View Full Version : used coilovers??

05-17-2004, 06:08 PM
I was thinking of getting some coil overs used b/c i really can't afford bran new ones. My question is how long are coil overs supposed to last... do they "blow" out? what are some risks that i should worry about other than the obvious ones (broken in half, bent shock, etc..). I'm thinking Tien


05-17-2004, 06:10 PM
its a risk
could be perfect or could be busted
or could be good for a while adn then blow out

coilover 'life' is no such thing. could last 3 years if daily driven. could last 3 weeks if abused heavily. could last 7 months ..2 months, 4 years..all varies on previous owner

buying used is always a risk, no matter what product it is

tein is good becuse rebuilt is in USA. its 100 PER shock last time i called them.

05-17-2004, 06:17 PM
wow shit.. dunno if used is good then thanks

05-17-2004, 07:44 PM
i would be cautious about buying used if you dont know the person. I picked mine up cheap but they were from a friend and i knew they were only used for a few thousand miles and not abused.

black s13
05-17-2004, 07:59 PM
i got mine used, off a clip, they looked fine, drove fine for a month or so. hit one big pot hole, blew all four. now the back bounces like crazy. just be careful, and trust the person youre getting them from.

05-20-2004, 01:05 AM
when I bought my JIC FLTA-2s the first one didnt even last a week... it lasted about 30 miles- it was defective and I had to get it warranteed- my car was without suspension for 3 weeks while they waranteed it

my friend with FLTA-2s has had two blown ones in a year anda half

btw we both know how to use and adjust coilovers it was that.... alot of defective JICs for the A32 Maxima

05-20-2004, 08:07 AM
Its hit or miss, depending on price and how they look take the chance, but don't judge it by its looks only. The couple of people I know running used coilovers so far are still fine, but you never know.

05-20-2004, 09:00 AM
I know Tein rebuilds them for $75 a coilover, so if they do break, you can fix em and they'll be like new again.

05-20-2004, 05:10 PM
I bought used coilovers. I was very careful from who and what brand. I got mine from a well known and respected company and I can have the rebuilt be apexi if something bad goes wrong.

05-20-2004, 05:55 PM
I know Tein rebuilds them for $75 a coilover, so if they do break, you can fix em and they'll be like new again.

where can i get them rebuild? do i have to send them to tein or wussup...let me know thanks...

drift into a curb
05-20-2004, 08:30 PM
Find a Tein dealer. They should be able to send it back to them to rebuild. Otherwise try contacting Tein yourself. www.tein.com.

05-20-2004, 08:38 PM
where can i get them rebuild? do i have to send them to tein or wussup...let me know thanks...

If you don't live in SoCal you need to ship it to Teins US office there, call them up and they will tell you the details should you need to do it.

05-21-2004, 08:57 AM
only invest in used tein coilovers, as they have a US Service "refurb" lab.... any other brand will have to be sent to japan i believe, and will take so much longer in time... hence you dont get a brand such as arita speed, ikeya formula, etc... those hard to get brands..

05-21-2004, 01:43 PM
If the coilovers are used, you could just ask the seller if they have been rebuilt recently.. the seller should have some paperwork with either parts purchased for the rebuilt, or an invoice of having the rebuild done by someone else.

Aside from replacing bushings and oil within the strut, really the only other thing that fatigues are the springs.

$100 per coilover is pretty steep.. even $75 is steep. I'm looking at $50 each and thinking THATS steep. Of course, then.. obviously, I drive a 240SX.