View Full Version : Need New Axles for my VLSD

Crab Walker
05-23-2004, 08:32 AM
Just bought a 5 bolt OEM Vlsd out a 240 for my s13. I just need to swap my stock 6 bolt rear axles with 5 bolt axles. However, Im not shure what year 240's come with the 5 bolt axles that fit into my s13....?

05-23-2004, 09:08 AM
HA! I just went through this on my car... good luck. It took me forever to find the right axles. Only 93 and early 94 J30 axles will work. And if you are calling anywhere to find them, make sure they have them in their hands and are telling you they are the right ones before you buy them. I even found a 6/94 car and they were still 6 bolt. I know for a fact that all 93 ones will work, 94 like I said, you have to be sure before buying them.

05-23-2004, 08:55 PM
Its all J30 made before Jan of 94 but dont bother. Just ground down your stock 240sx left side output shaft and install them.

05-23-2004, 09:30 PM
Its all J30 made before Jan of 94 but dont bother. Just ground down your stock 240sx left side output shaft and install them.

still dont beleive this works for points already talked bout...but...hahah

car-part.com...i needed a pair..i went on there, found a set, called the guy up, they were in the mail. This took bout 5-10 minutes...tops. They arrived a few days later with no problems. I paid 100 shipped. Just search for a 93 if ur worried.