View Full Version : Un-mod dorkidori???

03-12-2014, 10:30 AM
this guy uses his banning powers way too much. he deletes anything that he doesnt like.
He is pushing people away from this forum.
So can a mod please un-mod this guy he is abusing his powers and lot of people have seen it.
I was just banned for 3 months for saying this. I didnt realize you get banned on this forum for speaking an opinion. Which is actualy a fact in this case.

03-12-2014, 12:18 PM
oh, thank you for letting me know you have 2 users names. Consider this one permabanned as multiple user names are not allowed!

by the way, dont act like im bullying you or anyone else. picking public fights and trolling got you into trouble after you were warned, MULTIPLE TIMES, to leave well enough alone. oh, and your little stunt on my facebook page basically sealed the deal!

EDIT: i felt the need to add a follow up to the above accusations. the fact of the matter is that i dont go around with my finger on the ban button. 99% of people i ban get at least 2-3 warnings before i decide to pink them. and 99% of the people i pink dont listen when i tell them to knock off the BS theyre pulling (and this can be publicly verified in every instance). its always amazing how one sided and victimized people make it seem when theyre pulling crap they shouldnt and get in trouble for it. just because its the internet doent mean you can get away with whatever you want.

03-12-2014, 01:25 PM
Lol .

03-12-2014, 02:51 PM

03-12-2014, 04:00 PM
My only criticism of dorki's moderating is be more profession and generic when warning in threads, send a more detailed explanation with personal history and past statements to the person in a PM.

IE closing threads in FS or lock threads.

Instead of "You keep this up and I'll pink you for 2 weeks!!!" maybe something generic like "Please read the rules of the forum, further actions may lead to suspension. You have been messaged with more detail regarding the situation."

I'm paraphrasing and can't find the exact link.

No other probs with his moderation, closing links in FS at bump limit and for no pix is spot on!

My 2 cents.

Grocery Cart
03-12-2014, 04:44 PM
My only criticism of dorki's moderating is be more profession and generic when warning in threads, send a more detailed explanation with personal history and past statements to the person in a PM.

IE closing threads in FS or lock threads.

Instead of "You keep this up and I'll pink you for 2 weeks!!!" maybe something generic like "Please read the rules of the forum, further actions may lead to suspension. You have been messaged with more detail regarding the situation."

I'm paraphrasing and can't find the exact link.

No other probs with his moderation, closing links in FS at bump limit and for no pix is spot on!

My 2 cents.

Nothing worse than getting pink'd with no explanation. (not saying you do or don't explain but this should just be a general rule among mods)

Edit: Just actually saw a post by dorkidori on the marketplace and I agree, more professionalism please.

03-12-2014, 05:01 PM
Nothing worse than getting pink'd with no explanation. (not saying you do or don't explain but this should just be a general rule among mods)

Edit: Just actually saw a post by dorkidori on the marketplace and I agree, more professionalism please.

curious, which post in the marketplace are you referring to?

03-12-2014, 06:53 PM
Nothing worse than getting pink'd with no explanation. (not saying you do or don't explain but this should just be a general rule among mods)

Edit: Just actually saw a post by dorkidori on the marketplace and I agree, more professionalism please.

He banned benarovi twice for just saying exacly what you said this . He justs deletes everything and bans you .

03-12-2014, 07:12 PM
Beating a dead horse guys.....

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v75/shikhee/Gifs/9e414d9f.gif (http://media.photobucket.com/user/shikhee/media/Gifs/9e414d9f.gif.html)

03-12-2014, 08:27 PM
He banned benarovi twice for just saying exacly what you said this . He justs deletes everything and bans you .

i banned benarovi for more than you know about so seriously chill with the "oh he was so innocent" act.

oh, btw i dont delete everything. have i deleted a single thing in this thread? NOPE! i delete posts that are either shit talking, infighting or are flat out trolling. benarovi was warned to no longer address me due to a situation that occured outside of zilvia.

everyone has their opinion on how moderators/admins should and shouldnt do their jobs. thats great, but actually doing the job is an entirely different story. nay say, cry and complain about everything that i do...its a dirty job, but know this, as a moderator/admin, the first time you pink someone, you instantly become the enemy the person youve pinked and to their little "clique" of friends. most of you will never know this, most of you probably dont care. but in the end, when i pink someone, its because theyve done something theyve already been warned about...NUMEROUS TIMES!

so again, quit with the "oh he was so innocent" BS and start thinking a bit deeper in that maybe he did something he really shouldnt have that you dont know about...maybe hes being pink'd for a reason.

and maybe that reason has NOTHING to do with the fact that im a moderator and more to do with the fact sometimes people do stuff without thinking about the ramifications of their actions....just maybe!

03-12-2014, 09:06 PM
dorki does the job. follow the rules and stop sucking

03-12-2014, 09:47 PM
With great power comes great responsibility

03-12-2014, 09:57 PM
With great power comes great responsibility


Grocery Cart
03-12-2014, 11:04 PM
curious, which post in the marketplace are you referring to?

I don't have the link to the thread right now, I saw it earlier. But it was something like "pics or i lock it".
Would just seem a little better to say something along the lines of how 5280VertDET said.
I don't see you much on the market place but usually on some of the threads in the chat sub I'll see your posts. Coincidentally I clicked a thread and saw your name while reading this thread also.

03-12-2014, 11:22 PM
I don't have the link to the thread right now, I saw it earlier. But it was something like "pics or i lock it".
Would just seem a little better to say something along the lines of how 5280VertDET said.
I don't see you much on the market place but usually on some of the threads in the chat sub I'll see your posts. Coincidentally I clicked a thread and saw your name while reading this thread also.

i havent spent a lot of time recently in the marketplace due to a few reasons. one is i simply dont have the time right now to dig thru all the threads like i use to to weed out the problems (forum users have been doing an awesome job of that which i am very thankful for)... and two, i have been spending chunks of my (very little) free time on a new project for zilvia that the site owners are reviewing right now that will aid in marketplace conductivity/moderation.

i may not be all kittens and puppies in the way i address users in the marketplace when theyre not following the rules, but there are reasons i am as stern as i am. also, keep in mind, for the most part i usually give users a chance to right their wrongs. i will leave a message, if they dont fix their thread per my request usually in an 8-12 hour period, it gets locked. "pics or i lock your thread" is about as blunt as i get. there is nothing offensive about what i said, there is no way it can be misunderstood and it gets my point across. there is no mean tense behind it or insult meant. it literally says what it says.

03-13-2014, 10:31 AM
It is 20 freaking 14, if you don't know how to read the stickies before posting.... you aren't entitled to kitties and puppies. Get it together....

you have had plenty of warning, you are old enough to drive, and if you can't handle reading the stickies first that isn't a mod problem..... that's a you problem.

03-13-2014, 10:48 AM
It is 20 freaking 14, if you don't know how to read the stickies before posting.... you aren't entitled to kitties and puppies. Get it together....

you have had plenty of warning, you are old enough to drive, and if you can't handle reading the stickies first that isn't a mod problem..... that's a you problem.

*gets down on one knee* gabby, will you marry me! :D

03-13-2014, 10:59 AM
This makes my thread almost look professional. ;)


03-13-2014, 11:03 AM
This makes my thread almost look professional. ;)


will you be the best man at the wedding if gabby says yes? :ssex:

03-13-2014, 11:13 AM
Gabby already be's married. sorry

03-13-2014, 11:20 AM
Hell, I think the ban hammer isn't slammed down enough.

Moderator duties are a lot harder than you think. Between babysitting & cleaning up/fixing threads. I was mod of another Nissan forum for a long time & a Harley forum. Both forums were much calmer (and probably more mature) than ThunderDome here & even then I had trouble finding time outside of my real life to do another job online.

Moral of the story: Take some Midol & stop whining. Dorki does a great job. Not to mention he's the only person that makes cool S-chassis shirts.

I don't know, maybe if you think Dorki is a good mod, he should give you like a 75% discount on clothing & aero. LOL

Grocery Cart
03-13-2014, 09:49 PM
It is 20 freaking 14, if you don't know how to read the stickies before posting.... you aren't entitled to kitties and puppies. Get it together....

you have had plenty of warning, you are old enough to drive, and if you can't handle reading the stickies first that isn't a mod problem..... that's a you problem.

I don't think it matters what year it is, lol.
It could be 2024, but if it's the first time someone's on a forum, chances are they don't even know what a "sticky" is.

I know you aren't targeting me, but I never said it was right or not to ban whoever got banned. I'm saying the way I saw it presented was not "professional mod-like". It has nothing to do with being mean or nice, and I never said it didn't get your point across, because it does.
Simply put, it could be a little more "professional" than "pics or I lock it". And that's what 5280VertDET was getting to. You're a mod so you have more responsibility than throwing pinks and locking threads, inform. If it is someone's first time on the forum and they didn't see the sticky I'd hope you wouldn't do that. It could potentially steer away the noobs to zilvia. If that's their first impression of a Mod they probably would view the community to a lower standard as well because of it.

Ninja Edit; I'm not saying you're not doing a good job as a mod, again this is only the first experience I've ever had with you. You're a mod for a reason.

03-14-2014, 02:01 PM
I don't think it matters what year it is, lol.
It could be 2024, but if it's the first time someone's on a forum, chances are they don't even know what a "sticky" is.

I know you aren't targeting me, but I never said it was right or not to ban whoever got banned. I'm saying the way I saw it presented was not "professional mod-like". It has nothing to do with being mean or nice, and I never said it didn't get your point across, because it does.
Simply put, it could be a little more "professional" than "pics or I lock it". And that's what 5280VertDET was getting to. You're a mod so you have more responsibility than throwing pinks and locking threads, inform. If it is someone's first time on the forum and they didn't see the sticky I'd hope you wouldn't do that. It could potentially steer away the noobs to zilvia. If that's their first impression of a Mod they probably would view the community to a lower standard as well because of it.

Ninja Edit; I'm not saying you're not doing a good job as a mod, again this is only the first experience I've ever had with you. You're a mod for a reason.

I R not a mod..... heaven help the page that lets that happen.

if this is your first swing, and you are just learning how to do things, the word "post new thread" had 4 or 5 lines with the words IN BOLD and AT THE VERY TOP RIGHT BY THE "Post new thread button"

There are also FAQ's and even the welcome email that you receive when you are confirming your account that provides all kinds of helpful hits and directions. There are a dozen safe guards against you making choices that would get you pinked, banned, ect. The only thing that stands it is way is a fool strong enough to exceed all the fool proof packaging.

never mind you need to posses an account for what a month? before you are even able to post in the F/s section. (least it was back in the day) So you have a whole month to get your feet wet and learn where the buttons are and mash away at the key board and learn the board before you post something stupid.

I have seen the mods give plenty of opportunity to fix peoples posts and their ways. If they don't understand what they did wrong, who's fault is that? No one is forcing your to post your crap here, and frankly even CL has their polices and if you don't follow them they will delete your post too.

"Officer I'm sorry I didn't see the speed limit was only 35...." does that get you out of a ticket? does that entitle you to having the police hold your hand and read the signs for you? Or do they tell you that it is your job to know the laws and operate accordingly?

The sad thing is, the people who bitch and moan about it, are not new. They are just lazy and unwilling to follow the rules. Those who are truly new and not some slacker who Just says "I'm on my phone I can't be bothered to post pics" are the ones who PM or ask how to rectify their mistakes. I have seen it more than once and even provided links to others to help them avoid making the mods have to get into their posts. Specially in the wheel section and oddly enough those "new" people you are so worried about fix their problems and learn from it. Some don't, and they are the members who make the 12 accounts and are found with pink, brown, ect usernames on here.....

in the end, the "color" of your username is entirely up to....... YOU

03-14-2014, 02:15 PM
seriously Gabby, run away with me! we can go live in the bahamas, no one will ever find us there! lol ;)