View Full Version : anti theft sticky thread

12-22-2013, 11:04 PM
Can we make an "anti theft thread" and sticky it in the report stolen good forum?

Luckily, I have never had a vehicle stolen. I have however, had items stolen from my car after a break in. I can only assume the amount of aggravation and frustration from getting your car stolen, especially one you love and sacrifice a lot to customize your personal ride.

This thread sticky, should include different types of theft prevention. Also, it should include tips and information leading to services that can track your vehicles location and immobilize it once it has been reported stolen.

Is there a service that would shut your car off, lock the doors, and report to the police the location of the vehicle, once it has been reported stolen by the owner?

I watched a you-tube video of a company providing a bio-metric theft system that cannot be tricked... which would not allow anyone to start the car other than the programmed individuals with permission set by the owner. This used fingerprints and pulse, body temp and another factor I do not recall.

If you do not have a garage and have to park outside, what precautions can you take that will either prevent the theft, or detect it and shut it off asap? To hell with using a gun, or calling the police, wasting time, hoping to get your car back on the dime of the thieves stupidity... What can you do to ENSURE, if your car is stolen, you can trace it, and get it back? Im not talking about pulling a fuse, or buying a clutch buddy or club. Im looking for real resolutions to getting your car BACK, once it has been stolen, or something to recognize the owner is not operating the vehicle, and would shutdown the entire electrical system.

For reasonable considerations, how much can these services cost?
Do they exist?
Are they a violation of the cars auto insurance?
How long does one have to wait after reporting it stolen, will it be located?

These are valid questions I have, and Im sure others have them too. Please refrain from bashing the idea, it really is to help you and me, and any car owner whose car is of value for theft, stripping, or simply joy riding.

Im sure this idea has come up already, but in case not, I thought I would step up and ask.
Thanks for hearing my concern. vote away! :mepoke:

12-24-2013, 04:12 PM
Kill switches are always a good, cost effective solution. I had 2 hidden switches plus an alarm in my old Accord back in high school after having it stolen twice in 6 months. Find a buddy who has a good knowledge of car electronics and you can have a good multi-kill switch setup in your car for under $15. Make sure they are hidden though.

12-24-2013, 04:19 PM
These threads are always a bad idea, post up all the info thieves need in one spot. This has been discussed to death and always ends up back at that fact.

12-24-2013, 04:38 PM
Kill switches are always a good, cost effective solution. I had 2 hidden switches plus an alarm in my old Accord back in high school after having it stolen twice in 6 months. Find a buddy who has a good knowledge of car electronics and you can have a good multi-kill switch setup in your car for under $15. Make sure they are hidden though.

yea, no... not too sure thats all ya need.

trusting that guy who stole your car to be an idiot and NOT know that most kids put kill switches in their car?

yea, $15 dollar investment to ensure you get your car back?

how you gonna find it? rely on the cops? hopefully they get there before he calls his buddies to strip it in the street.

A kill switch would be great, if you had a gps tracker, and in COMBINATION used this to kill the car and locate it, as soon as you see it is missing. ty for your input. kill switches are common and like zerodameaon pointed out, if it common, it could be easily deterred.

These threads are always a bad idea, post up all the info thieves need in one spot. This has been discussed to death and always ends up back at that fact.

I was referring to "specific" companies that provide a security service. This would in no way give thieves the information they need to jack your shit. Unless ofc you didnt read my post clearly, and assume I was asking people to put up what they have for security. In that case, yes that would be harmful. But I get ya, if the community feels its not a good thing to advertise, thus leaving the research up to the owners, I understand that, Completely.

I believe I have found exactly what I am looking for by now, and have talked with the company. I am prepared to have my car stolen, if it ever does, the thief will regret stealing my car. and to further, I will respect the wishes of the community, and not describe what I have discovered after my research. I could only then encourage, others who dread car theft, to do their research, instead of passing it along, which could help prevent their car from getting stolen or recovered.

12-24-2013, 04:48 PM
This thread sticky, should include different types of theft prevention.

That right there sounds like you want people to post up little things about Nissan's that owners can do to stop theft and not ONLY what alarm system is best(which I think we have a thread for that around here somewhere.

Yup here is the alarm thread.

If you have questions go to Broadfield.

12-24-2013, 04:56 PM
This thread sticky, should include different types of theft prevention.

That right there sounds like you want people to post up little things about Nissan's that owners can do to stop theft and not ONLY what alarm system is best(which I think we have a thread for that around here somewhere.

Yup here is the alarm thread.

If you have questions go to Broadfield.

read the entire post... that helps! it builds context. I didnt ask anyone to post what they have in their cars as a security device. but being you cant read well, I dont expect much from you.

12-24-2013, 05:02 PM
Oh I read it all. It does not even have to be what they have in their specific car, even a list in one spot can be enough for say a Honda thief to look at and find the specific little things that Nissan guys like to do.

Anyways I like you, you provide for some good entertainment on a day that I have to sit back and relax and have no need to do anything but watch you drown.

12-24-2013, 07:13 PM
lol, well I must say, Im flattered. :P

12-24-2013, 07:20 PM
Besides, what else is there? lol energies attract. you and i will be best friends and can ride unicorns to imagination land if you want. just let me know....;

on the matter at hand, seriously though, if you those pics in your profile describe the quality of work in your craftsmanship, no wonder you got nothing to do...


and why the fuck are stupid ass honda guys stealing nissans? look, as RETARDED as I may be at times, Im not the one out steeling cars and shit. its not difficult to just buy one and break into it, you think they actually spend time scrolling forums for shit they already know exist?

12-25-2013, 11:44 AM
Can we make an "anti theft thread" and sticky it in the report stolen good forum?

Luckily, I have never had a vehicle stolen. I have however, had items stolen from my car after a break in. I can only assume the amount of aggravation and frustration from getting your car stolen, especially one you love and sacrifice a lot to customize your personal ride.

This thread sticky, should include different types of theft prevention. Also, it should include tips and information leading to services that can track your vehicles location and immobilize it once it has been reported stolen.

Is there a service that would shut your car off, lock the doors, and report to the police the location of the vehicle, once it has been reported stolen by the owner?

I watched a you-tube video of a company providing a bio-metric theft system that cannot be tricked... which would not allow anyone to start the car other than the programmed individuals with permission set by the owner. This used fingerprints and pulse, body temp and another factor I do not recall.

If you do not have a garage and have to park outside, what precautions can you take that will either prevent the theft, or detect it and shut it off asap? To hell with using a gun, or calling the police, wasting time, hoping to get your car back on the dime of the thieves stupidity... What can you do to ENSURE, if your car is stolen, you can trace it, and get it back? Im not talking about pulling a fuse, or buying a clutch buddy or club. Im looking for real resolutions to getting your car BACK, once it has been stolen, or something to recognize the owner is not operating the vehicle, and would shutdown the entire electrical system.

For reasonable considerations, how much can these services cost?
Do they exist?
Are they a violation of the cars auto insurance?
How long does one have to wait after reporting it stolen, will it be located?

These are valid questions I have, and Im sure others have them too. Please refrain from bashing the idea, it really is to help you and me, and any car owner whose car is of value for theft, stripping, or simply joy riding.

Im sure this idea has come up already, but in case not, I thought I would step up and ask.
Thanks for hearing my concern. vote away! :mepoke:

If your main concern is to track the car and be able to shut it down, then I would highly recommend the Viper SmartStart GPS module along with a battery backup. This combo from me would run about $249 shipped. You would be able to track your vehicle via Google maps right from your smart phone. You could even lock and unlock the doors from your smart phone if you wired those optional outputs. There is also an AUX output that would normally be used to pop a trunk/hatch etc, but you could wire it to a latched relay to create a fuel/ignition cut at your fingertips from your smart phone. The battery backup would combat the thief disconnecting the main battery cable or cutting it. It would keep power to the SmartStart module. The SmartStart module and battery backup are fairly small... so they could be tucked WAY up in the dash so it's basically impossible to for the thief to get to them. Note, there is a yearly service fee, but it's only $69/year. But having a keyless entry on your phone and a tracking system to keep tabs on your car is pretty baller for that price. Also, this would give you the ability to do all of this from any distance as long as you have cell phone service.... across the country even, it doesn't matter. Please let me know if anyone has any additional questions.

12-25-2013, 02:26 PM
If your main concern is to track the car and be able to shut it down, then I would highly recommend the Viper SmartStart GPS module along with a battery backup. This combo from me would run about $249 shipped. You would be able to track your vehicle via Google maps right from your smart phone. You could even lock and unlock the doors from your smart phone if you wired those optional outputs. There is also an AUX output that would normally be used to pop a trunk/hatch etc, but you could wire it to a latched relay to create a fuel/ignition cut at your fingertips from your smart phone. The battery backup would combat the thief disconnecting the main battery cable or cutting it. It would keep power to the SmartStart module. The SmartStart module and battery backup are fairly small... so they could be tucked WAY up in the dash so it's basically impossible to for the thief to get to them. Note, there is a yearly service fee, but it's only $69/year. But having a keyless entry on your phone and a tracking system to keep tabs on your car is pretty baller for that price. Also, this would give you the ability to do all of this from any distance as long as you have cell phone service.... across the country even, it doesn't matter. Please let me know if anyone has any additional questions.

Thank you, for the information. This is helpful to me and Im sure others, whom are simply trying to compare services offered similar to what you described. A gps tracker is a great idea, with the shutoff and backup power supply. This is exactly what I was asking for, an example, a rough idea, maybe the name to the company that provides the service, and a logical response. Cheers mate! :P and Happy Holidays.

12-25-2013, 03:49 PM
Can this be used without alarm system or with any cheapo alarm system?

12-25-2013, 04:37 PM
Can this be used without alarm system or with any cheapo alarm system?

It can be used just as I described... just the SmartStart module and the battery backup is optional. You can get more out of it if it's used with a Viper security system, Viper remote start system or Viper remote start/security combo. If you use it with a Viper security system then it will even text you if the Viper security system is triggered.

01-14-2014, 05:29 PM
how you gonna find it? rely on the cops? hopefully they get there before he calls his buddies to strip it in the street.

A kill switch would be great, if you had a gps tracker, and in COMBINATION used this to kill the car and locate it, as soon as you see it is missing. ty for your input. kill switches are common and like zerodameaon pointed out, if it common, it could be easily deterred.

I was saying it's a start. Kill switches prevent the car from being started if you hide them correctly, so unless they tow it, tracking it is unnecessary. I've been down this road, so I have a pretty good idea of what I'm talking about. I like Boradfields suggestion. I'm going to look in to that system.

01-14-2014, 07:27 PM
or how about a lojack? problem solved!!

02-11-2014, 11:22 PM
I have found a reliable company that has some interesting tactics to catch the people, once they steel the car... I will be installing these items for around $500 bucks, includes one month of service. Each month is just $20. Once I install the items, which are small, hard to notice, and can be installed virtually anywhere in or underneath the car, and someone steels it, all I have to do is call the police, report it is missing, and give the officer the contact info of the company which provides the gps tracking, and they will be able to track the car. the items will work with the car on/off/battery unplugged... whatever. $500 is a bit pricey for the electronics, but I think, if anyone wants to find their car, it is well worth it, plus if they find the car, not only will I get it back, but there may be a chance in catching the thieves too. I have done my research and seem to be rather still keen on buying a 240sx. :love:

03-10-2014, 09:35 AM
Just use a GPS tracker like "TK103B" search Amazon but watch the reviews some are clones and suck. $50 plus use an "H20" AT&T cell SIM that is $10 for 90 days of service / 200 texts. No other fees at all. That is nice if you do not need the tracker when the car is secured for the winter so you don't have to pay for the cell service year-round.

Can set arm/disarm regular car alarm, get tracker notifications at will and be notified if regular alarm goes off or if car moves more than 500 feel when tracker armed. It also hooks into the ignition kill so you can stop the car dead in it's tracks from anywhere via cell. Lot's of other features too if you want to wire them in.

"Hello 911? Yes, my car has been stolen and I am tracking it through GPS. Here are the coordinates. I will be arriving at the location fully armed with several legally-owned firearms, so I hope you get there first."

03-10-2014, 09:54 AM
"Hello 911? Yes, my car has been stolen and I am tracking it through GPS. Here are the coordinates. I will be arriving at the location fully armed with several legally-owned firearms, so I hope you get there first."

Yes. State on recording that you're going to gather firearms and confront someone, especially in a state like new york. Quick way to end up in Jail and if something does happen a self defense plea won't stick.

03-10-2014, 10:18 AM
^^ Um, no. Not even close. I'm very up on the gun laws in my state, thank you very much.

03-10-2014, 10:53 AM

03-10-2014, 11:51 AM
^^ Um, no. Not even close. I'm very up on the gun laws in my state, thank you very much.

Sure sounds like it.

03-10-2014, 06:27 PM
^^ Um, no. Not even close. I'm very up on the gun laws in my state, thank you very much.
Clearly you are not....

05-25-2014, 12:51 AM
Ill spend the money buying a guaranteed device and service... that is recognized by my insurance... it will also give me a discount on theft insurance. Buying some heap of crap off the Internet, makes me raise an eyebrow at you man... idk about you, but money is just paper, the real investment is my time put in the car, and the love of Nissan's. Why would anyone buy some 50$ theft device in the first place? Do you think Im stupid? perhaps we can argue the technical nomenclature for Engine/Motor.... you strike me to be that type of asshole, like zerodameaon... lolz

05-25-2014, 01:00 AM
Thank you, for the information. This is helpful to me and Im sure others, whom are simply trying to compare services offered similar to what you described. A gps tracker is a great idea, with the shutoff and backup power supply. This is exactly what I was asking for, an example, a rough idea, maybe the name to the company that provides the service, and a logical response. Cheers mate! :P and Happy Holidays.

yes... :) from what I gathered it works independent from an alarm or any other anti theft device... you can simply use a magnetic gps tracker and receiver provided you know what you are doing... but I dont run my own servers anymore and dont have the access I would need to "certain" technologies. I would have to pay a friend of mine to assist and Im not looking for something indiscreet for my own ride.

05-25-2014, 01:01 AM
or how about a lojack? problem solved!!

what you gonna do when the police follow the 240 mate? :nono:

05-25-2014, 12:15 PM
This is clearly not a Forum Suggestion any longer. :lockd: