View Full Version : 35th Fighter Wing Commander Disallows Racing/Drifting/Stunt Driving

10-04-2013, 06:10 AM
This is just an FYI.

I know not everyone on here drifts, races, etc... but I figured I should pass this on. This is what I was e-mailed:

"We've experienced 7 deaths this year on Misawa AB. Many of them are driving-related deaths. Most of those deaths are NOT alcohol related. The two main contributing factors were loss of control (due to speed, driving style) and Japanese road conditions (narrow, no shoulders, rutted). The 35 FW/CC issued a NOTAM which disallows any type of racing, drifting, stunt driving, etc, even on a closed course."

10-07-2013, 03:32 PM
disallows any type of racing, drifting, stunt driving, etc, even on a closed course."

:eek: DAMN that sucks. While I'm over here in the states with a Wing/CC that probably doesn't even know what drifting is. :hsdance:

10-08-2013, 01:45 AM
ours doesnt either..... they see skid marks and automatically think drifting.

These are not S or R chassis's they are killing themselves in, they are Subaru's.....

10-08-2013, 02:52 AM
I'm gonna assume you meant "aren't". Yeah, from what I hear, and have seen for sale online, most people drive Imprezas or Legacys. Basically, it was people who don't know how to drive in the snow and/or a bunch of Ken Block wannabes. I'm gonna see if I can get a copy of the Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) explaining the whole thing. It seems bass ackwards to take away the liberty to race on safe legal venues in order to stop illegal racing. Officer logic....

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10-08-2013, 06:36 AM
No shit, it seems this would only encourage or justify the illegal racing. If anything condone legal events and offer incentives to keep it on the track.

10-08-2013, 01:19 PM
It's a liability for them (the leadership). Therefore, it's easier, costs less money and man hours to simply write a NOTAM disallowing everything rather than increasing training/awareness like they do with sexual assault, alcohol, human trafficking, drugs, etc.... IDK, I'm thinking of writing my Congressman or something. This seems like an instance when leadership overstepping their bounds....

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10-08-2013, 01:45 PM
It's a liability for them (the leadership). Therefore, it's easier, costs less money and man hours to simply write a NOTAM disallowing everything rather than increasing training/awareness like they do with sexual assault, alcohol, human trafficking, drugs, etc.... IDK, I'm thinking of writing my Congressman or something. This seems like an instance when leadership overstepping their bounds....

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That's exactly what it sounds like. I have heard of and agree with establishing "Off Limit" establishments, but I've never heard of them (Uncle Sam) flat out decreeing that someones hobby is now off limits (especially when it is not the cause of the accidents). I was in the Corps for 8 years, got out last summer so I'm well aware of how the military works, however, this seems excessive and unlawful. I would certainly write your congressman and do so A LOT to get a response. HOWEVER, you would probably have more pull with running it up your chain of command directly(especially prior to writing congressman). Show them that zero injuries/deaths have happened while on the track and if anything track days/events keep people OFF the streets and will save lives.

Furthermore, show them that you want to be part of the solution not just nag them, come up with a way to promote track events and take on the responsibility of orchestrating track days so your command actually has a viable option instead of flat out repealing an order. Maybe call different/local tracks and see if you can special rates to book the place monthly and have command verify that you are running sanctioned track days. Gather statistics etc. and put your entire proposal/plan in writing and send it up the chain. Have your lowest level officer proof read/help you and then send it directly to whoever wrote the order banning track events. That way, A. you "notified" your chain of command by having local officer proof read, and B. you get to skip all the middle men who don't give a fuck and go straight to the source.

10-08-2013, 02:36 PM
Thanks for the good advice. I've been in 10 years so far, so I feel ya. Gotta go through the proper channels and be tactful/part of the solution.

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10-09-2013, 01:30 PM
Well, I asked my unofficial sponsor in Japan what I can do to influence a change in the policy. According to him, there is nothing I can do. I would "...literally have to bring back the 4 people who died from reckless driving this year alone to have an argument." So, I guess writing my Congressman really is the only avenue. It's the one thing they can't lawfully forbid me from doing on the matter.

10-09-2013, 02:03 PM
Here's a copy of the policy.

10-17-2013, 01:01 AM
Oki-traz rules followed Nino to Misawa basically. My suggestion is do the same shit we were doing in Oki. Go to the track that you guys have, go on weekdays when you know wont have any gaijin out there and only go with folks that you know/trust. We did it for 4 yrs down there and nothing ever happened...OSI is not gonna waste their time driving 45 mins to 1 hr to a private property.

10-18-2013, 05:22 AM
Regardless, SF/OSI could possibly profile personnel based on what they drive, and if the vehicles show excessive wear from "tracking". Additionally, what modifications are done to it and/or performed at the auto hobby shop. Not that they'd be able to prove much without eye witnesses or video.

I can see it being more of an issue for personnel living on base.

I've been wondering how exactly they plan on enforcing this policy. It seems like a lot would have to go into it to make it work. SF are usually stretched thin enough as is with regular duties. Plus, you have to think about money and man hours spent trying to apprehend and counsel/reprimand/court martial violators during the current budget situation.

10-18-2013, 12:34 PM
They're not gonna enforce it...its more of a cover their ass when people continue to kill themselves driving and wrapping the car around a tree or if you decide to choki dori on the street and get popped off base.

SF profiling people, it comes and goes. They'll harass tuner cars at the gates for a few weeks, then get bored and leave people alone again. Seems to happen right around PCS season when SF or the base have new leadership. When that happens, I usually just dont drive the car off base so I dont have to go thru the gate or drive the wife's car.

12-12-2013, 07:18 AM
Anybody heard of this nonsense creeping down to Yokota? (my follow-on)

12-13-2013, 02:51 AM
They're not gonna drive 4 hrs to see if you're drifting in a track...

12-13-2013, 11:57 AM
Ahh man, I can't wait to visit Japan after my enlistment is uppp. I lol'd at the description driving tricks..

12-14-2013, 09:16 AM
They're not gonna drive 4 hrs to see if you're drifting in a track...

No, I was wondering if the base leadership at Yokota was going to jump on this bandwagon too.

Has anybody at Misawa been out at MSP lately? I know people are pushing waivers up, just wondering if anyone has been successful yet.

01-08-2014, 06:02 PM
ours doesnt either..... they see skid marks and automatically think drifting.

These are not S or R chassis's they are killing themselves in, they are Subaru's.....

Sounds like people were watching a little too much Initial D. Guess they are thinking AWD drifting is easy!

On a serious note, it is definitely not fair to the people who know what they are doing/do it legally.

01-11-2014, 08:21 AM
Anybody heard of this nonsense creeping down to Yokota? (my follow-on)

If you're open to visitors once you're settled in...holla atcha boy.

On topic, this is the kind of "leadership" that convinced me to get out. Nothing worse than a Major or LTC trying to make a name for themselves to get the big chicken on their collar.

09-10-2014, 01:54 PM
i hate to bring this thread back from the dead, but remembered seeing it a while back and just got orders for the 35th a couple weeks ago. did anything ever come of this or is it still banned?

and if so, how do you guys get around it, if at all?

09-11-2014, 07:06 AM
its being worked right now so ppl can get a wavier, but gotta kinda jump through hoops.

09-11-2014, 07:08 AM
Soo is it just like Kadena? We still went to the tracks, just kinda kept it low key. We'd go on week days, take your plates off when you're there just in case.

09-14-2014, 08:06 PM
its being worked right now so ppl can get a wavier, but gotta kinda jump through hoops.

glad to see some kind of forward motion on it, nonetheless!

10-07-2014, 03:21 AM
does it pertain to navy folks or AF only?