View Full Version : FD physical fitness requirements?

04-06-2013, 10:28 PM
Hey I wanted to ask if there any physical fitness requirements in Pro level drifting? Especially for factory backed drivers?

04-06-2013, 10:33 PM
Hey I wanted to ask if there any physical fitness requirements in Pro level drifting? Especially for factory backed drivers?

lol no. dudes be hella fat in FD.

04-06-2013, 10:37 PM
what the heck lol most drifters I've ever known were obese cheeseburger gobblers on the verge of a heart attack

04-06-2013, 11:56 PM
Yea I don't get that??? Every pro level racer especially factor guys have huge images to fill and set. And not to mention the added plus of making you and better driver..
I don't get it.
I saw a top 5 FD factory driver at a local event and boy was I a little shocked... Thought those guys would be more dialed into a program and trying to find any edge up on competitors..
Thanks guys for ur info. Just wanted to see if I was missing something

T chop
04-08-2013, 12:07 PM
It's not like other motorsports where they are racing hours at a time. Two 30 second runs (if no "one more times") per match up isn't that physically demanding.

Plus with the tire rules being fat doesn't matter.

04-08-2013, 01:51 PM
Tire rule is car weight. Being fat is still a disadvantage, but not huge,

T chop
04-08-2013, 02:38 PM
Tire rule is car weight. Being fat is still a disadvantage, but not huge,

Taken from the 2011 rulebook, unless it's changed for 2013.

"All cars must be weighed in a ready to drive state. Formula Drift will include this weighing at a mandatory pre-event inspection before the first event. Cars will be weighed WITH driver, complete with all required bodywork and safety equipment installed. Drivers must be fully suited with helmets during the weigh-in process. Cars may only be weighed and registered upon passing their annual safety and technical inspection."

04-08-2013, 03:29 PM
Ah I stand corrected! That doesn't make sense to me really but meh.

04-08-2013, 03:50 PM
They require you to pass a physical test just like any other sport.

04-09-2013, 04:55 AM
Yeah, but essentially to ensure you're not ALREADY dying, so you won't keel over and wreck.

04-09-2013, 05:23 AM
Guess i better get on that cheeseburger binge if I want mad tight Slides! But on a serious note yea alot of them are giants. Some of them are small though.

Must Eat!

04-09-2013, 05:58 AM

04-09-2013, 07:23 AM
This is a great exercise to get into shape for all males.

squat 155x15 - YouTube (http://youtu.be/GQXzKxTUxfE)


05-02-2013, 05:31 PM
Being in shape may not be in the rule book, but a good health and body will give you an edge on other, less shapely, drivers. Eating well, and exercise, will keep your mind sharp during situations of high adrenaline, end result being more competitive when you need the most.
You don't see any out of shape drivers in any professional drifting league anywhere in the world.

05-03-2013, 04:35 PM
Personally, I don't think it matters in drifting. It's not so much based on time, as it is about slip angle, speed, how close you are to clipping points/zones, and overall crowd reaction (how well you put on a show). I would think that being heavy set might give you an advantage.

05-06-2013, 05:38 AM
You don't see any out of shape drivers in any professional drifting league anywhere in the world.

oh really? this guy drives the SATS Cosworth supra in BDC, and he is huugggee


08-08-2013, 09:00 AM
Lol, this thread is hilarious. If you think being in shape would give you a mental edge in drifting your off your rocker.

08-08-2013, 09:21 AM
Lol, this thread is hilarious. If you think being in shape would give you a mental edge in drifting your off your rocker.

:rofl:Agreed. However i bet for the chubby ones that hot ass car is hell.

08-08-2013, 09:34 AM
There's more to being healthly than just being in "shape". Eating badly takes a big bite out of every aspect of life, including the way/how you think. Eat strictly organic fruits and veggies for a week straight along with only water. Then you can say it doesn't take anything out of your mindset.

11-13-2013, 09:14 AM
There's more to being healthly than just being in "shape". Eating badly takes a big bite out of every aspect of life, including the way/how you think. Eat strictly organic fruits and veggies for a week straight along with only water. Then you can say it doesn't take anything out of your mindset.

I would have to agree that an in shape guy with a reg schedule and healthy Raw Diet will have a Scientifically Proven Advantage in Brain Function, cognitive response, and energy to make it through a 10hour drift event, over a chubby slob who eats fast food, sleeps irregularly, and probably doesnt have a set of good discipline for much at all. Just Sayin.....


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11-13-2013, 09:58 AM
Wait wait wait... so what you're saying is kids shouldn't be stripping their interior and causing their car to look like shit? They should just diet and lose 20lbs then have a normal looking car!?

11-13-2013, 10:11 AM
Wait wait wait... so what you're saying is kids shouldn't be stripping their interior and causing their car to look like shit? They should just diet and lose 20lbs then have a normal looking car!?

Lmao. Keep it stripped and dont be a fat ass either and youll have 40lbs instead of 20lb weight reduction.

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11-13-2013, 10:23 AM
When drifting you're actually driving for like what, 30 seconds at a time. Yeah, the fattest fat ass could handle that. Try competing in a REAL motorsport, you know one where you drive for at least 30 minutes at a time. With as much as you dorifto assfucks bash on Nascar I don't think a single one of you could actually survive a full Nascar race physically. Much less mentally or actually be competitive in any way shape or form.

Losing weight and getting in shape is always good if you're a fat-ass or not in shape. Is it going to make you a better drifter? Probably not...

11-13-2013, 10:54 AM
This thread makes me want 2 mcdoubles.

11-13-2013, 10:56 AM
as long as you fit in a fire suit.... i think you're good.

11-13-2013, 11:06 AM
This thread makes me want 2 mcdoubles.

Double cheeseburgers are better, worth the extra $0.50...


11-13-2013, 11:08 AM
Fuck no, most of them guys are in fucked up conditions. mostly fat as fuck lol

11-13-2013, 11:23 AM
I think you guys are referring FD to Nascar. The drifting, even though its "professional" is still mostly about having fun. You dont need to be a fitness junkie and strict on a diet in order to have fun.

Black R
11-13-2013, 11:25 AM
There's more to being healthly than just being in "shape". Eating badly takes a big bite out of every aspect of life, including the way/how you think. Eat strictly organic fruits and veggies for a week straight along with only water. Then you can say it doesn't take anything out of your mindset.

This! ^^^

And I gotta say that although the weight of the car is with driver in place, a skinny driver could have ballast in an optimal location vs the fat slob driver putting a shit ton of weight over that one location in the chassis.

11-13-2013, 11:31 AM
This! ^^^

And I gotta say that although the weight of the car is with driver in place, a skinny driver could have ballast in an optimal location vs the fat slob driver putting a shit ton of weight over that one location in the chassis.

Very good point. Fat boys should cornerweight sitting in the car. Lol

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11-13-2013, 11:47 AM
Very good point. Fat boys should cornerweight sitting in the car. Lol

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UUUHHHHHHHHHHHH, EVERYONE should cornerweight sitting in the car...


That's how you're SUPPOSED to do it...

11-13-2013, 11:59 AM
Why anybody wouldn't want to better themselves by being healthier, feeling good (mentally and physically), and perform better in the process is beyond me.

young simba
11-13-2013, 12:42 PM
Jr's fatass drives for ford lol

11-13-2013, 12:43 PM
Why anybody wouldn't want to better themselves by being healthier, feeling good (mentally and physically), and perform better in the process is beyond me.

Just to start it's not about what someone wants. People want all kinds of shit, doesn't mean they'll get it. It's about having the discipline to follow through and adhere to a diet.

Also, healthy food either costs a LOT of money, tastes like shit, or both. Not everyone can afford to go out and buy organic everything. Not everyone has the time, money, and/or skillset to cook their own healthy meals at home on a daily basis. Some people actually enjoy food that tastes good as well, regardless of how un-healthy it is.

As a converse statement, I don't understand people who are so concerned with being "healthy" that they constantly punish themselves. Lettuce wrapped burgers (:rolleyes:), Miller 64, religiously attending their overpriced gym, etc... There IS a happy median.

11-13-2013, 04:06 PM
So you're telling me that eating unhealthy is because you don't have time or have the skill set to cook food for yourself? People like you have the capacity (and the nerve) to talk about and talk down to others about automotive related/engineering related topics but don't the capacity to pop (at the very least) salt-pepper seasoned chicken breasts into the oven and steam a couple of vegetables?

You're absolutely right though, eating healthier organic foods does cost more than over processed, chemically substituted ingredients, hormonally grown foods. And no, it doesn't have to taste like shit and most times it actually doesn't taste like shit.

Based on your statements, I'll make the assumption that you've been misinformed or have not looked into it.

At the bare minimum, one could eat better and walk for 30 mins and lose weight and feel better. Those people USUALLY and almost ALWAYS decide that this lifestyle is helpful and decide to spend a couple of hours in the many hours in the week to utilize their newly purchased "overpriced gym memberships". At what cost? Raising the chances of living a couple of more years of their life? Does that make them overly concerned? Compared to body builders and athletes, that sounds like a happy median.

People that live healthy eat foods like everybody else: meats, carbs, fruits, vegetables, water and depending on your goal, healthy people eat more than 3 big meals a day. Does that really sound like punishment? Us "healthy people" even eat foods like In N Out, big ass plates of Italian food, etc.

This thread got derailed but to remain on topic, research/studies have proven that living healthier makes you sharper in a lot of different aspects regardless of whether you're a professional driver or a desk guy at work. It's not a law or rule to be fit in any form of racing but there is no downside to a healthier life style whereas living a life with bad food and no exercise has many health risks.

11-13-2013, 04:27 PM
So you're telling me that eating unhealthy is because you don't have time or have the skill set to cook food for yourself? People like you have the capacity (and the nerve) to talk about and talk down to others about automotive related/engineering related topics but don't the capacity to pop (at the very least) salt-pepper seasoned chicken breasts into the oven and steam a couple of vegetables?

You're absolutely right though, eating healthier organic foods does cost more than over processed, chemically substituted ingredients, hormonally grown foods. And no, it doesn't have to taste like shit and most times it actually doesn't taste like shit.

Based on your statements, I'll make the assumption that you've been misinformed or have not looked into it.

At the bare minimum, one could eat better and walk for 30 mins and lose weight and feel better. Those people USUALLY and almost ALWAYS decide that this lifestyle is helpful and decide to spend a couple of hours in the many hours in the week to utilize their newly purchased "overpriced gym memberships". At what cost? Raising the chances of living a couple of more years of their life? Does that make them overly concerned? Compared to body builders and athletes, that sounds like a happy median.

People that live healthy eat foods like everybody else: meats, carbs, fruits, vegetables, water and depending on your goal, healthy people eat more than 3 big meals a day. Does that really sound like punishment? Us "healthy people" even eat foods like In N Out, big ass plates of Italian food, etc.

This thread got derailed but to remain on topic, research/studies have proven that living healthier makes you sharper in a lot of different aspects regardless of whether you're a professional driver or a desk guy at work. It's not a law or rule to be fit in any form of racing but there is no downside to a healthier life style whereas living a life with bad food and no exercise has many health risks.

WOW, you took that right up the ass. No lube and all. I never said that I couldn't cook at all. I'm simply pointing out the other side of the coin. You have the nerve yourself to talk down to me regarding a diet, yet chastise me for talking down to morons who should be driving Prius', not modifying ANY car. That's pretty god damned hypocritical. Take your gym membership and shove it up your abused asshole, I don't need it. I'm not an overtly un-healthy fatass, even though I could stand to lose 20lbs or so. I'm fine with who I am and always have been. You are making broad assumptions based on a very small post. I know all about the research behind how better health affects reaction time and overall brain function. I've got a whole book on that related SPECIFICALLY to race driving.


11-13-2013, 04:28 PM
So you're telling me that eating unhealthy is because you don't have time or have the skill set to cook food for yourself? People like you have the capacity (and the nerve) to talk about and talk down to others about automotive related/engineering related topics but don't the capacity to pop (at the very least) salt-pepper seasoned chicken breasts into the oven and steam a couple of vegetables?

You're absolutely right though, eating healthier organic foods does cost more than over processed, chemically substituted ingredients, hormonally grown foods. And no, it doesn't have to taste like shit and most times it actually doesn't taste like shit.

Based on your statements, I'll make the assumption that you've been misinformed or have not looked into it.

At the bare minimum, one could eat better and walk for 30 mins and lose weight and feel better. Those people USUALLY and almost ALWAYS decide that this lifestyle is helpful and decide to spend a couple of hours in the many hours in the week to utilize their newly purchased "overpriced gym memberships". At what cost? Raising the chances of living a couple of more years of their life? Does that make them overly concerned? Compared to body builders and athletes, that sounds like a happy median.

People that live healthy eat foods like everybody else: meats, carbs, fruits, vegetables, water and depending on your goal, healthy people eat more than 3 big meals a day. Does that really sound like punishment? Us "healthy people" even eat foods like In N Out, big ass plates of Italian food, etc.

This thread got derailed but to remain on topic, research/studies have proven that living healthier makes you sharper in a lot of different aspects regardless of whether you're a professional driver or a desk guy at work. It's not a law or rule to be fit in any form of racing but there is no downside to a healthier life style whereas living a life with bad food and no exercise has many health risks.


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Cheesy Doriftos
11-13-2013, 04:29 PM
i'd really be surprised if most formula d drivers could even run a mile without stopping.

who needs to be in shape anyways when you can let an overpowered v8 drag your fat ass through a drift section. :)

11-13-2013, 05:58 PM
WOW, you took that right up the ass. No lube and all. I never said that I couldn't cook at all. I'm simply pointing out the other side of the coin. You have the nerve yourself to talk down to me regarding a diet, yet chastise me for talking down to morons who should be driving Prius', not modifying ANY car. That's pretty god damned hypocritical. Take your gym membership and shove it up your abused asshole, I don't need it. I'm not an overtly un-healthy fatass, even though I could stand to lose 20lbs or so. I'm fine with who I am and always have been. You are making broad assumptions based on a very small post. I know all about the research behind how better health affects reaction time and overall brain function. I've got a whole book on that related SPECIFICALLY to race driving.


Racerpar, you sound mad. I won't be taking anything up my ass as I do not partake in any anal activities of any kind nor do I wish to partake in them. You not only look like a child swinging as he/she has been backed into a corner but you look like a jackass for generalizing males that take care of themselves physically as homosexual.

For what it's worth, I was answering and explaining the initial question of the OP from the get go. And lastly, it's "summation" not "semation"

11-13-2013, 06:20 PM
Racerpar, you sound mad. I won't be taking anything up my ass as I do not partake in any anal activities of any kind nor do I wish to partake in them. You not only look like a child swinging as he/she has been backed into a corner but you look like a jackass for generalizing males that take care of themselves physically as homosexual.

For what it's worth, I was answering and explaining the initial question of the OP from the get go. And lastly, it's "summation" not "semation"

Yeah, I guess you're not sharp enough to catch the paralell between my opening statement and your abused asshole. Somebody must have abused it because there was a whole lot of butthurt going on in that post. Good to see you've come down off your high horse at least a bit. And your post had NOTHING to do with the OP's question, sorry. I'm not a fitness freak. If you are we'll never see eye to eye on this discussion. You're no better than anyone else because you weigh 20lbs less and can bench press 20 lbs more. Nobody but you gives a fuck. You came off with that attitude, I responded with a really mild post highlighting the other side of the coin. You respond with a page long rant about how everyone should make fitness their primary concern in life. I am supposed to be the one who'se butthurt because I took a very mild jab at your rectum? I think not...

BTW: Sorry that I don't spellcheck all my posts before posting. I'll work on that for you...

11-14-2013, 12:21 AM
Why do you always feel the need to have the last say? I answered the question. I thought someone as sharp as you would catch my answer to the question, it's literally in bold and the font size is taller than the rest of the body of text, so because I know you missed it, I said:

"It's not a law or rule to be fit in any form of racing"

So there's my contribution to the initial question. So where is yours?

When drifting you're actually driving for like what, 30 seconds at a time. Yeah, the fattest fat ass could handle that. Try competing in a REAL motorsport, you know one where you drive for at least 30 minutes at a time. With as much as you dorifto assfucks bash on Nascar I don't think a single one of you could actually survive a full Nascar race physically. Much less mentally or actually be competitive in any way shape or form.

Losing weight and getting in shape is always good if you're a fat-ass or not in shape. Is it going to make you a better drifter? Probably not...

Double cheeseburgers are better, worth the extra $0.50...


UUUHHHHHHHHHHHH, EVERYONE should cornerweight sitting in the car...


That's how you're SUPPOSED to do it...

Just to start it's not about what someone wants. People want all kinds of shit, doesn't mean they'll get it. It's about having the discipline to follow through and adhere to a diet.

Also, healthy food either costs a LOT of money, tastes like shit, or both. Not everyone can afford to go out and buy organic everything. Not everyone has the time, money, and/or skillset to cook their own healthy meals at home on a daily basis. Some people actually enjoy food that tastes good as well, regardless of how un-healthy it is.

As a converse statement, I don't understand people who are so concerned with being "healthy" that they constantly punish themselves. Lettuce wrapped burgers (:rolleyes:), Miller 64, religiously attending their overpriced gym, etc... There IS a happy median.

I don't see one thing pertaining to any rules in Formula D or any form of racing for that matter.

Because I think you're funny, I'll get back on my horse. I like the fact that you've taken each opportunity to squeeze in how you're not really fat but you're actually fat. Your poke at an insult was sub-standard. You've managed to tickle at an insult with "butthurt" and "abused asshole" lol really? Your continuous reference to the male behind (especially mine) is a little suspect too. I can count more than one occasion where you've decided to take that route. So if you've got some personal issues that you are eating at you, the last place to display them or fix them is on the internet.

Anyway, if there's somebody that needs to get off the high horse, that would be you -- since you want to talk about how I came off as. Your first post in this thread was literally the most condescending piece of useless information that you could possibly post. And when you replied to my post which had nothing to do with you and your Zilvian existence, I corrected you when you were misinformed by your racing book of health and that's when you decided it was time to get uber clever.

But really, I think I've trashed you enough. If you decide to reply with another "butthurt" or anal reference, I know that's all you have the capacity for and it's not worth insulting your ignorance.

11-14-2013, 01:47 AM
I wouldn't say this is F1, but the main thing that needs to be practiced is sitting and sweating your butt off.

11-14-2013, 02:25 AM
I wouldn't say this is F1, but the main thing that needs to be practiced is sitting and sweating your butt off.

If it was a formula one car, the fatasses wouldn't even able to sit in it in the first place.

11-14-2013, 02:55 AM
saying healthy food is expensive is the most ridiculus thing ever. buying the ingredients for a healthy salad is like 1/4 the price of a pizza...

and i find it ironic for a driver to make his car as light as it can be, when he is a fatass. i know, i am fatass myself. but i ve changed my life around and lost 80 pounds in the last 2 years. back then , my belly almost touched the steering wheel. i can drive a whole lot better since. i don't drift but i do amateur time attacks at the track, and let me tell you , the side G's are worse the fatter you are.

11-18-2013, 04:30 PM
I thought most drifters were living off Kraft Dinner and Ramen, how do you get fat?

11-18-2013, 11:37 PM
Unless youve lost about 40 pounds since this picture, id say your 20lb statement is a bit off.

enjoy time out for a week! do something like this again, and it will be a month! personal attacks on fellow premies is NOT a good idea as this went overboard!

11-18-2013, 11:38 PM
this thread is done!