View Full Version : Car Insurance

01-23-2014, 09:14 AM
Hey guys.. Im a young fairly new licensed insurance agent always looking to expand my horizons..Im trying to make it in this cold, hard world. I vouge to try my best and answer any questions or tips anyone has for me. there are several ways to lowered your car insurance without sacrificing much.

Insurance for Businesses, Cars and Homes in Hicksville, New York (http://www.libardi.com)

car/auto/home/bike we do it all. will rate you in 8-10 companies to try and find you the BEST rate.. Whats the worst that can happen?? I beat your price or your stay where you are.

My office number is (516)333-3611 EXT 110 if you would like to speak to me or have ANY questions.. i WILL try my hardest to get my fellow car enthusiasts the cheapest best coverage possible