View Full Version : S-Chassis Conversion Terminology (S13, S14, S15)

08-29-2013, 05:13 PM
There's no real official way to name some of the front end conversions on our cars. With many different variances it almost makes it impossible to come up with a general consensus through logic. That being said, lets try to formulate a discussion to where we can narrow the terminology down or come to an agreement on what we call these creations.

One conversion that is official and set in stone is the Sileighty...

Sileighty = S13 180sx body with an S13 Silvia front end. Any other variance other than this CANNOT be labeled as a Sileighty, as others often do.

On the flip side of that we have the Onevia...

Onevia = S13 Silvia body with an S13 180sx front end. No, this does not mean that your 240sx coupe is a Onevia... Stop saying that, you're embarrassing yourself.

Now staying with the S13 Silvia body style, lets dive into an S14 front conversion...

S13.4 = S13 Silvia with S14 front.
-S13.4 Zenki
-S13.4 Kouki

As you see, there are two variations due to the front fascia change from Zenki to Kouki in 1996. If you say you have an S13.4, it could be either Zenki or Kouki
so specifying will eliminate that question.

RS13.4 = S13 180sx with S14 front.
-RS13.4 Zenki
-RS13.4 Kouki

Same deal as above, but an "R" in front of the S13 classifies the body style as Hatchback. This is what Nissan did to classify the difference in body types.

S13.5 = S13 Silvia with S15 Silvia front.
RS13.5 = S13 180sx with S15 Silvia front.

Since the S15 only had one type of front end the above conversion names are pretty straight forward.

Now this is where it gets a little hazy... If you have an S14 how do you determine the difference in the conversion if using an S13 front?

S14.3 = S14 Silvia with S13 Silvia front.

That is pretty straightforward, but we can't call the S14 with a 180sx front the same thing so I've come up with this...

S14.3r = S14 Silvia with S13 180sx front.

This makes the most sense since the "R" is used to signify chassis difference between S13 Silvia and S13 180sx from above.

S14.5 = S14 Silvia with S15 Silvia front.

Standard conversion everyone knows well.

And for the S15, terminology not many people will ever use...

S15.3 = S15 Silvia with S13 Silvia front.

S15.3r = S15 Silvia with S13 180sx front.

Same deal as the S14. S15 with pop-ups becomes the S15.3r.

S15.4 = S15 Silvia with S14 front.
-S15.4 Zenki
-S15.4 Kouki

Now this is strictly using the Japanese S-chassis vehicles. Not referring to USDM 240sx or European 200sx, but a lot of the terms still apply EXCEPT for the Sileighty and Onevia references at the very top.

In Japan the two body styles of the S13 are separated into two different names. In the US, we have the same car name but two different body styles.

S13 Silvia => S13 240sx coupe.
S13 180sx => S13 240sx hatch.

This is why it is stupid to call your S13 240sx coupe a "Onevia" or "Silvia", because it is not. Now, if you slap an S13 Silvia front onto your 240sx hatchback, logic states that it should be called a Silforty. If you put an S13 Silvia front on your S13 240sx coupe logic states that it should be called a TWOVIA!!!

Lets recap,


S13 180sx front on an S13 Silvia = Onevia.
S13 Silvia front on an S13 180sx = Sileighty.


S13 240sx coupe with an S13 Silvia front = Twovia.
S13 Silvia front on an S13 240sx hatch = Silforty.

Agree? Disagree? Tell me what you think and explain why.

08-29-2013, 05:31 PM


08-29-2013, 05:40 PM
^^^^ Where's a like button when you need one!!

08-29-2013, 05:58 PM


I think Sileightys look good...Don't know why people don't like them.

08-29-2013, 06:39 PM
^^^Its more played out than Floridian's asking dumb questions in Zilvia.

08-29-2013, 06:41 PM
You guys are fuckin nuts, sileighty's look great. I've heard all your arguments and have concluded that you're nuts.


08-29-2013, 06:58 PM
If someone puts a Silvia front end on their coupe here in the U.S., they're still going to
Call it a Silvia. And so on. Just because you made this thread doesn't mean people are going to call their conversions twovia or silforty that's ridiculous

08-29-2013, 08:17 PM
Doesn't matter if 20,000 people call their 240sx's a Silvia, still doesn't make it correct. What it does do however, is promote false information and ignorance. If you don't want to make a name for something then you call it what it is... aka "I have a 240sx coupe with an S13 Silvia front end."

08-29-2013, 08:20 PM
this thread is stupid :lockd:

08-29-2013, 08:34 PM
theres already an exact thread like this.. and its like 5000000 pages long

08-29-2013, 08:38 PM
This is not a picture thread and this is not a thread to voice your opinion on what conversion looks good and what doesn't... This is to discuss the terminology of front end conversions amongst the S-Chassis. Do you people even read?

08-29-2013, 08:45 PM
You must really be one bored fella

08-29-2013, 08:52 PM
RS13.4 = S13 180sx with S14 front. -RS13.4 Zenki -RS13.4 Kouki

Wouldn't this be rps13?
A s13 coupe would be rs13.

08-29-2013, 08:57 PM
RS13.4 = S13 180sx with S14 front. -RS13.4 Zenki -RS13.4 Kouki

Wouldn't this be rps13?
A s13 coupe would be rs13.

No. The RPS13 is the '91-'98 180sx. The additional "P" added is for SR20DET. PS13 would be the S13 Silvia with SR20DET. No need to add that information when talking about front conversions.

+R = Hatchback model
+P = SR20DET

08-29-2013, 09:29 PM
ok what if i get a jdm s13 silvia import it take off the front end and put a usdm 240sx coupe front on it then what is it

08-29-2013, 09:30 PM
ok what if i get a jdm s13 silvia import it take off the front end and put a usdm 240sx coupe front on it then what is it

USDM 240sx coupe front end is equivalent to the 180sx variant in Japan. So if you did that you would have a Onevia.

08-29-2013, 09:39 PM
I simply say "I drive a 240sx".

08-29-2013, 09:40 PM
ok what if i take off that usdm front end that i just put on and instead put a european 200sx kouki s14 front on my jdm s13 silvia then what is it, but then i get a usdm 240sx hatchback and put a s14 rear conversion on it while being in japan using a jdm s14 rear end

edit: actually i want to do a r32 rear conversion on a usdm 240sx hatchback, but i do the conversion while in japan even though the chassis is a usdm 240sx

08-29-2013, 09:42 PM
What about the Odyvia? You better make sure to police the internets for people incorrectly referring to that particular variation of doing whatever they hell they want to their cars.

08-29-2013, 09:49 PM
ok what if i take off that usdm front end that i just put on and instead put a european 200sx kouki s14 front on my jdm s13 silvia then what is it, but then i get a usdm 240sx hatchback and put a s14 rear conversion on it while being in japan using a jdm s14 rear end

You'd take pop-ups off your S13 Silvia and then replace it with S14 kouki? S13.4 Kouki.

240sx hatch with S14 rear conversion would make no sense, I am talking about front conversions here... If you wanted the S14 rear you start with an S14, you then do the pop-up front and call it an S14.3r, as per the original post.

What about the Odyvia? You better make sure to police the internets for people incorrectly referring to that particular variation of doing whatever they hell they want to their cars.

This is a discussion amongst S-Chassis vehicles only.

08-29-2013, 10:41 PM
ok what if i take off that usdm front end that i just put on and instead put a european 200sx kouki s14 front on my jdm s13 silvia then what is it, but then i get a usdm 240sx hatchback and put a s14 rear conversion on it while being in japan using a jdm s14 rear end

edit: actually i want to do a r32 rear conversion on a usdm 240sx hatchback, but i do the conversion while in japan even though the chassis is a usdm 240sx



This thread is about OP's OCD having to correctly name things...
Like :gives:

08-29-2013, 10:43 PM
Also they are all just nicknames.. so trying to correct a urban name is not valid

08-29-2013, 10:52 PM
This thread is about getting on the same page. Also about gaining knowledge and why certain cars should not be called certain names because it simply does not make sense.

08-29-2013, 11:28 PM
You care too much

08-29-2013, 11:34 PM
pix of an s15 with a s13 silvia front

bricks or gtfo

08-29-2013, 11:40 PM
pix of an s15 with a s13 silvia front

bricks or gtfo

That might honestly be the only conversion that has yet been done... Would be interesting to see an Aero bumper with bricks on an S15... But I'm sure we all know it would still look sub-par.

08-29-2013, 11:52 PM
That might honestly be the only conversion that has yet been done... Would be interesting to see an Aero bumper with bricks on an S15... But I'm sure we all know it would still look sub-par.

That's what I'm thinking.

On the topic of s15 front end swaps, I think the s14 kouki doesn't look too bad.

08-30-2013, 07:40 AM
This thread...

:picardfp: :facepalm:



08-30-2013, 07:54 AM
Is there really any point to having universally accepted terminology? No matter what, people will call their car what they call their car. I can't think of any reason to go through and make some sort of bible of conversion types and their correct names, it's not like it's going to make anything easier or better.

Look at most threads where people post pictures of some weird car. They'll usually call it a '240sx with a Silvia Front' or a 'Hatch with an S15 front' or whatever. Shoot, if you even need a description of what the car is after seeing a picture, you probably shouldn't even be on this site - lol.

Like seriously, who gives a crap about the difference between a Sil-Fourty and a Sil-Eighty? More often than not the cars either fall into one or two categories: Unpainted, uncompleted, half-assed front end conversion or Full-Blow Built to Hell racecar, at which point who cars what it started as.

I'll continue to use my preferred nomenclature, specifically, S13/S14/S15 and when someone asks what style or what front, I'll use Coupe/Hatch/Zenki/Chuki/Kouki/Etc. So much easier.

Anywho, back on topic:

That's what I'm thinking.

On the topic of s15 front end swaps, I think the s14 kouki doesn't look too bad.

This thing is sort of cash:


Hard to say if it's significantly better than an S15 front, but it's damn cool.

Also, I think I've seen a picture of an S15 that was running an S13 Silvia Front with Bricks and stuff, but I can't find it. Instead, here's an abomination of an S14 (I think) that has an S15 rear conversion, and an S13 Silvia Front.


08-30-2013, 08:44 AM
What is it called when you put a bulldog front end on a shih tzu body?


08-30-2013, 09:07 AM
This is a discussion amongst S-Chassis vehicles only.

Is s-chassis:

Is there really any point to having universally accepted terminology? No matter what, people will call their car what they call their car. I can't think of any reason to go through and make some sort of bible of conversion types and their correct names, it's not like it's going to make anything easier or better.

^ My thoughts eggzactly :) ^

08-30-2013, 09:17 AM
i just say mines a racecar that used to be a 240sx.... screw you eliteist and your terminology.... just stfu and drive whatever you drive.... this thread is dumb....

08-30-2013, 10:01 AM

This thread is for nerds!!!

08-30-2013, 10:48 AM
Is s-chassis:

The proper terminology for that is fuckingstupiduglypieceofshit...

Needs Lambo doors, underglow, and tireflys.


Why in the fucking world would ANYONE think Odyssey headlights should be swapped on a 240? I bet you're one of the dickwads bashing sileighty's too aren't you???


And, yes, this thread is pretty dumb and has NO CHANCE of ending well...

08-30-2013, 11:03 AM
i saw the name of this thread and was like"who gives a fuck" then i saw killer2001 started it and was reminded why he is the worst member ever .The hard top coalition ?fail, this thread fail , your s15 front ends are all fail .

08-30-2013, 11:10 AM
and also why the hell would you ever put a s13 front on a s14 or even worse a s15??aaaaahhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!! we should start a thread about what were going to do to make sure killer2001 cant make any more threads ...... the hard top coalition??? wtf?? was that thread made after you decided it would be to hard for you to put a sunroof in your car?

08-30-2013, 12:07 PM
^^^Not trying to get all over Killer's balls or anything, but who the fuck are you? If you're going to talk shit about a known member perhaps we should have some idea of who in the hell you are.

A PROPERLY done S15 front on a s13 fastback looks damned near original it flows so well.

The hardtop coalition isn't THAT bad. Sunroofs are for losers anyways, unless you've got a coupe with the power sunroof that is...

08-30-2013, 12:17 PM
Is s-chassis:

I said S-Chassis only. Which means, ONLY S-Chassis and their respected parts.

i saw the name of this thread and was like"who gives a fuck" then i saw killer2001 started it and was reminded why he is the worst member ever .The hard top coalition ?fail, this thread fail , your s15 front ends are all fail .

and also why the hell would you ever put a s13 front on a s14 or even worse a s15??aaaaahhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!! we should start a thread about what were going to do to make sure killer2001 cant make any more threads ...... the hard top coalition??? wtf?? was that thread made after you decided it would be to hard for you to put a sunroof in your car?

Double posting to say the same thing in a different way twice. Yeah you're pretty upset. You want to make an argument against me you better come back with proper sentence structure and grammar first, otherwise I'll assume you're just a punk with an elementary level of education, and it's no fun picking on children. Go drink some milk and take a nap.

Why is it so hard to want to actually discuss something related to our cars? If its not replying to a picture thread or flaming somebody, NO ONE wants to participate in any other form of active conversation. Instead insults and ridicule are directed towards me. If you don't want to discuss this topic or if you think its dumb, press the back button. If you really feel like you need to give me a piece of your mind, PM me!

Lets keep this thread on topic, I'm tired of having to continuously destroy little high schoolers who think they are keyboard warriors.

08-30-2013, 12:22 PM
The proper terminology for that is fuckingstupiduglypieceofshit...

Needs Lambo doors, underglow, and tireflys.


Why in the fucking world would ANYONE think Odyssey headlights should be swapped on a 240? I bet you're one of the dickwads bashing sileighty's too aren't you???


And, yes, this thread is pretty dumb and has NO CHANCE of ending well...

Jeez man, chill. I happen to like sileightys. I don't bash anything because I believe you can generally do whatever you want to your own car. No one has to like it except the owner of the car.

Just posted it as an example of the fact that people can and will continue to do whatever they want to their cars, and call it whatever they want.

08-30-2013, 12:54 PM
Jeez man, chill. I happen to like sileightys. I don't bash anything because I believe you can generally do whatever you want to your own car. No one has to like it except the owner of the car.

Just posted it as an example of the fact that people can and will continue to do whatever they want to their cars, and call it whatever they want.

I can, and WILL continue to talk shit about ridiculous crap like the "Odyvia".

-those wheels make me want to club baby seals
-that color makes me want to puke
-the fact that someone spliced a Honda minivan front end onto it makes me want to drop another a-bomb on Japan
-the fact that anyone on earth likes it makes me want to blow-up the internet

I'm happy to hear that you don't ACTUALLY LIKE the "Odyvia" with the hypocritical (if you like that bullshit) opinion that sileighty's look ugly. Congrats, you're an actual rational human being, not a toolbag...

08-30-2013, 01:02 PM
I said S-Chassis only. Which means, ONLY S-Chassis and their respected parts.
Why is it so hard to want to actually discuss something related to our cars? If its not replying to a picture thread or flaming somebody, NO ONE wants to participate in any other form of active conversation.

Yeah, sorry. Was really just being sarcastic with that... I agree with the above completely though. People seem to automatically take opposing opinions as personal attacks and then there is no productive conversation.

I think how you (meaning people in general; not any specific person here) build your car is an expression of who you are and your personal taste. Granted, a lot of people think certain things are ugly or blasphemy against the Nissan gods or something, but who is anyone to say you can't do this or that to your own car? You may look at it and want to puke, but how is the existence of a car you dislike in any way a problem for you? Saying you can't put these parts on this car seems reminiscent of fashion-obsessed high school girls... "Oh my god she is NOT wearing THOSE shoes with THAT dress"... Like really? I don't know about the rest of you, but I got into this hobby because of the fact that you can do just about anything you want. There are endless possibilities. I personally think it's cool when somebody builds some wacky oddball stuff. Even if I think it looks terrible (like the "Odyvia"), that person gets respect from me just for trying something different and pushing boundaries. Everything accepted as "cool" that we do to our cars today, such as aggressive wheel fitment, engine swaps, front end conversions etc, was all considered stupid, wrong or pointless by somebody at some point. Some caught on and others didn't. Doesn't mean anyone is wrong; just that people have different taste.

Sorry if that's not on-topic enough

08-30-2013, 01:05 PM
I can, and WILL continue to talk shit about ridiculous crap like the "Odyvia".

-those wheels make me want to club baby seals
-that color makes me want to puke
-the fact that someone spliced a Honda minivan front end onto it makes me want to drop another a-bomb on Japan
-the fact that anyone on earth likes it makes me want to blow-up the internet

I'm happy to hear that you don't ACTUALLY LIKE the "Odyvia" with the hypocritical (if you like that bullshit) opinion that sileighty's look ugly. Congrats, you're an actual rational human being, not a toolbag...

"Those wheels make me want to club baby seals" I read this and I literally laughed out loud. This shit just got serious.

08-30-2013, 01:26 PM
I can, and WILL continue to talk shit about ridiculous crap like the "Odyvia".

-those wheels make me want to club baby seals
-that color makes me want to puke
-the fact that someone spliced a Honda minivan front end onto it makes me want to drop another a-bomb on Japan
-the fact that anyone on earth likes it makes me want to blow-up the internet

I'm happy to hear that you don't ACTUALLY LIKE the "Odyvia" with the hypocritical (if you like that bullshit) opinion that sileighty's look ugly. Congrats, you're an actual rational human being, not a toolbag...

These 2 got me. :w00t:

08-30-2013, 01:56 PM
Yeah, sorry. Was really just being sarcastic with that... I agree with the above completely though. People seem to automatically take opposing opinions as personal attacks and then there is no productive conversation.

I think how you (meaning people in general; not any specific person here) build your car is an expression of who you are and your personal taste. Granted, a lot of people think certain things are ugly or blasphemy against the Nissan gods or something, but who is anyone to say you can't do this or that to your own car? You may look at it and want to puke, but how is the existence of a car you dislike in any way a problem for you? Saying you can't put these parts on this car seems reminiscent of fashion-obsessed high school girls... "Oh my god she is NOT wearing THOSE shoes with THAT dress"... Like really? I don't know about the rest of you, but I got into this hobby because of the fact that you can do just about anything you want. There are endless possibilities. I personally think it's cool when somebody builds some wacky oddball stuff. Even if I think it looks terrible (like the "Odyvia"), that person gets respect from me just for trying something different and pushing boundaries. Everything accepted as "cool" that we do to our cars today, such as aggressive wheel fitment, engine swaps, front end conversions etc, was all considered stupid, wrong or pointless by somebody at some point. Some caught on and others didn't. Doesn't mean anyone is wrong; just that people have different taste.

Sorry if that's not on-topic enough

Sorry man, I'm just not so warm and fuzzy. If i like something, I'll tell you. If I hate something, I'll tell you as well. Not everybody has the same tastes/preferences, but there is such a thing as in-arguably bad taste.

These 2 got me. :w00t:

Thanks, I put some thought into those two particular lines! HAHAHAHA!!!

08-30-2013, 02:09 PM
I couldn't agree more. I think its the hood and bumper. I'm expecting it to transform and fight a camaro.

08-30-2013, 02:10 PM

08-30-2013, 02:20 PM
Thought I'd state it as no-one has yet stated it; S14 Kouki is also called S14a, meaning that you can call your Kouki front swapped S13 an S13.4a.

Not gonna join in the other chat though. G'day.

08-30-2013, 04:41 PM
What if I put a 180sx front end on my 240sx hatchback?

08-30-2013, 04:44 PM
OneForty! Damn it Bob, why did you have to do it...

They're coming from the same factory, don't worry about it.

08-30-2013, 04:46 PM
I want to see an s15 with a Zenki front

08-30-2013, 10:23 PM
[QUOTE=KiLLeR2001;5399933]I said S-Chassis only. Which means, ONLY S-Chassis and their respected parts

Yeah, i was more just making fun. Not serious. I have a hatch with a power sunroof.

08-30-2013, 10:42 PM
Thought I'd state it as no-one has yet stated it; S14 Kouki is also called S14a, meaning that you can call your Kouki front swapped S13 an S13.4a.

Yes, this is true. Most of the Europeans refer to the S14 Kouki as S14a.

What if I put a 180sx front end on my 240sx hatchback?

There's THREE different 180sx front bumpers. Zenki, Chuki, and Kouki. The 240sx got the Zenki and Chuki as well. If you are referring to the 180sx Kouki then you just say you have a 240sx hatchback with a 180sx Kouki front bumper. This is not really a conversion since you are keeping the same style of headlights.

08-31-2013, 06:29 AM
What about USDM S13 coupe front end on a S13 Silvia?

08-31-2013, 08:25 AM
What about USDM S13 coupe front end on a S13 Silvia?

Already been covered. Popups on an S13 Silvia = "Onevia".

08-31-2013, 10:33 AM
Already been covered. Popups on an S13 Silvia = "Onevia".

Or you could just call it a 240sx...

...you know, since it's stock and all.


08-31-2013, 10:45 AM
Or you could just call it a 240sx...

...you know, since it's stock and all.


Yeah except the whole LHD / RHD difference. Even if you convert a 240sx from LHD to RHD its still a 240sx!

08-31-2013, 11:58 AM
whats the difference between a silvia and a USDM coupe? besides the headlights.

did the silvia come with aero that the USDM did not?

08-31-2013, 01:06 PM
The USDM model from '89-'90 came with the super aero touring front bumper, also known as the front carnitas handling package. jk