View Full Version : Dangers of installing an oil cooler

05-19-2004, 03:47 PM
What size oil cooler is too big? or is there such a thing? When i get my sr i want to install an oil cooler on it from Fluidyne. They have all kinds of different shapes and sizes.( www.horsepowerfreaks.com ) Someone suggested to just get a junkyard transmission cooler and use it as an oil cooler. Will it reduce oil pressure at all? Also would it be ok to tap into the lines right before the cooler for accurate oil temp? Also if anyone has links to some good ones or any other inovative ideas to save money or any information that would help me.. Thanks

05-19-2004, 04:01 PM
i found an oil cooler from flex a lite. It comes with it's own electric fan too. pretty cool huh?


after doing some reading..is it true you need some kind of adapter for your oil filter in order to install one of these? even on an sr that has oil fittings on the block?

05-19-2004, 04:15 PM
There are kits that split the lines from a remote mount oil filter so you dont have to splice in anywhere. You can find a used 300zxtt oil cooler from twinturbo.net for a good price. http://twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx?forum=classified&msg_id=67753&words=oil%3a%3acooler
I dont think that oil pressure will be lowered too much. I believe Greddy has a really good kit for out cars except its like $450. Oil temp should be before the cooler.

05-19-2004, 04:22 PM
There are kits that split the lines from a remote mount oil filter so you dont have to splice in anywhere. You can find a used 300zxtt oil cooler from twinturbo.net for a good price. http://twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx?forum=classified&msg_id=67753&words=oil%3a%3acooler
I dont think that oil pressure will be lowered too much. I believe Greddy has a really good kit for out cars except its like $450. Oil temp should be before the cooler.

the kits that split the lines...who sells them. what are they called..?
"oil splitting lines so you dont have to splice anywhere kit"

05-19-2004, 07:33 PM
there was a good thread about this not more than a couple weeks ago on FA, go check it out. the best thing to do is just get a sandwich plate and mount a tepmerature sensitive valve on it so you aren't always running the oil cooler. the thread over at FA explains it all.

05-19-2004, 11:23 PM
Ditto what RBS14 said. Ideally you want to use a thermostat to control oil flow to the cooler, most thermostats will open at 190 degrees and close again at 180 degrees. This will keep the oil at it's pretty much optimum temperature.

For those who care, I've put together a filter relocation/oil cooler kit from quality stuff; braided lines, AN fittings, the works. Includes a thermostat, and plenty of spare NPT ports to install gauges and such. Total cost is about $300 or so.


05-20-2004, 10:00 AM
Found the FA thread (I think this is it) Wanted to post it for future reference.
The Ultimate Guide to DIY Oil Cooler!!! (http://forums.freshalloy.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB9&Number=67747311&Forum=All_Forums&Words=oil%20cooler&Match=Entire%20Phrase&Searchpage=0&Limit=25&Old=1month&Main=67746456&Search=true#Post67747311)