View Full Version : Best knuckle/control arm/rack modifications on the market.

06-22-2013, 07:03 PM
This thread is made to compare modified knuckles and control arms out there whether it be PBM's rear or front drop knuckles, Abercrombie rack modifications, or even the cheaper GodSpeed screw on tie rod spacers. This is for your pictures, your good or bad stories, how they can be improved [or even if they're perfect], your tie rod [inner/outer] combos with your setups, if you went with one company and went with another, etc.

So, I will start. I currently run tons of PBM stuff and teetering on the idea of getting the PBM front and rear knuckles. I hear nothing but good things and I plan on pairing them with the Abercrombie rack modification. It will also be combined with the PBM tension/FLCA combo. I'm trying to see what you guys run and what you recommend.

[I searched and didn't see anything like this thread is intending. If you guys see something out there, I'll be more than happy to delete this thread and post there.]

06-22-2013, 07:39 PM

06-29-2013, 02:53 PM
you obviously didnt search to hard....

06-29-2013, 04:25 PM
You obviously like resurrecting reported threads for deletion to the top for no reason.