View Full Version : S14 from the Netherlands

03-12-2013, 10:19 AM
Hi there,

I'm Tim from the Netherlands and i drive a S14 for 3/4 years now.After visiting this website for a couple of times, finally made the time to register me and my S14.

I've got future plans but i will update you guys when this is happening.

Enough of the tjit chat, time for some pictures.



Me and my buddie also made a little S14 tribute movie, hope you guys like it!
Sorry for my bad Englisch and the low resolution but it whas all shot with a Nikon D5000 photocamera

click (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrlP21aLcNA)

I'll keep you updated

03-12-2013, 04:21 PM
damn thats a very pretty s14. I wish I had that right side handle bar on my car, we don't have those in the states on the a pillar. you should sell one to me! :).

03-13-2013, 06:14 AM
Forgot to mention, we had more youtube hits but the name (photographed) became -e so the movie was deleted and re-posted, but as you know all hits where gone..And since we put a lot of time and effort in it, i/we like to share it with you guys!

Thanks, did you check the movie also?
And you dont have those things(handles for your chick to hang on to when going sideways or when she's scared in any way) in the US?!