View Full Version : Has anyone done this??

10-24-2013, 10:11 AM
Ok so i dont have speakers nor do i have a radio in my car and i was wondering if anyone knew how to just make a speaker that plugs into my iphone. Im not talking about an ihome or anything i want to get good loud sound without having to put a radio in? thanks.

10-24-2013, 10:28 AM
Prolly got better odds of answers like this in the Small Questions Thread

...buuut. As long as you get the right kind of AMP, you can run it straight to your speakers, and plug in ur AUX right off it.

My knowledge is limited,. but that about summarized my friends setup.

10-24-2013, 10:36 AM
Are you retarded???


They sell external speakers for Ipod's and Iphone's all over the place. We DO have a "small questions thread", but we DON'T have a "retarded questions thread"...


10-24-2013, 10:48 AM
they sell external speakers at any walmart, cvs or stuff like that...

but if you want, you can install two speakers up front with simple wiring to a amp and connect the ipod/mp3 to the auxin. Talk to Broadfield, he recommended a good amplifier and speakers for this setup when i asked him.

10-24-2013, 11:06 AM
These threads keep getting dumber and dumber....

10-24-2013, 11:12 AM

10-24-2013, 11:16 AM
Guys, he's from Missouri, Florida.

10-24-2013, 11:19 AM

10-24-2013, 11:29 AM
iPods don't have internal amps to drive speakers. You need a head unit.

10-24-2013, 11:39 AM
You need to not be cheap and go buy a walmart speaker & head unit special. They're always cutting their prices!

10-24-2013, 11:46 AM
hahahahhaha those cups:picardfp:

10-24-2013, 11:48 AM
Buy a cheap cigarette lighter power inverter, so you can plug in a wall outlet plug.
Then source a cheap Bluetooth capable sound bar, and mount it wherever you want but can still hide your inverter power cable.
Then connect to the speaker via Bluetooth so you aren't struggling with cords in the way, voila you have a wireless loud speaker without having to have any real knowledge of wiring and no real ghetto rigging...

10-24-2013, 12:03 PM
I put this in my '66 Chevy:

New MA 180 Super Small USB 2 20W Hi Fi Handover Stereo Car Motorcycle Amplifier | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-MA-180-Super-Small-USB-2-20W-HI-FI-Handover-Stereo-Car-Motorcycle-Amplifier-/331050983653)

Wired it in the 12v accessory and connected some speakers, plugged in my iPhone and it worked fine.

I also took the casing and front plate off and installed a another one. Looked a bit more 'factory'.


BTW, Not everyone reads the small questions thread. Just Saying.

10-24-2013, 12:16 PM
+999 to 5280VertDET

I posted in the small question thread almost 2 weeks ago, and who posted after me? Other users with other questions. And even after that, some of those users who posted after me didn't even get their questions answered. So how the fuck else is someone supposed to get their "small question" answered when no one even bothers to answer at all in that thread??? This thread is just evidence that you CAN get your "small question" answered in its own thread more successfully than in the Small Questions Thread. The only con I see here is the assholes who reply with just "THIS SHOULD'VE BEEN ASKED IN THE SMALL QUESTIONS THREAD..." WITHOUT even answering op's question.

P.S. I will share my setup for op shortly after I get onto an actual computer instead of using my phone.

10-24-2013, 12:32 PM
all you need is an audio jack .4 Chanel amp ,and 4 speakers..you want ,to go boom too. just add a mono or powered sub..just that easy!!!

i dont have a radio in my car!! .and i have Bluetooth adapter .so no input jacks needed..

10-24-2013, 12:36 PM
AXXESS® AALC - Remote RCA Level Controller (http://www.carid.com/universal-amplifiers/axxess-line-output-converter-7579988.html?CAWELAID=120019910002957848&nid=PLA&%22cagpspn=pla%22&gclid=COr6sO6NsLoCFSEV7AodwjUAsQ)

Amazon.com: JENSEN USB & Auxiliary Audio Input Jack: Car Electronics (http://www.amazon.com/JENSEN-Auxiliary-Audio-Input-Jack/dp/B005CSXVQA)


10-24-2013, 12:38 PM
+999 to 5280VertDET

I posted in the small question thread almost 2 weeks ago, and who posted after me? Other users with other questions. And even after that, some of those users who posted after me didn't even get their questions answered. So how the fuck else is someone supposed to get their "small question" answered when no one even bothers to answer at all in that thread??? This thread is just evidence that you CAN get your "small question" answered in its own thread more successfully than in the Small Questions Thread. The only con I see here is the assholes who reply with just "THIS SHOULD'VE BEEN ASKED IN THE SMALL QUESTIONS THREAD..." WITHOUT even answering op's question.

P.S. I will share my setup for op shortly after I get onto an actual computer instead of using my phone.

Edit: I asked a question in the pic request thread, but still!! Same idea! lol.

10-24-2013, 12:44 PM
So anyways, I don't have a radio in my car either. I've been relying on these old inMotion iPod speakers, my iPod touch, a bungee cable, and this thing: http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w19/tacobellman_2007/ciglightertodc_zps8f5bab9c.jpg

Cigarette lighter-to-DC connector thing. No idea what the formal name is :/

Anyways, plug in cigarette lighter to car, plug in other end to my iPod speakers, hook iPod Touch up, and strap it up with a bungee cord in front of my din pocket right underneath the climate controls lol. And you're good to go!

SR Skid_Kid
10-24-2013, 12:52 PM
just get a three prong plug thingy for your cig lighter thingy then get a 80's boom box and plug her rite on in and have at it with yer jams... you could even plug in an extension cord thingy with multiple three prong plugs and have at it with multiple boom box "systems"

10-24-2013, 12:54 PM
+999 to 5280VertDET

I posted in the small question thread almost 2 weeks ago, and who posted after me? Other users with other questions. And even after that, some of those users who posted after me didn't even get their questions answered. So how the fuck else is someone supposed to get their "small question" answered when no one even bothers to answer at all in that thread??? This thread is just evidence that you CAN get your "small question" answered in its own thread more successfully than in the Small Questions Thread. The only con I see here is the assholes who reply with just "THIS SHOULD'VE BEEN ASKED IN THE SMALL QUESTIONS THREAD..." WITHOUT even answering op's question.

P.S. I will share my setup for op shortly after I get onto an actual computer instead of using my phone.

That's a whole lotta butthurt right there.

Have YOU even answered anyone's question in the small questions thread (or posted a pic in the pic request)? Judge not lest ye be judged yourself...

10-24-2013, 01:45 PM
Better answer is, damn small question thread got ubber fucking repetitive. It was intended to be a quick question section AFTER you tried to research it but nobody in there ever bothers to try to figure shit out on their own first. Everybody nowadays expects to just be spoon fed information.

Perfect example is this thread. But oh shit, look what I found in this magical thing called google in less than 2 minutes while typing this up:

Make Ipod Work on Car without Car Stereo? - Yahoo! Answers (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070611163801AAoQJdP)

iPod Hookup without car stereo -- only speakers - Honda-Tech (http://honda-tech.com/showthread.php?t=1996374)

iPod to Amp cable. No Radio Needed. Connect iPod directly to Amp. iPodCarPros.com (http://www.ipodcarpros.com/Direct_To_Amplifier_Adapters/c14/p469/iAMPcbl_-_iPod_to_Amp/product_info.html)

10-24-2013, 02:02 PM
+999 to 5280VertDET

I posted in the small question thread almost 2 weeks ago, and who posted after me? Other users with other questions. And even after that, some of those users who posted after me didn't even get their questions answered. So how the fuck else is someone supposed to get their "small question" answered when no one even bothers to answer at all in that thread??? :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

:tweak: Zilvia is NOT a help hotline... We are not here 24/7 for your convenience. I usually leave these stupid threads alone, but some people need to understand that sometimes you're on your own. Put your brain to work, and chances are you will be able to solve your problem.


Hello, this is Zilvia. How can we help you today?

10-24-2013, 02:05 PM
i was wondering if anyone knew how to just make a speaker that plugs into my iphone.


10-24-2013, 02:50 PM
:tweak: Zilvia is NOT a help hotline... We are not here 24/7 for your convenience. I usually leave these stupid threads alone, but some people need to understand that sometimes you're on your own. Put your brain to work, and chances are you will be able to solve your problem.


Hello, this is Zilvia. How can we help you today?

Leave the guy alone he just asking a question. At least give a positive answer or get out of his thread. :drama:

10-24-2013, 03:13 PM
The struggle is real out there.

10-24-2013, 03:18 PM
Leave the guy alone he just asking a question. At least give a positive answer or get out of his thread. :drama:

:mepoke: Not talking to OP, talking to the user who is angry because someone did not satisfy his 'Pic Request'.

10-24-2013, 03:19 PM
Man I really miss the good old days when we used to have rep points.... Bring it back please!!!!

10-24-2013, 05:24 PM
Man I really miss the good old days when we used to have rep points.... Bring it back please!!!!
Rep worthy post.

10-25-2013, 04:18 PM
That's a whole lotta butthurt right there.

Have YOU even answered anyone's question in the small questions thread (or posted a pic in the pic request)? Judge not lest ye be judged yourself...

No, I haven't answered any recent questions in the Small Questions Thread because I'm pretty inexperienced with the things they ask for. And I'm close friends with one other 240 owner in my area and that's it. Where am I supposed to find pictures of 240s with specific wings, wheels, etc. when I don't even know anyone who has those parts?

That's like a graduate student who's very comfortable with the field of math asking a student who needs help, "You want help, but why haven't you helped any other fellow students with Calculus III homework?" ...even though the student who needs help has little knowledge about Calculus III.

10-25-2013, 04:23 PM
I'm pretty sure a grad student would be smart enough to attempt searching for the information first.... That's the problem, all you retards do is start useless threads asking stupid questions without searching.