View Full Version : Are the Mods Absent in the Marketplace or What?

04-29-2014, 09:23 PM
I didn't want to create this thread by any disrespect as I have learned many information through the website, bought and sold many parts here that locally I cannot even source.

But lately it has come to my attention that the moderator presence has been lack lust lately. I get it, moderators has 'lives' and they don't get paid to do it as they volunteer their own personal time to it, which I respect and tip my hat off to you guys sincerely. Honestly, a BIG THANKS is in order to you guys for running and maintaining the site, especially in the somewhat recent spams attacks and the website being down.

However, as a member who has created numerous for sale threads and a handful closed by moderators for excessive bumping (which I learned not to do anymore and respect that rule), it's kinda disappointing to see ALOT of recent threads where the OP's are bumping their threads more than the alotted two times and there are no repercussions to them and they continue to do so. And from my lurking, it SEEMS that the only threads that are closed are the ones that seek the moderator's own personal interest (not the seller per se, but perhaps a part they want or something appealing), not from a objective sense of view where all marketplace threads are judged fairly- in fact in seems that the moderators presence have been completely absence within the last few weeks, and honestly seeing the same threads pop up, is definitely getting old and lame.

But at the end of the day, who cares right? That's the mentality of most people nowadays; I figure I vent my thoughts and shed some tears about this issue lol and hopefully get a moderator to chime in.... ;)

Just to reiterate the rules, here is portion of the "For Sale Rules and Guidelines" as quoted by S13SilviaGirl (http://zilvia.net/f/member.php?u=14257) which you can find here if anyone forgot:



2 BUMPS PERIOD! This is not PER DAY! Bump more than twice and it is locked.

This includes:
"pms/email sent/replied to"
"all questions answered" ect.....

If you aren't reading the rules you're asking for your thread to be locked. Do not get your buddies to bump it for you either, again it will be locked.
If you thread is locked for excessive bumping, you may re-post in 3 days(72 hours) with new pricing. Like the site owner has stated, if you have to keep bumping, then you need to re-evaluate your pricing. And last but not least, a friendly reminder that external links to other for sale pages are not authorized....."

and another quote by dorkidori_s13 (http://zilvia.net/f/member.php?u=64106) in the "WTB & Bumps in For Sale Section.. No Mercy! " thread which can be found here:


"You get 2 bumps for your "for salehttp://images.intellitxt.com/ast/adTypes/icon1.png (http://zilvia.net/f/showthread.php?t=513657#)" threads, THATS IT! PERIOD! Anymore and I will GLADLY lock your thread! After 2 bumps your thread is eligible to be locked!

If I catch your thread with excess bumps in it (when you KNOW you shouldn't be doing that), count on a 2 week pinking! NO EXCUSES!

Bumps include "TTT", "bump", "Price reduced to $XXX.XX" "Thanks, Im glad you like my parts", "Come on, someone buy these" etc etc. You are allowed to answer questions as these contribute to your thread in a non bumping manner, but trying to sneak in bumps that dont look like bumps ARE BUMPS!"

04-29-2014, 10:19 PM
Mod's are busy. they have lives and jobs outside of Zilvia. most have full time jobs, families, etc. They do what they can with the time they have.

they do a pretty good job.

04-29-2014, 11:27 PM
Mod's are busy. they have lives and jobs outside of Zilvia. most have full time jobs, families, etc. They do what they can with the time they have.

they do a pretty good job.

lmao. good job repeating what he just posted.

how about we just hire more mods then....

04-30-2014, 05:54 AM
It has been less than 12 hours since I have last logged in. I spend an excessive amount of time on here and there is no freaking way I could managed to read 1/3 of the F/s threads to weed out everyone who is breaking the rules. There is that nifty button on your left hand side however on each post that is "report post" that you could flag and give the mods a heads up.

these mods have lives, jobs (some have multiple), and most have cars of their own to tend to as well. They are here doing the best they can to keep the peace and make sure this place doesn't get out of hand. Dealing with the spam alone is a full time job, let alone the people who can't follow the rules, and responding to questions that members have about their accounts, their cars, and the weather.

Never mind the time they spend drinking just to forget all the stupid shit people post like this......

You are welcome to help and use that button, you can live with it, or you can find somewhere else to make 74+ transactions. Totally up to you.

04-30-2014, 10:59 AM
It has been less than 12 hours since I have last logged in. I spend an excessive amount of time on here and there is no freaking way I could managed to read 1/3 of the F/s threads to weed out everyone who is breaking the rules. There is that nifty button on your left hand side however on each post that is "report post" that you could flag and give the mods a heads up.

these mods have lives, jobs (some have multiple), and most have cars of their own to tend to as well. They are here doing the best they can to keep the peace and make sure this place doesn't get out of hand. Dealing with the spam alone is a full time job, let alone the people who can't follow the rules, and responding to questions that members have about their accounts, their cars, and the weather.

Never mind the time they spend drinking just to forget all the stupid shit people post like this......

You are welcome to help and use that button, you can live with it, or you can find somewhere else to make 74+ transactions. Totally up to you.

Yes, I know that mods have 'lives' outside of Zilvia, as stated in my original post- thank you for reinforcing that yet again.

Yes, I know that you can report posts that do not follow the rule by clicking the "the exclamation sign" under the member's screen name; I have done it many times in the past. HOWEVER, did you know there is a 30 second delay for me to continue to report different posts (as I'm probably not a premie member)? Trust me I tried, and the 30 second delay, especially if there were numerous consecutive threads that went beyond it the allotted count was a bit annoying to report.

You can argue this post is stupid, yes you are entitled to your opinion. But why have multiple moderators stress these guidelines in the past? There must be something important about them in the first place for them to waste their time to compile and enforce these rules, wouldn't you say so?

As far as my transaction goes, it shows that I know how to follow the rules. heck I even personally dealt with you. And sadly enough, feedback doesn't mean crap nowadays, though I pride in providing honesty and integrity in everything I sell..... but hey these are only words right? lol

05-01-2014, 05:28 PM
You want a pat in the back for following the rules or you looking for a justification to multi-bump the shit out of your threads because everybody else is doing it? That's about what this thread sounds like to me...

You know what, here you go:

05-01-2014, 08:09 PM
Awww.... thanks for the cookie! Now I need some milk to go with it. Hooray!

05-01-2014, 08:36 PM
Yes, I know that mods have 'lives' outside of Zilvia, as stated in my original post- thank you for reinforcing that yet again.

Yes, I know that you can report posts that do not follow the rule by clicking the "the exclamation sign" under the member's screen name; I have done it many times in the past. HOWEVER, did you know there is a 30 second delay for me to continue to report different posts (as I'm probably not a premie member)? Trust me I tried, and the 30 second delay, especially if there were numerous consecutive threads that went beyond it the allotted count was a bit annoying to report.

You can argue this post is stupid, yes you are entitled to your opinion. But why have multiple moderators stress these guidelines in the past? There must be something important about them in the first place for them to waste their time to compile and enforce these rules, wouldn't you say so?

As far as my transaction goes, it shows that I know how to follow the rules. heck I even personally dealt with you. And sadly enough, feedback doesn't mean crap nowadays, though I pride in providing honesty and integrity in everything I sell..... but hey these are only words right? lol

Maybe since you care so much and you made some money off Zilvia you should become a premie.

05-01-2014, 08:46 PM
Maybe since you care so much and you made some money off Zilvia you should become a premie.

But that still wouldn't solve this issue wouldn't it? Through some observation, the marketplace mods lately SEEM more in tune with their own for sale threads than actually moderating it so I wouldn't know how becoming a premie member would help at all... but again it's only an observation that I care too much...

05-02-2014, 01:39 PM
$ is what funds this place. I donated and became a premium member because this place has easily paid for itself and then some. not that it provides many extra benefits (compared to other boards), but a simple thanks for keeping this place open.

$ doesn't make mods move faster, jump higher, or do anything more magical. it does however keep the serves running, allow upgrades, and maintenance fees that I can imagine are rather large for a place like this. This place could use some better spam filters and updated software, and I understand those those things aren't free. Those things improving will improve my experience here so a few bucks out of my pocket isn't going to kill me.

As for you buying something from me, yes you did. My point was you have been on here and had 47 successful transactions. Clearly there is something that you are happy with here and haven't had such a horrible experience. Yeah some people get away with it for a bit. What would you do to fix it?

05-02-2014, 01:51 PM
I would've happily been a moderator of the marketplace on here for the past 10 years or whatever.

Even if it was to watch for excessive bumps or threads with poor titles.

I report posts so much...

05-02-2014, 01:58 PM
I would've happily been a moderator of the marketplace on here for the past 10 years or whatever.

Even if it was to watch for excessive bumps or threads with poor titles.

I report posts so much...


05-02-2014, 06:07 PM
$ is what funds this place. I donated and became a premium member because this place has easily paid for itself and then some. not that it provides many extra benefits (compared to other boards), but a simple thanks for keeping this place open.

$ doesn't make mods move faster, jump higher, or do anything more magical. it does however keep the serves running, allow upgrades, and maintenance fees that I can imagine are rather large for a place like this. This place could use some better spam filters and updated software, and I understand those those things aren't free. Those things improving will improve my experience here so a few bucks out of my pocket isn't going to kill me.

As for you buying something from me, yes you did. My point was you have been on here and had 47 successful transactions. Clearly there is something that you are happy with here and haven't had such a horrible experience. Yeah some people get away with it for a bit. What would you do to fix it?

I don't question that money donated for becoming a premie member contributes to maintaining the website and keep it running- for servers, domain space and etc. My complaint is specifically for the marketplace section, the moderators who corresponds to that section lately SEEMS to be more absent-minded about enforcing common forum regulations and guidelines and letting things be which is not ideally the stipulation of being a admin. I would suggest more moderators to help regulate the section....

I would've happily been a moderator of the marketplace on here for the past 10 years or whatever.

Even if it was to watch for excessive bumps or threads with poor titles.

I report posts so much...

You have my vote!!! :x: