View Full Version : forum moderation

11-07-2013, 12:56 PM
Censorship is not proper forum moderation.

Unilaterally enforcing your opinion through moderation power is not proper forum moderation.

Repeatedly ninja editing, deleting, and pinking people you have personal beef with is especially bad forum moderation.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

11-07-2013, 01:03 PM
the whoe point int a forum is a place for people to freely voice their opinions.

if you not allowed to have a differing opinion from the mods there is no point posting.

11-07-2013, 01:03 PM
Censorship is not proper forum moderation.

Unilaterally enforcing your opinion through moderation power is not proper forum moderation.

Repeatedly ninja editing, deleting, and pinking people you have personal beef with is especially bad forum moderation.

Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Some context would be helpful...

11-07-2013, 01:05 PM
I have repeatedly seen chunks of threads disappear. I have seen posts ninja edited after the fact. Whole threads have been deleted. I have seen people pinked for openly questioning those actions.

11-07-2013, 01:15 PM
I have repeatedly seen chunks of threads disappear. I have seen posts ninja edited after the fact. Whole threads have been deleted. I have seen people pinked for openly questioning those actions.

With out specific instances.

We have rules and guidelines for the forum and sub-forums have additional. Subject threads usually have rules to the content of them(no picture no post, no specs no post) to reduce clutter and keep them on topic of information posting.

Infighting and off topic rants will be removed.

Pinked members have their own subfoum to discuss why they were pinked.

11-07-2013, 01:18 PM
So long as you have a moderator willing to use his authority to put down opinions outside of his own and worse, using his authority to handle personal stuff this forum will not be healthy.

I'm not going to throw a name out here and get myself added to the "will be harassed" list.

11-07-2013, 06:12 PM
kingkilburn, you reported a post a few weeks back where you were being harrased by another member. i was the moderator who stepped in and helped you in that situation, now, do you feel said moderation was incorrect in that i removed references to your harrasment? or should i have let them remain for the rest of zilvia to read as they were irrelevant to the topic as well as a personal attack on you directly?

11-07-2013, 06:28 PM
You don't sneak around deleting shit you don't agree with. You don't edit other peoples' posts unless they say something against the rules, and you make it known that you did if you do that.

You don't pink people for questioning the shit you do.

If you want to stop people harassing then post as an admin and tell people to shut their mouths or get pinked. Instead you deleted a bunch of shit and made me look like a lunatic talking to myself.

If you want to be an admin then you need to act like one. If you want to command respect you need to act in a manner that is respectable.

11-07-2013, 06:55 PM
You don't sneak around deleting shit you don't agree with. You don't edit other peoples' posts unless they say something against the rules, and you make it known that you did if you do that.

of the threads ive edited, i have done so to keep them on topic. when threads begin to go off topic into the "lets start a flame war", i put them back on track again instead of deleting the entire thread.

if anything has been deleted, its been arguments in threads that do not contribute to the original topic. infact, i had to moderate a few replies that were reported by you and were reported because you felt they were direct insults.

You don't pink people for questioning the shit you do.

i dont believe ive pink anyone for questioning what i do. the few members ive pink'd or brown'd have been done so because they were either scamming users or in heavy violation of forum rules. infact, the few that have been pink'd have been warned BEFORE any action was taken!

If you want to stop people harassing then post as an admin and tell people to shut their mouths or get pinked. Instead you deleted a bunch of shit and made me look like a lunatic talking to myself.

since you havent been keeping up on your PM's due to you not wanting to speak with me anymore, the user that was reported was warned. as far as i can remember, i removed the post that was reported along with further posts that were direct attacks against you. if i forgot a post, i apologize and will make an effort in the future to double check any and all posts at least a few pages back.

If you want to be an admin then you need to act like one. If you want to command respect you need to act in a manner that is respectable.

i will act in the way i see fit to act. i have been trying very hard to do a good job at moderating now that ive been appointed one. youll have to forgive me if im not a pro at it yet. the way i address issues on the site may be a bit different than the way others have in the past, HOWEVER, i have referenced the rules and regulations to being a moderator on numerous occasions, i have PM'd various admins who have directed me in which directions to take so i take them and learn.

if you have a personal vendetta against me kingkilburn, then please, sort it out with me in private messages. i am well aware our past disagreeance and i would very much like to sort it out as i did consider you a friend at one point in time that i did enjoy talking to.

11-07-2013, 07:12 PM
I have no personal issue with you. I've dealt with that.

What I have issue with is seeing shit go sharply down hill here to the point that conversation that would have happened here have gone elsewhere. I'm sure that is great for ad revenue.

11-07-2013, 07:15 PM
I have no personal issue with you. I've dealt with that.

What I have issue with is seeing shit go sharply down hill here to the point that conversation that would have happened here have gone elsewhere. I'm sure that is great for ad revenue.

honestly, i would like to sort out any beef you and i have via PM. i think ive extended an olive branch to you quite a few times over the last few weeks and it hasnt been accepted at all.

11-07-2013, 08:44 PM
You don't sneak around deleting shit you don't agree with. You don't edit other peoples' posts unless they say something against the rules, and you make it known that you did if you do that.

You don't pink people for questioning the shit you do.

If you want to stop people harassing then post as an admin and tell people to shut their mouths or get pinked. Instead you deleted a bunch of shit and made me look like a lunatic talking to myself.

If you want to be an admin then you need to act like one. If you want to command respect you need to act in a manner that is respectable.
As a completely neutral party with no dog in this fight...the above looks quite childish. He deletes personal attacks against you and instead of a "thank you" you literally whine about how he "made me look like a lunatic talking to myself"! Furthermore this is the internet, opinions are rampant and what some would deem as personal attacks may just be someones opinion that makes them butthurt. So no, I dont believe they need to announce shit. Rules are up for new members to see and if they opt not to read it so be it.

I really thought there would be more substance to your argument but based on what you have disclosed thus far you appear have a very warped sense of perception. Perhaps answer the guys PM's and sort it out that way, instead of trying to justify your bizarre case of hurt feelings.

11-07-2013, 08:56 PM
Yup. I'm totally new to Zilvia.

11-07-2013, 08:56 PM
@kingkilburn the fact that an admin (from what we can tell) personally tried to help you, and messed up and didn't delete everything, and has tried to help you further and pm you.... And ur still bitching... Is beyond me. THAT makes u look like a lunatic. Don't be a crybaby.

11-07-2013, 08:58 PM
Well I could air his dirty laundry but I'd rather make sure the other mods and admins are aware that there is an issue. They can see everything if they look for it.

And he didn't do me a favor by doing his job.

11-07-2013, 09:07 PM
And he didn't do me a favor by doing his job.

Then what are you whining about? Edit your posts so they don't say anything or pm a mod to get it deleted (regarding the only example you've given). Don't get pissy with us, you're only telling us enough to make you look like a baby...should've not brought it up if you weren't/aren't ready to disclose everything.

11-07-2013, 09:31 PM
And he didn't do me a favor by doing his job.

C'mon man really? That's like saying you shouldn't thank the doctor that saves your life when your dieing in the hospital (not that this is a life or death situation). That's his job. You still just sound like a crybaby. Not to drag up old shit but it's not the first timing I've skimmed through a post of yours that your whining in.

11-07-2013, 09:49 PM
I don't care much about that incident. He's the one that brought it up.

11-07-2013, 09:53 PM
This is the thing.

All you guys can see is one side of it because kilburns side has been deleted.

This wasnt the only instance of it happening. and it wasnt just to kingkilburn.

11-07-2013, 09:56 PM
And I must add. He didnt go out of his way to help kilburn.

He simply fulfilled his duties as a forum moderator.

11-07-2013, 10:13 PM
well before this goes too far, kilburn and i have solved our issue via PM, so please leave him alone. i didnt expect ANYONE to jump in like that. i wouldve posted earlier that he and i have smoothed a few things over, but i was out to dinner.