View Full Version : Dumping a lot of fuel...

10-31-2013, 09:26 PM
Recently swapped in a new KA, and upon startup with my prev tune it was just dumping a lot a fuel and immediately flooding the engine. The prev tune had -20% and we had to lean the SAFC II all the way out to -35% to get the motor to run... What could be causing a **** of fuel to be dumping?

Setup is GarrettT3/T4, walbro, and SR injectors.

*** Also, the RH Head Lamp fuse keeps popping, not sure if there is or could be any relation to either issue

11-02-2013, 11:01 PM
Get a Enthalpy or JWT ecu and start from there.

11-08-2013, 07:23 PM
Verify plugs, spark, injectors being stuck or not, vac leaks, maf operation, then wiring.


Pull fuel til you get a 14.2-14.7 idle mix, tune from idle to 2500, 2500 cruising, 3000 then start tuning transition into boost then so on and so fourth.

I'm putting my spoon away from now on when using this forum....