View Full Version : S14 Transmission crossmomber alturnatives???!

03-27-2013, 03:04 PM
Hey guys iv just done a manual conversion on my s14 silvia and am having plenty of trouble finding a s14 manual crossmember... Are s13, s14 and s15 gbox crossmembers all the same? my friend even mentioned that a r33 skyline xmember would bolt right in, does anyone know for sure?? or know of any other model that will work?
all help is appreciated, thaaaanks :)

03-27-2013, 06:33 PM
All S-chassis are the same.

03-28-2013, 12:44 AM
Well i think the automatic ones can be used too just have to use them backwards i believe... i might be completely wrong but i remember comparing them at one point in my life for sum reason..lol but anyways i do have a manual one i can sell you cheap pm if you want it.