View Full Version : Bride Seat Covers?

11-17-2013, 12:05 AM
Hi, I'm trying to find out where to purchase/who to contact about getting a new Bride seat cover. I don't have the option of cleaning/repairing the old one; the seat needs a new cover. It is a legitimate Bride seat, not a replica.

I found a little info on this topic but it was old. It pointed me to Tee's USA but their site is down. So any insight you guys can give me would be appreciated.


11-17-2013, 12:51 AM
tees sells the bride cloth pattern, but your best bet is to just have it recovered by an upholstery shop. it would be cheaper and you can pick your own material. i remember some of the older bride buckets were capable of having the cloth removed via a lockable wire that lined the seat, but im not 100% sure if bride still makes the covers.

11-19-2013, 10:13 AM
That is what I did^ just have it reupholster.