View Full Version : Hellloooo from Malta

01-29-2014, 02:38 AM
Heya, so i have a '96 nissan s14 which it's body has been changed to a skyline body.... some mods have been done to the luggage boot, rear arch, front arch bonnet and ofc both headlights and tail lights and a custom body kit has been fitted...

i'm here seeking some ideas, whats best to do if to change it back to standard s14 body kit, lights and factory colour and lower it more on coils, or do the conversion to s14a with the usual areo kit and another type of colour which will prolly still be a factory colour...

here is how my current s14 looks like... it aint bad but i kinda want the s14 looking car not a 'fake' line hehe ( dont get me wrong i love skylines too lol )



02-15-2014, 06:31 AM
So guys i need some help, since i started to work on my silvie, to change it back from R33 front to s14, i need some1 please to post me some pictures of his s14 front pannel in close ups to see if there has been any mods done on it on my silvia..

also i would like a picture of the rear side without the tail lights in place again to see if there has been any heavy mods done on mine..

thanks in advance for the help, hope i can hear from you asap :)

02-15-2014, 02:18 PM
I man I'm from Sicily and have s13.
I hope you turn back to Silvia front and rear or get a real Skyline!

02-16-2014, 10:25 AM
Hey my friend, i am working on it now, i have removed all bodykit and light both front and rear, now i'm removing all the chemical metal which has been used to flush the body kit to the body...

i need your help for some parts, in sicily can i find front half of an s14? or atleast bodt panels i need front panel for sure... need headlights and tail lights too.. and if u know some aftermarket parts in sicily i please beg u to help me since i cannot find any parts yet.. the bodykit i'm looking for is OEM NAVAN , as fromt factory

Any help is greatly appreciated ! :)

02-16-2014, 03:14 PM
No it's very difficoult to find an s14 here, and if you find something is very expensive.
I buy everything from ebay.