View Full Version : SR20det Aftermarket turbo help!

07-21-2013, 03:07 AM
i have a redtop sr20det

255 walbro fuel pump
Front Mount Intercooler
everything else is stock

550cc pink top injectors
t3t4 godspeed manifold
n62 MAF
a/f gauge

down pipe
external wastegate (36mm?)
wideband 02 sensor
Turbo(unsure.. H1c? HX35? garrett? etc?)

do i need anything else to do the swap?(like clutch or..?)
for the turbo i want know if any will fit at all with the stock bottom mount?

07-21-2013, 06:26 AM
1/bin that useless mani

2/gt2871r /gtx2863r /gtx2867r


07-21-2013, 10:58 AM
whats wrong with the mani?

07-21-2013, 11:51 AM
You need more help than you're suggesting! Nico stuff!
Get an engine management system! which one? IDK search!

07-21-2013, 12:28 PM
i plan to get an ecu tuned for my specs after i install eeverythang!!

07-21-2013, 12:33 PM
Wait, I'm confused what you're trying to do. You bought a crapspeed t3/t4 manifold but you're asking for something that will be bottom mounted? If you're gonna stay bottom mount, why not just use the damn stock T2 flanged manifold?

07-21-2013, 02:57 PM
whats wrong with the mani?

1/ it is a gsp one;
2/ you want a T2 flange;
3/ you want it bottom mount -because you were cheap enough to buy a gsp mani, you wont pay to get a custom elbow/downpipe to fit;
4/ you want one of the turbos i listed, not a crappy diesel truck engine turbo. They fit on the oem mani.

If you still have questions, please ask them to the local search engine first, then to google. I already know every possible question you are going to post, because there are bazillion people doing the same as you do, so please dont bother asking and do what i already told. Thanks.

07-22-2013, 03:39 AM
chill bro im just trying to get the most out of my buck. My Bad. There's also no one postinig any bad feedback on the gsp ramhorn mani and i did research before purchase.

SO, (to the people who have experience with the GSP ramhorn Mani) let me know your setup and how it handled.

07-22-2013, 06:06 AM
I made 360 hp at the wheels om my gsp mani

Buy a good turbo and get a good tune

07-22-2013, 06:08 AM
I made 360 hp at the wheels om my gsp mani

Buy a good turbo and get a good tune

07-22-2013, 06:12 AM
I made 360 hp at the wheels om my gsp mani

Buy a good turbo and get a good tune

And you can get 400 with the stock mani and a gt2871r.

there is no point in using crappy chinese stuff, which is the very definition of godspeed products.

07-22-2013, 08:38 AM
You can talk crap alk you want I wanted to be top mount just don't like bottom mount and I don't know any one with a 2871 making 400 without race gass or meth/water injection

07-22-2013, 10:25 AM
I'll introduce myself....Hello, My names Snoop! aka COTBU! I made 400hp on a stock manifold, with tial v44 gate. 93oct GT2871r 56trim .64, It has a T04e compressor housing. s13 redtop!

07-22-2013, 11:53 AM
You can even get more power on pump fuel with a gtx2867r, which is smaller.

Meet NCMA drift car. Small karting venue indeed, yet you can see what i mean by "fast spool". Check 1mn55 for example. The car made 430WHP ... with a 55mm restricted jasma exhaust. In that video he is running without that choke thing. And that is pump fuel* for you :)

S14 NCMA / SSM3 in board on Vimeo (http://vimeo.com/67742367)


*ok, e85, but it is pump fuel anyway :D

07-22-2013, 12:22 PM
E85 is a whole new realm and hybrid turbo and housi g combos don't count as off the shelf 2871's keep trying.

07-22-2013, 12:57 PM
E85 is a whole new realm and hybrid turbo and housi g combos don't count as off the shelf 2871's keep trying.

Umm, cotbu IS referring to an 'off the shelf' 2871: Garrett GT2871R Ball Bearing Turbo (standard 56 trim) : atpturbo.com (http://www.atpturbo.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TP&Product_Code=GRT-TBO-022&Category_Code=)=

and as stated; he did it on pump gas...

E85 is pump gas as well... Not everyone's bag; but pump gas nonetheless.

Not going to involve myself too deeply into your urinary olymiad... However, I am going to do so long enough to recommend you pick your arguments a little more carefully. You're going down a road that these guys obviously are much more familiar with than you...

07-22-2013, 03:37 PM
E85 is a whole new realm and hybrid turbo and housi g combos don't count as off the shelf 2871's keep trying.

gtx2867r is an off the shelf turbo, and is smaller than a 2871. There is no magic involved, if it is smaller, it has less top end power. As far as e85 is concerned, it may be new to you but i was already using it in 2009.

Now there really is a reason why EVERYONE installs a 2871 on an sr20. It works very well, while being easy to install with just bolt ons.

07-22-2013, 05:46 PM
E is not new to me I was trying to say you are comparing something completely different meaning different realm

The op has a stock block sr with stock head and cams it is in no way shape or form compareable with a drift/race car with deep pocketed sponsors

You can't go and get e at every gas station so to me it is not considered pump gass

I guess I need to be more specific when talking to you internet morons
On a stock block sr with no internal work and on 91oct bc 93 is not available everywhere you will not make 400 at the wheels on a safe tune with a non modafied 2871this means not porting it and or changing housings without meth or water injection

Ka-t in progress
07-22-2013, 06:04 PM
Basically anybody running a sr in good shape,gt2871,cams,intake mani,740 injectors, and a good tune can make 400 on 93 octane. I'm proof of that,just search and find what works best with the leasts possible headaches. The hard work has been done for u by searching and reading up on other peoples mistakes. A 400hp street car is a handful,either way,good luck with your decision,I hope all goes well

07-23-2013, 06:34 AM
E is not new to me I was trying to say you are comparing something completely different meaning different realm

The op has a stock block sr with stock head and cams it is in no way shape or form compareable with a drift/race car with deep pocketed sponsors

You can't go and get e at every gas station so to me it is not considered pump gass

I guess I need to be more specific when talking to you internet morons
On a stock block sr with no internal work and on 91oct bc 93 is not available everywhere you will not make 400 at the wheels on a safe tune with a non modafied 2871this means not porting it and or changing housings without meth or water injection


Dude, stop writing nonsense. And use punctuation, it IS free. Get a stock SR with a stock gt2871r and required mods ( aka injectors, maf, remap), and you are in the 400HP zone. Use the fucking search button, read up the gt2871r thread and suck it up, i could not care less if you know shit about the car you drive :mrmeph:

BTW i know the drift car up there , and i can tell you he has no deep pocketed sponsors at all :fawk2:

07-23-2013, 07:09 AM
400 means 400 not 370/390 range ok

I don't understand how just because I disagree with someone I am a asshole

But how about staying on topic the 2871 is useless to the op any way because he is top mount t3 so if we have nothing to say about his situatiom mabe we should take the conversatuon elseware

07-23-2013, 07:12 AM
I don't understand how just because I disagree with someone I am a asshole

Nothing wrong with disagreeing at all... but you were being an asshole in the way you went about it...

07-23-2013, 12:37 PM
400 means 400 not 370/390 range ok

I don't understand how just because I disagree with someone I am a asshole

But how about staying on topic the 2871 is useless to the op any way because he is top mount t3 so if we have nothing to say about his situatiom mabe we should take the conversatuon elseware

Dont be confused; it has nothing to do with disagreeing. See, people who disagree dont just post "shut up you are wrong i am right". They post the reasons why they disagree.

The problem lies here.

First, your arguments are invalid, because you have no knowledge about these engines, except the one you got by doing your own tune. You consider it the absolute reference AND the absolute best.

THAT is the second problem; because people here have done things differently, and i dare say, the easiest, simplest and most efficient way. The reason alot of people use a gt2871r is exactly that: it works, with only bolt ons, and on the oem mani. Mind you, i think there are 23 different combinations of gt2871r, and -yes- they are all off the shelf. The smallest wont give 400HP, of course. Might i add some contries have SR20s as a stock engine in these cars ? Well in fact the America must be the only continent not to have that engine in an S chassis. Hey, dont complain, you have V8s. I'll trade my turbo 4 pots anytime for one. We only got so few here, and they are worth so much :/

The third problem is you just dismiss any argument people use, simply because you dont like reading something that may prove you wrong. And then you try arguing the dumbest possible way, by once more deciding your knowledge is THE absolute reference and no one knows better.

Put these together, and it makes everyone want to slap you in the face.

Now, considering your latest sentence, had you fully read the OPs post, you might have seen this:

for the turbo i want know if any will fit at all with the stock bottom mount?

If you have another question, i highly suggest using a humbler approach, or putting your flame suit on. Cause i still have lots of fire available :D

07-23-2013, 01:04 PM
But how about staying on topic the 2871 is useless to the op any way because he is top mount t3 so if we have nothing to say about his situation mabe we should take the conversation elsewhere
The op is undecided, but if he chooses to go with the T3 manifold, the GT2871r has an option for a T3 exhaust housing. Croustibat, was trying to help the OP keep it simple. Since going Top mount, requires additional items, the op didn't even consider, and that made his list of needed to buy items short! By staying bottom mount T2, with the correct turbo and options, everything would be a bolt on affair. The upside is the power output of said setup has been well documented.

Personally I wouldn't go top mount, for any goals less than 450 on an sr.

Thread Starter, the decision is always yours, but when asking for opinions like which turbo to buy, then if you need a clutch be prepared for people that may know only a tad more than you to respond! That's because they know you have knowledge of nothing!:hide:

07-23-2013, 01:05 PM
I should refresh more or only view one thread a t a time!