View Full Version : How to remove BS iTrader feedback?

06-15-2013, 04:49 PM
I was scammed on buying a Cusco RS diff, POS seller sent a stock VLSD and argued I was trying to dupe him and switch it out.

Paypal decided in my favor that he's a POS, but he ducked them and I had to settle for a partial refund and keep this worthless boat anchor of a VLSD.

He left me negative iTrader feedback in retaliation. I've reported it 3 times trying to get it removed with no action. So how does one get BS feedback removed if no one is looking at the reports?

06-15-2013, 11:28 PM
Looks like it was resolved. Not sure when but your iTrader is at 100%

06-16-2013, 11:28 AM
Yeah PayPal did side with you. All you had to do was send my item back. Let's get this straight Paypal denied you a refund after first providing fualty tracking info, then shipping to a fualty address. I think your actions clearly back up my claims.

06-17-2013, 02:06 PM
Yeah PayPal did side with you. All you had to do was send my item back. Let's get this straight Paypal denied you a refund after first providing fualty tracking info, then shipping to a fualty address. I think your actions clearly back up my claims.

You're a real piece of work.

The return has to go back to your confirmed address, which is obviously not correct on your account. Paypal won't give me a refund if I don't ship it to that address, thus it didn't actually go to your real address. You ducked them on providing a correct address. You knew exactly what you were doing.

Faulty tracking info - not sure where you're getting that.

You're dishonest, have no integrity, and you're a liar to top it off.


S14DB (I think that's his SN) removed the feedback from both of our accounts, even though I feel that 91white_ka is enough of a dbag to deserve the negative feedback so that others know he's a scammer.

06-18-2013, 06:14 PM
Thanks Jeremy! I guess Paypal's Buyer Protection is worth something if you're presistent enough!

So like you said earlier today, we're letting Paypal decide this, and it looks like they decided in my favor because you're a major dbag. You could have also had the VLSD back if you had provided me or Paypal the correct address.

Transaction Details

Original Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
Apr 26, 2013 Payment To Jeremy Kettler Reversed

PayPal reversed this payment and returned the money to your PayPal account.PayPal reversed this payment and returned the money to your PayPal account. Details -$576.00 USD

Related Transaction
Date Type Status Details Amount
Jun 18, 2013 Reversal Completed ... $576.00 USD

Jeremy Kettler
Total amount:
$576.00 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
$576.00 USD

Jun 18, 2013
17:02:22 PDT

Jeremy Kettler has just sent you $576.00 USD with PayPal

06-18-2013, 10:46 PM
You are a lying sack of shit. I'm so sick of seeing you winey trash talk. I keep trying not to instigate, or fuel the fire but you can go to hell. I contacted Paypal today for the third time to confirm that this claim has been closed and they have sided in my favor, and for the third time the said this has been closed and you have no reason to contact me for any information. All my info has been verified through Paypal. I'm glad your buyer protection worked out for you though, the money didn't come from me though. I do think it's absolutely ridiculous that you think you should be able to give me feedback with out me giving you feedback. It's also ridiculous how you get in my threads that you have no business in talking crap, that's against the rules but you seem to think you're about that. That's why you can give someone feedback but they shouldn't be able to do the same, and other people should be able to clutter for sale threads but you should, and no one should be able to bash you but you should be able to. That itself is absolutely absurd.

06-19-2013, 06:24 AM
I'm lying? Hah - that's a direct copy from the payment history.

I got my money back, so Paypal decided in my favor. I guess they figured you're a huge lying POS so they didn't want to deal with you anymore to get an accurate address from you. I can empathize with them not wanting to deal with scum...

I have no idea what your incoherent rant is about feedback. Go back to school, you write like a moron.

If you think you shouldn't get negative feedback for being a scammer - well, you obviously don't know how feedback works. And no, I don't think I should receive negative feedback for giving ACCURATE feedback on a POS scammer.

I guess I'll buy a REAL Cusco RS diff now. Have a good one scammer!

10-02-2013, 12:05 PM
This Jeremy settler is also trying to scam me for an 80 stock driveshaft. he is banned from the marketplace but is just responding to peoples ads who post a number for him to text, therefore hiding the fact that he is banned from the market. Found him on facebook and we have mutual drifting friends. So i messaged all of them and let them know whats up. Shunned from all events is about the worst punishment I can imagine.

10-02-2013, 12:12 PM
I also contacted his mother on facebook. And seeing as he is in the army according to facebook, as a marine I will be forced to contact his command very shortly and see how they feel about his conduct.

10-02-2013, 02:39 PM