View Full Version : Few Questions About Wiring.

10-23-2013, 01:00 AM
Hey guys

http://s16.postimg.org/t6dhd06xt/1378115_10151966133580610_1481996169_n.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/t6dhd06xt/)

I finally got my S14 painted last weekend and I have started to put wiring the back in the interior etc. as I want to move the fuse box to underneath the dash.

As I am in Australia it mite be different because of left and right drive but I have two wiring looms going to the back of the car. One loom is for my tail lights, number plate light etc. what I will keep. The other loom goes to a box where the aerial used to be. Here is a photo.

http://s22.postimg.org/vuevhg1lp/1265353_10151872787095610_721598342_o.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/vuevhg1lp/)

What is the box for?

If anyone of you guys have your fuse box underneath your dash can you post some photos. As I am not sure where to put. I was thinking glove box but I am running a bolt in cage and you wont be able to open the glove. So if anyone has any ideas. Please suggest them.


10-23-2013, 05:51 AM
there is an entire thread dedicated to wire tucks and relocations already going.

no need for a new thread.

10-23-2013, 12:27 PM
If that's the box under the speaker, behind the wheels, then its probably the active sound box that came with the stock speaker system. If you are going with an aftermarket headunit, and are doing the wiring from scratch, then just toss it.

Pic is a little too small for me to see the details and I don't know what you mean when you say "aerial".

oni jake
10-23-2013, 03:18 PM
That box is your ABS control unit.

The "active sound box" Rich is talking about is located directly under the rear speakers.