09-24-2013, 03:54 AM
Is there anybody in the LA area that could help me time am sr20det? I've been building nissans for awhile but I am familiar with the v6's. this is my 2nd sr in a 240 (coming from the z line). I got this one needing a head gasket so I dove in not realizing the differences. Everything is good to go but I only have one silver link on the timing chain and have heard too many answers about the number of links between the intake cam at 10 o'clock and the exhaust cam at 12o'clock to know what's right. Don't feel like bending any valves in the learning process. If anybody is able to come show me I don't need free labor, just some knowledgable advice. I live in Carson, text if your able to help 541-556-8774. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.