. Anyway, we working citizens pay for welfare. The system is rigged. everything we own is taxed a hundred times.

07-20-2014, 08:17 PM
Americans are to lazy to take to the streets and fight our government.

I wouldn't say people are too lazy...some of us realize that civil war is for when all methods of diplomacy have failed, rather than a kneejerk reaction.

Despite the fact that I strongly disagree with almost everything the current administration stands for, I am not going to stoop down and turn to violence as a response. At times it IS necessary, but it is not always the answer.

07-31-2014, 06:58 PM
lol. this video was entertaining.


09-12-2014, 06:08 AM
its sad but true. You have no Privacy... dont beleive me? Read the latest Yahoo news... and beleive it or not yahoo, google, facebook were all ordered by the Gov't to release info pertaining to American citizens in 2008(long before the Snowden incident). However yahoo was facing stiff fines for declaring that it was unconstitutional. which i happen to agree with, to a certian extent.