View Full Version : Moving to Seattle

06-27-2013, 10:08 PM
I recently was offered a job keen to my interest out there.

I currently live in Florida. I moved to South California and lived in Long Beach for a month and Santa Barbara for a month. It really wasnt in my taste. While aesthetically far different, it was too 'beachy' for me. So I came back to Florida.

Anyways, before i give my life story, i figured id ask a few questions about the area.

I have never been to Seattle, or Washington for that matter. But ive heard nothing but great things.

Unfortunately they are often biased opinions of visitors.

My questions are this:

- Where are good areas to look for living? Probably shooting for an apartment. A friend of mine is going with me.
Im young, 21, but not a huge party animal. Id prefer to stay away from university housing and stuff like that.

- Areas to stray from?

- I love nature stuff. Mountains, trees, all that green shit. I hear its not far from the city at all? Most i can tell is pictures, map stuff, and hear-say.

- I wont be moving for a few months, but i do plan on visiting a time or 2 before i commit. Anything to look at/for while im there?

Really just any general advice or information youd like to give would be great.

09-03-2013, 06:31 PM
Suprised nobody has said anything.

Ive been in Tacoma which is 30 min south of seattle for about 2 years. Overall the whole state is pretty nice. Ive never experienced a more beautiful summer. But the rest of the nine months are cloudy/rainy/icy/cold.

In terms of good living, pretty much any city/town has great areas. The areas considered bad arent nearly as bad as the ones in Cali/Florida/the south. Prices vary for good one bedroom apartments from 700-1000. Whatever your price range is. You honestly just have to base it off where u work and how far you want to drive.

Mountains and trees are everywhere. This place is perfect for you if you are into going through mountains, rivers, lakes, forests, trails. Good cruising roads too with great views.

Ive been to all the tourist attractions but once you get to know people you will learn all the local spots. Can't really name anything special off the top of my head except Mt. Rainier. I'm still learning as well. Night/ Day life is good in Seattle, and always a good time. Plus there's Portland in the South and Vancouver in the North. People don't seem to do internet forums too much so u just have to get out at meets and events. Lot's of car meets/ shows too. There's always plenty to do as long as you get out. It's what you make of it like anywhere.
Personally I love it here. Whenever I go back home in Texas I really miss it

Hope this helps at least slightly