View Full Version : Problems with idle and brakes

04-18-2004, 09:13 AM
Im most likely to take this to my mechanic because i cant afford to be without my ride but i just want to get some opinions. So i was driving around yesterday and all of a sudden my idle started getting rough and when left alone would finally stall. At the exact same time there was very high brake pedal pressure and a significant decreas in braking power. I dont know if these things are related but it happened at exactly the same time. Thanks

04-18-2004, 10:00 AM
brake booster line come undone?

04-18-2004, 01:06 PM
Check for a vacuum leak. One of your vacuum lines may have cracked or melted due to excessive engine heat or being in contact with a hot surface such as the engine block or radiator hose. If your engine still runs while at idle, try listening for a loud hissing sound. The loud hissing sound will lead you to the vacuum line that's gone bad. You may have to look really well as there are several vacuum lines that run all over your engine compartment - all of which affect how your car idles.
Anyhow, hope this helps...
Good luck!!

04-21-2004, 08:53 AM
So i took this problem to my mechanic and he informed me that all four calipers were frozen up. So i was like "how can all four calippers freeze all at once. He didnt seem to have a good answer for me. When I tried to talk to him more about the problem he seemed to be throwing me lines and trying to confuse me. The only reason im using this mechanic is because its my dads and he'll be helping me pay for it. As for the idle problem, he atributed it to a problem with the wireing harness. I think its all BS and i agree with the above posts that its a vacuum problem related to the brake booster. I get my car back tommorow and with about $1000 into it it better have all the problems solved.

04-21-2004, 05:14 PM
hope your car works

Min message length

04-21-2004, 07:43 PM
I have an idle problem too. did the brake problem only happen that one time or was it repeated. cause something like that happened to me. since your car stalled, i guess the vacum? or something was no longer powered because the engine was not running. i would check the aiv valve, alot of people with idle problems say it fixed theirs but it didnt fix mine http://www.nissaninfiniticlub.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=26150