View Full Version : when u are racing......

12-02-2001, 09:25 PM
I just wanted to share my thoughts on racing.  I am really excited about racing, it just feels so good, so much adrenaline and shit.
I went to a spot here in NY which is called hunt's point.
This is where groups of cars from all over the vicinity, new jersey, ny, conneticut come to race or just watch.
It's not a drag strip or anything, just really open streets were its really safe and fun to race each other and show off with burn outs and donuts and stuff.  There was this really cool old school RX7 doing donuts for ever.  I think he did like maybe 20 donuts.  
Anyway, I want to get every advantage possible in racing and a lot of these racers peel out when racing, is that the best thing to do?
I thought that the best thing was to rev the car to like maybe 3g and then take off, I hear these people revving their cars to like 4-6g.  Is that just stupid or what?  
Another thing that happened to me, I was practicing my take offs, and I did a take off so freaking fast the bullgum in my mouth came out!!!!!  There was no revving involved, it just flew without even peeling.  That shit knowcked me back, I was like "oh shit"  this is amazing, so a question would be, when YOU are racing, do u peel out, or do u rev into 1st gear, or do u do that amazing jump into 1st without any reving whatsoever?
post ur comments and suggestions.

12-02-2001, 09:54 PM
I get tire &quot;chatter&quot; when I get a good start. One time tho, I wanted 100% grip so I reved it to about 1800 rpm and droped the clutch and my car stalled <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('> DOH! Guess who looked like a dumb ass...But yeah, here are some links that should have your answers...Topic 1 (http://www.zilvia.net/forums/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=464) Topic 2 (http://www.zilvia.net/forums/cgi-bin/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=1193)

12-03-2001, 08:21 AM
When I am &quot;racing,&quot; I am on a closed track. &nbsp;Street racing is dangerous to you and others. &nbsp;Stick around that scene and you WILL see people get hurt/killed in accidents and cars get wrecked when people try to run from the cops when the bust the place. &nbsp;Besides, taking you car to a drag strip, autox, or lapping day will give you the satisfaction of making a run and seeing a time. &nbsp;More rush, less bs.

12-03-2001, 09:09 AM
I don't see any danger in stoplight to stoplight racing, however any sort of drifting or anything like that can get pretty dangerous. Really, hippo is right, but when that sort of thing isn't available to you road racing is the only way you can get your jollies out <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

12-03-2001, 09:32 AM
no danger, just get a ticket for speed contest. seriously, i only go to the races to see other people and check out their rides. most of the dumbfucks who show up to the illegals cant drive for shit, get spotted by the cops, get chased down the freeway by the chopper, and get caught when they spin out at the offramp...........

(Edited by onebadm5 at 3:24 pm on Dec. 3, 2001)

12-03-2001, 03:22 PM
Ha....if you're taking a car you don't even know how to drive out to the street races, then you're on the fast track to the morgue. &nbsp;Learn how to drive your car at the track first...then, if no one can talk you out of it, take it to the street. &nbsp;I say that because some people will go no matter what. &nbsp;I won't...I have no need to prove myself to a bunch of 17 year olds at the risk of totaling my car, killing myself, or killing an innocent family when their minivan pulls out in front of my race.

12-03-2001, 03:29 PM
How exactly would you total a car going in a straight line? &nbsp;Or were you refering to road racing in general?

12-03-2001, 04:15 PM
onebadm5: do u know concept240? that is what happened to him....
i go to the illegals to watch.... i been to both illegal and track... and i think the illegals are more exciting, however more dangerous.... i seen stupid dumb asses almost crash like a million times at the illegals.... go down the street going 90 mph and then standing on their brakes... HELLO? do these guys think they have control when they r sliding?
i ran a few times at the illegals and i try not to run against them cuz most ppl there are dumb asses

12-03-2001, 04:15 PM
Actually, around here people have totaled their cars going in a straight line. &nbsp;Maybe it's b/c they came up on traffic... maybe b/c they were paying attention to the road surface (in which a small undulation can lead to a big mess at 100 mph)... maybe b/c they were distracted by something going on with a &quot;crew&quot; next to the &quot;track... These are just the way's I've heard it happen while racing in a &quot;secret spot.&quot; &nbsp;And those don't count the majority of the damage, which comes from fleeing the cops (over curbs, embankments, into other cars, etc.)

On normal roads - there are stories in my local paper all the time about some kid who didn't see the person backing out of their driveway or turning left while he was racing. &nbsp;The street is not a track for me and I don't like the fact that it is for others. &nbsp;The bottom line is that, quite frankly, I don't trust any one who races on the street. &nbsp;They have no license to put me in danger, yet they seem to think I would agree to it just be chosing to drive on the same roads. &nbsp;That's BS. &nbsp;Take a look at the thread about the WRX guy who got killed... I'm sure he thought he was in control and not doing anything that could kill anyone. &nbsp;Roads are for driving, tracks are for racing.

12-03-2001, 04:28 PM
while running from the cops i have scrapped my exhuast a few times....

12-03-2001, 04:36 PM
i think if you're way out in an isolated spot, with no homes or people to interfere (empty industrial areas are used all over the place, but they can and will get busted), then you can go run, if you're dumb enough. in that case, you're taking the risk and accepting it, not imposing it upon someone who didnt, like you are on an open street. just remember, most of the time when you end up in a wreck at an illegal, it doesnt matter how good you are, because there'll always be some idiot in a honda civic who'll hit you.

12-03-2001, 05:13 PM
i agree, the legals around here are boring. u have to pay to get in, and all they have are civics and 5.0 mustangs. plus, they cant roll the cars out for shit. at the runs, they flag cars constantly, but at the track, they take tooooooo much time. its sucks. plus, our track is 1/8th mile, and they have an 8.0 second cap, but theyre getting rid of the cap soon.

12-03-2001, 05:23 PM
To answer the original ??......burning out at the beginning of a race does nothing more than help you lose. &nbsp;Its ok to chirp your tires a bit, that means your right on the edge of total grip, and loss of traction. &nbsp;Spinning your tires at the beginning only slows you down out of the hole, which unless your running against some serious HP, will decide whether you win or lose.

12-03-2001, 08:54 PM
hunts point isent safe in the least. &nbsp;your racing next to paralled parked cars and when the cops come everyone scatteres in every direction as fast as you can inagine. &nbsp;i saw so much crazy stuff there its definitly more fun than the track but not safe

12-03-2001, 09:15 PM
oh, there is some one who knows about hunts point I see.....well, yeah, i have been going there for like the past 2 years. &nbsp;It's I guess you can call it an industrial place where there is not any people actually living there, just mostly trucks and junk. &nbsp;It's kinda dangerous cause its true, when the cops come people are scatering for their cars but I'm not stupid enough to leave the car next to everybody else's car, I live it on a seperate street, and nobody really gets into an accident there, its pretty uncommon to see people loose their prized car in a stupid manner. &nbsp;I saw this f'ing sweet orange supra there last saturday, and I saw some 240's also. &nbsp;I really wanted to race them but the ones I saw were going oppoiste of me. &nbsp;####, I can't wait to go again this weekend. &nbsp;There is a lot of rice boys there, but there is some real powerful cars there. &nbsp;And to comment on the parraled parked cars....I haven't really seen parked cars there at 1 in the morning. &nbsp;Well, not in the spots that everybody decides to race at. &nbsp;It's really nice and from what I hear from u guys, it's much more fun than a regular race track, it's like all the excitement, and adrenaline will get any guys jollies in a twirl. &nbsp;<img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> &nbsp;