View Full Version : Console painting

05-18-2004, 10:28 PM
whats the simplest and cheapest way of removing old paint cleanly without scratching or sanding harshly on console dash

whats the best paint to use that wont crack or fade for console?

05-20-2004, 01:41 PM
Try a pressure washer. Remove the console and hit it up close and this should remove most of the paint. As far as painting the plastic, the important part is prep. It needs to be lightly scuffed to give the paint something to stick to. Then use a paint specific for plastic.

05-20-2004, 01:45 PM
you can find "spray paint remover" in a spray can , i used the stuff for graffiti remover, look around at the hardware stores, it works good, just let it sit awhile to let it soak in.