View Full Version : If you don't have anything nice to say...

06-20-2013, 02:15 PM
I know I'm probably asking to get flamed here, but whatever...

I know master techs who didn't know "righty tighty, left loosey" when they started doing oil changes at 17 years old. The owner of a once successful East coast drifting team learned how to drive manual playing Ridge Racer before he got his first s14. I thought a Prelude would be just as cool as an s13 until I actually drove both of them when I was 19. We all start out knowing absolutely nothing and dreaming about big/unrealistic projects.

The point is everyone with any amount of experience or knowledge around here seems so jaded and annoyed at the apparent stupidity/laziness of newbs that the first instinct is to talk shit until they leave forever.

But this goes completely against why a lot of us got into 240s and drifting in the first place. Drag racing dudes all seem to view each other as enemies and aren't accepting of newcomers. Auto-X guys are too nerdy and OCD to have fun. Drifting is awesome because guys just want to have fun and help each other out, and that's why it's more fun/approachable than other motorsports. But you wouldn't know it if you were 18 years old and just registered here.

Yes, some people sign up and immediately post retarded "let me google that for you" questions in the wrong section and break rules... They're inconsiderate; they probably aren't interested in the community for what it is. I can understand scaring them off because they probably have nothing to contribute.

But others might just post hilariously unrealistic requests in the WTB section because they want to make an awesome car. Why is it everyone's job to tell them to go fly a kite? This place is for sharing useful information, not laughing at the expense of newbs. It says right in the rules not to trash someone's thread if you have a problem with what was posted. Flaming them instead of sending a quick PM just shows that you're not interested in helping or contributing so why bother?

When I first got my 240 I met some really cool people who answered all of my stupid questions with patience, helped me wrench on my car, etc. And when I would try to offer compensation they'd just tell me to pay it forward and make sure to help out the new kids showing up at the track. That's the true culture of this scene and one that we should all do our part to preserve.

Just seems like a waste of time to go on the attack every time you see an ignorant or ill-informed post. Not to mention you're just bumping what you consider to be a useless thread. Why not just let it drop with zero replies? If the OP has any common sense they'll figure out that it was a dumb-ass post, do some research and come back with a more informed question hopefully.

That's my rant. This place is great and it'd be even better if we weren't so quick to judge each other.

06-20-2013, 02:22 PM
I understand the reason why people flame. But in all reality all it breeds is hostility. I'm definitely guilty of it. But lately I've been tryin something a little different... If u just casually let someone know they posted something stupid without bein a dick about they'll apologize and correct there problem. Whether that's searching first, posting in the correct section etc. you can't cure stupid, but u can act a bit less like a dick when calling it out... My 2 cents

06-20-2013, 05:08 PM
This forum is filled helpful members and has lists of helpful material throughout. It just gets annoying when kids come on here and ask stupid questions that knowledgeable members answered 5 times throughout the year..

"Why is 240s price so high?"
"Is this a good deal?"
"Should I sell my civic, buy a 240 and put a V8?"
"Theres loose change under the carpet and it makes noises"
"importing a R34?"

I swear i see these couple times a month, and as nice as most of us can be it gets irritating. Also the way some of these kids write their questions, the bad grammer and slang, it just makes me think they are complete morons. When i first got my 240 I trolled this forum and took notes. I knew I would be flamed for asking stupid questions. I read peoples mistakes and read to add knowledge. Never have I just right out the brink of though ask the question without searching some keywords.

Stupidity should always not be tolerated on the internet, period. Any more form of support for these people will attract more of this behavior. Strengthen the intellect, grown ups do not need to be spoon fed.


06-20-2013, 05:13 PM
Only acceptable place that for these questions and not be hostile towards are in person. Go to a car meet, its always a friendlier environment, and people are more relaxed to share knowledge. Go to a shop if theres problems with your car.. that concept seems new to some people but its been around for ages.

06-23-2013, 04:14 AM
seriously it's the internet, and you're going to find assholes here. nuff said. IMO this just weeds out the weak lol.

06-24-2013, 03:19 PM
I agree with all of you, but only to an extent. Yetijeff's words reflect my sentiment accurately. My gripe is that flaming - no matter how completely retarded, belligerent or ignorant the offender may be - is never actually justified.

No, the stupidity and laziness of 'askholes' should never be encouraged or rewarded, but it just seems that life would be easier on the forums if this behavior was just dealt with matter-of-factly and people didn't revel so much in trashing each other.

Q: "How do I import an R34?"
A: "OP, your question has a very complicated answer and you need to understand the history/legal climate surrounding the issue. Please do your own research and post a more specific question."

Q: "how I can take off da exhaust bro?"
A: "OP, please search existing threads before asking questions about common issues and post small questions in the appropriate thread."

One or two more useless/inconsiderate posts from the same guy who didn't learn his lesson? Banned. Problem solved. It's crystal clear who's in the wrong if nobody starts up the flamethrower.

This approach just seems more sensible than creating 5 page threads of name-calling that still occasionally surface in search results and waste space. IMO the flamers are just as guilty of wasting members' time and forum space as the idiots who post the stupid questions. They screwed up first, but then others who actually knew better perpetuated it instead of just ending or correcting it with one post.

And yes, the internet has more than its fair share of assholes floating around lol but a community of enthusiasts with a common interest should be above that and work toward promoting a culture of useful discussion and a polite but firm stance against askholes.

Maybe that's unrealistic given the huge amount of members of this forum, but I've seen it work on other boards. :2c:

06-25-2013, 07:12 PM
the problem is that english is not perfect for communication and everything you say that is "right" is inherently wrong.

For example, "what time is it?"
The clock says 7:30 but the real time for your exact location on the planet is 7:29:56:14:54

next example
how much do you weigh?
The scale says 165 but the truth is that for your position on the planet at that instant you weigh 165.149283753784 and it changed as your distance from the center of earth changes.

next example
"What is the bond angle between the outer carbons on an acetone molecule?"
The organic chemistry book, a trust source of information, says 116*.
however, the truth is that such a molecule is constantly flexing due to temperature, and the bond angle changes constantly, such that it has a range of expected values for the given temperature.

So next time somebody says anything, you can be a complete dick and prove them wrong somehow with a little know-how. You can also do the reverse, post something you KNOW is flawed in a specific perspective, then defend it with various truths that apply that other minds are unaware of.

06-28-2013, 08:40 AM
the problem is that english is not perfect for communication and everything you say that is "right" is inherently wrong.

For example, "what time is it?"
The clock says 7:30 but the real time for your exact location on the planet is 7:29:56:14:54

next example
how much do you weigh?
The scale says 165 but the truth is that for your position on the planet at that instant you weigh 165.149283753784 and it changed as your distance from the center of earth changes.

next example
"What is the bond angle between the outer carbons on an acetone molecule?"
The organic chemistry book, a trust source of information, says 116*.
however, the truth is that such a molecule is constantly flexing due to temperature, and the bond angle changes constantly, such that it has a range of expected values for the given temperature.

So next time somebody says anything, you can be a complete dick and prove them wrong somehow with a little know-how. You can also do the reverse, post something you KNOW is flawed in a specific perspective, then defend it with various truths that apply that other minds are unaware of.

:tweak: ...Well that's one way to look at it hahaha. Seems more relevant in a tech-related discussion where people are more likely to be splitting hairs.

But if we're going to explore alternate truths outside of the assumed norm... Perhaps some people are just masochists and deliberately post frustrating and offensive comments to invite verbal abusive from other members. All the more reason to stop paying them undue attention :spank:

07-02-2013, 06:39 PM
Flaming helps Zilvians get high post counts, how else you going to know if a member is a noob or not if not for post counts!! :axe: