View Full Version : How difficult is it to get good at drifting?

03-01-2013, 09:10 PM
I just watched this guy's drift series, he has 7 or so vids of him drifting from start to present. And he's already entered into one "pro" event. And this is on a stock KA24DE in an S14

And yet, another guy I've seen has a turbo'd KA24DE and he's not as impressive.

How long does it take to get good and how likely is it that it happens? I mean, what separates the 1st guy from the 2nd guy I mentioned? Is it just a natural ability to pick up drifting? Or is it more about the setup?

I ask because if its about the set up, I'm going into my first drift event with a 100% stock S14 with the exception of a welded diff. Will this benefit me in learning to drift? Or will it mess me up since I'm driving on stock suspension and crappy tires?

03-01-2013, 09:13 PM
Oh dear god.

03-01-2013, 09:18 PM
It's the person not the car

03-01-2013, 09:25 PM
Oh dear god.

oh yes oh yes oh yes

It's the person not the car

Ok, I guess you answered the basic version of my question that I sort of already knew. But what about the other one? How long does it take to improve? Can everyone be a pro drifter with enough seat time? Or do some pick it up faster than others? Can some not pick it up at all and suck at drifting their entire life?

03-01-2013, 09:32 PM
let the flaming begin...

03-01-2013, 09:38 PM
let the flaming begin...

of course.

03-01-2013, 09:48 PM
this thread brings me joy and laughter...:)

Young Sileighty Kev
03-01-2013, 09:58 PM
"Practice makes perfect"

03-02-2013, 12:05 AM
OP are you talking about DriftIdiot?

03-02-2013, 12:12 AM
OP are you talking about DriftIdiot?

hahahaha, ya thats the one man!! he's fuckin awesome.

03-02-2013, 12:14 AM
hahahaha, ya thats the one man!! he's fuckin awesome.

Yeah Sam is pretty cool. He's just done an SR swap now, did you know that?

03-02-2013, 12:17 AM
Yeah Sam is pretty cool. He's just done an SR swap now, did you know that?

I didn't. I don't know him personally and have only seen his vids. I think the 8th vid he put out he's still on a stock KA.

03-02-2013, 12:21 AM
I didn't. I don't know him personally and have only seen his vids. I think the 8th vid he put out he's still on a stock KA.

There was a surprise at the very end of his latest video...
Drift Idiot Day 8: The Great Equalizer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PyF1PVVOrFg#t=375s)

03-02-2013, 12:26 AM
There was a surprise at the very end of his latest video...
Drift Idiot Day 8: The Great Equalizer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=PyF1PVVOrFg#t=375s)

Ah, I hadn't seen that before. I stopped the vid when I saw the end credits stuff.

Anyways, how does he get so good so fast? does he just have a skill for it? As I said in my original post, he's doing a lot better with a stock KA than what someone else that I'm following does with a KA-T and now an LS1 swap.

03-02-2013, 12:31 AM
Ah, I hadn't seen that before. I stopped the vid when I saw the end credits stuff.

Anyways, how does he get so good so fast? does he just have a skill for it? As I said in my original post, he's doing a lot better with a stock KA than what someone else that I'm following does with a KA-T and now an LS1 swap.

Honestly? He's not that good. Pretty good for 15 hours of seat time, though. Like, he knows how to get the car sideways, but at the same time, he needs to get a lot better at keeping the drifts going. Like the other guys said, practice makes perfect. Plus, he probably knew a bunch about drifting before ever trying it, you know? And yes, some people just have a knack for it.

03-02-2013, 12:54 AM
Honestly? He's not that good. Pretty good for 15 hours of seat time, though. Like, he knows how to get the car sideways, but at the same time, he needs to get a lot better at keeping the drifts going. Like the other guys said, practice makes perfect. Plus, he probably knew a bunch about drifting before ever trying it, you know? And yes, some people just have a knack for it.

I thought his inability to keep drifts going was because of the stock KA. Is it actually his lack of skill?

03-02-2013, 01:02 AM
I thought his inability to keep drifts going was because of the stock KA. Is it actually his lack of skill?

A little of both. But, don't call it a lack of skill. Call it lack of experience.

03-02-2013, 03:17 AM
Smartest part of that video was having the windows down managing to save the mirror glass. What matters is he had fun regardless of his skill level.

03-02-2013, 12:33 PM
A little of both. But, don't call it a lack of skill. Call it lack of experience.

Thats the word I was looking for. Experience.

03-03-2013, 10:23 PM

Anyways, practice will help you. You could drift any setup you want if you have experience and skill. Keep practicing and don't let anyone bash on you just because you got a KA24DE. Upgrade your suspension as soon as you can, though.

03-03-2013, 10:27 PM
Anyways, practice will help you. You could drift any setup you want if you have experience and skill. Keep practicing and don't let anyone bash on you just because you got a KA24DE. Upgrade your suspension as soon as you can, though.

So why is it so important to upgrade the suspension if its the driver not the car? I've heard people say what you've said, but never any reasons. I understand upgraded suspension gives a stiffer ride, but what does that achieve for drifting?

03-03-2013, 10:30 PM
Every little bit helps. It's both, the driver and the car.
We are just giving you advice you asked for.

03-04-2013, 07:54 AM
I just watched this guy's drift series, he has 7 or so vids of him drifting from start to present. And he's already entered into one "pro" event. And this is on a stock KA24DE in an S14

And yet, another guy I've seen has a turbo'd KA24DE and he's not as impressive.

How long does it take to get good and how likely is it that it happens? I mean, what separates the 1st guy from the 2nd guy I mentioned? Is it just a natural ability to pick up drifting? Or is it more about the setup?

I ask because if its about the set up, I'm going into my first drift event with a 100% stock S14 with the exception of a welded diff. Will this benefit me in learning to drift? Or will it mess me up since I'm driving on stock suspension and crappy tires?

First of all,
The welded diff will be only helpful if you have gotten used to it for driving everyday.
It all depends on the amount of practice you get, under what condition, and under what supervision. I'm not talking supervision for safety, what i mean is that you need to have someone there helping you along the way. You need to find someone that actually knows what they're doing to help out and show you some tips. Don't try it on the street or whatever your friends told you to do. Enter an event and fail, but don't make an idiot of yourself. You will learn.

03-04-2013, 10:10 AM
let the flaming begin...

Watch every video of Intial D and BAM!!! You are a OG Drift Super Star. And a honorary member of the Akina Speed Stars!

03-04-2013, 10:33 AM
What matters is he had fun regardless of his skill level.

THIS. I have always had a passion for cars, and as soon as I got my license, I would just be out driving. And not hardcore driving, just cruising. Because driving is fun to me. I cant keep a drift or manji or anything, but I can slide through corners well and I have fun doing it. So I can care less about being "good" if Im having fun.

But to answer your question, practice does make perfect. Go out to your local skid pad or drift event, and just have fun. Most of the people aren't gonna call you a noob or make fun of you, they'll help you man.

03-04-2013, 10:59 AM

100 dod steveo in car - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95vXy4nPyiI)

just grow balls, dont care if you crash, and youll improve your skill. if you care about the car, dont drift it.

03-04-2013, 11:08 AM
How difficult is it to get good at drifting?
It's impossible because I tried once. Took out 4 telephone polls and a girl scout concession stand. All the thin mints and samoas couldn't even be salvaged.

03-04-2013, 11:37 AM
How difficult is it to get good at drifting?

It's impossible because I tried once. Took out 4 telephone polls and a girl scout concession stand. All the thin mints and samoas couldn't even be salvaged.

I just died!!!! Frank_Jaeger make that comment your sig!

03-04-2013, 12:26 PM
Seat time seat time and more seat time. Learning to drift in an underpowered car is hard but once you get it, the learning curve is tremendous compared to somebody who learned on a car that has alot of power. Power have a tendency to crutch and hide people's mistake (shitty lines).

03-04-2013, 12:26 PM
On a Scale from 1-100000
it would be 23489

03-04-2013, 04:21 PM
To answer your question about suspension.

Stock suspension will have the tendency to make it harder since it's a softer set-up. You'll have more body roll and that causes more grip so to say on your outside tires while drifting. It is very possible to drift stock suspension but is harder when you transfer from drift to drift. There's alot more to it then that but that should help you understand a little more.

And practice at a track will yield better results then on the street.

03-04-2013, 09:50 PM
On a Scale from 1-100000
it would be 23489

Dead on. Yeah this is 10 characters now, Zilvia.

Got Insulin?
03-04-2013, 09:58 PM
Drifting, when it comes down to it, is learning to drive a car just past the edge of it's tolerances for the sake of driving at just past it's tolerances. Being a faster driver in general by getting a feel for your car in all sorts of situations will help a bit so doing some autoX and track days can help you really dial in where your car's limits are and help you get to the point of pushing past them. Lots of good advice on this page.

03-05-2013, 07:11 AM
I would say the real answer to your question isnt direct. It all depends how quick of a learner you are, how well you can adapt to changes, how much practice you go out and how often you fail then learn from the failures to improve.

After reading the first post, I am going to take a guess and say you are talking about Drift Idiot videos.

There are always people to help and give tips (not here though, here is to bash on other people hahaha jk...)

Practice, fail, and learn from the failures. Some people become really good in a month, others in a few years or not good at all because they get stuck on stuff they shouldn't.
Just depends on the person themselfs and how they learn.

If you want to get really really good... put a cup of water in your cup holder and deliver food up and down a mountain, make sure not to spill the cup or mess up the food you are delivering. Then, you can be a professional driver like no one else and dominate everyone with cars more powerful than yours..... lol....

Just saying...

03-05-2013, 11:45 PM
Not sure if this thread is serious or a some what successful troll....

03-06-2013, 12:01 AM
I know people say it takes practice, but I've seen people fail and fail after every track day. Sometimes it does take a little natural skill.

03-06-2013, 12:49 AM
Natural talent, and seat time.

03-06-2013, 01:04 AM
Why are you saying it as if its a super power hahahaha.

03-06-2013, 02:45 AM
Have the Stig teach you. From Top Gear!

03-06-2013, 10:32 AM
tokyo drift in the streets through traffic and when you stop hitting cars then you're pro boss extremist driftmasterfantasticasm!!

03-06-2013, 05:26 PM
Not sure if this thread is serious or a some what successful troll....

Successful troll.......... was Successful.

03-06-2013, 06:31 PM
Seat time seat time and more seat time. Learning to drift in an underpowered car is hard but once you get it, the learning curve is tremendous compared to somebody who learned on a car that has alot of power. Power have a tendency to crutch and hide people's mistake (shitty lines).

Same can be said about HPDE as well. It's fun driving a stock KA to beat a driver in an M3 or GTR.

03-06-2013, 07:08 PM
Drifting is an advanced driving technique, it is NOT the first thing you jump into. Learn how to drive the god damned car FIRST. Once you have close to MASTERED "grip driving", THEN you are ready to learn how to drift. All these dumbass kids think they're just going to jump right in and start drifting without learning anything about actually driving the fucking car first. OP is a fucking MORON, lock this shit already...

03-07-2013, 10:38 AM
Seat time, I can't stress this enough. I used to think I was good at drifting when we would practice at warehouses and came to the realization that I sucked when I got to the track. After a couple events you get the hang of it and start incorporating different techniques for drifting obstacles. if you are not scared, you are not going fast enough. If you are comfortable, you are not going fast enough. You have to push your cars limits and yours mentally and physically. Good luck.

03-08-2013, 04:49 PM

Anyways, practice will help you. You could drift any setup you want if you have experience and skill. Keep practicing and don't let anyone bash on you just because you got a KA24DE. Upgrade your suspension as soon as you can, though.

You're 19 and joined June 2012. Why u new?

03-08-2013, 04:54 PM
Watch every video of Intial D and BAM!!! You are a OG Drift Super Star. And a honorary member of the Akina Speed Stars![/QUOTE]

dude it sounds funny but i learned some entry techniques from initial D lmao.

03-15-2013, 03:13 AM
Drifting is an advanced driving technique, it is NOT the first thing you jump into. Learn how to drive the god damned car FIRST. Once you have close to MASTERED "grip driving", THEN you are ready to learn how to drift. All these dumbass kids think they're just going to jump right in and start drifting without learning anything about actually driving the fucking car first. OP is a fucking MORON, lock this shit already...

Your pretty close to what I'm about to say. It's advanced car control with added driving technique. Coming from teaching people how we call it at Skip Barber CRP. It's learning how to control the car first then learn what's the limits of a tires and a car is key.

Natural talent well is helpful be I know from not having any to where I am now it isn't needed. Which is btw doing my first slid and not knowing how to counter steer to a Racing/Driving instructor.

Don't be stupid about it. If you do you will pay. Go take a driving class and that'll show you the basic of car control.

I'm tired and sick I have no idea if that made any senses... Ugh.

03-15-2013, 08:57 PM
In my opinion boost makes drifting so easy, so if your really good behind the wheel with out it when you do eventually have boost your gonna perform awesomely.

Personally when i had my stock ka i was open diff and na with headers and i couldn't break em loose at all... After i finished my build and had boost with welded diff its almost effortless ..

I do sort of wish i had more practice with an underpowered car just so i can get my skills honed how ever i just wanted to finish my project.

It is alot of fun. Im not one to say im good at drifting at all. infact i dont go drifting much at all.. but once in awhile i go have some fun.. Just floor it alittle and noticed its pretty simple since i have a way to power out.

In the end no HP can amount to the skill you can conceive. I believe you can do some pretty amazing driving if you have a passion for the sport and dedicate your free time practicing and trying to find the best method that works for you...

03-16-2013, 12:54 AM
its pretty damn easy if you have a car with decent power..

03-17-2013, 12:06 AM
It's impossible because I tried once. Took out 4 telephone polls and a girl scout concession stand. All the thin mints and samoas couldn't even be salvaged.

i just laughed so fucking hard!

03-17-2013, 12:08 AM
How many people on here can do 4th gear entries?

why all the kids these days wanna be JDM Driftar Yo

03-17-2013, 12:21 AM
i just laughed so fucking hard!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: dude same here... NOT THE THIN MINTS!!!!!

03-17-2013, 02:04 AM
It's impossible because I tried once. Took out 4 telephone polls and a girl scout concession stand. All the thin mints and samoas couldn't even be salvaged.

Newwwwwwwww sig. ahahahaha

03-17-2013, 02:17 AM
Drifting is like sex... once you has it you can never un-have it.

03-17-2013, 02:19 AM
That's sounds like rape.

03-17-2013, 06:37 PM
it takes a lot of commitment to get good.
you need to be consistent.
always talk loudly about being a "drifter" in public and at social events as well as on social media outlets. people have to know that you're a "drifter", so that you can be cool. every janky bunk ass photo you upload on instagram needs to have #driftlife #drifter #driftsesh #idrift so that people will know.
you will also need a bunk ass s13.

03-17-2013, 07:32 PM
Don't forget the stickers from all the companies the DON'T sponsor you. Free advertisement is the best way for everyone to know you're a "drifter".


03-20-2013, 05:33 PM
Learn with an underpowered car. I started with a bone stock zenki (open diff,stock suspension) and although it was hard, I learned how to slide with it. When I upgraded suspension and welded my diff, I was fucking drift king!

03-20-2013, 05:34 PM
I can drift a FWD car.. booyah *drops mic*

03-21-2013, 09:22 PM
The Drift Bible (How to drift for starters/pro's) with the Drift King (FULL HQ) - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPQyQgyuNMI)

1. Watch

2. Attempt

3. Repeat :bow:

03-26-2013, 06:16 AM

My first event ever. Practice makes perfect. The more fun you try to have the better you get. I started with a 360whp sr with to much angle for stock offset. Kept grabbing the frame and spinning out. Lol still had fun.

Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2

03-26-2013, 10:40 AM

My first event ever. Practice makes perfect. The more fun you try to have the better you get. I started with a 360whp sr with to much angle for stock offset. Kept grabbing the frame and spinning out. Lol still had fun.

Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2

That's very high HP# car to learn drifting. Not saying it's bad but you will miss out some of technics from drifting under powered cars.

But as long as we all can enjoy driving. that's all it matters.

03-26-2013, 10:45 AM
That's very high HP# car to learn drifting. Not saying it's bad but you will miss out some of technics from drifting under powered cars.

But as long as we all can enjoy driving. that's all it matters.

Yeah a lot of people made it seem as if you have more power it would be easier...(easier to get sideways but no keep in a slide lol) now I have more power and angle mods but it's setup correctly this time. Rd 2 should be fun. Ill post a video after I try out thr new setup.

Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2

03-26-2013, 11:38 PM
I just died!!!! Frank_Jaeger make that comment your sig!

lmao ... im about to make his comment my sig ....

03-26-2013, 11:56 PM
But it's already MY sig... :(

03-27-2013, 04:51 PM
Get off the forumns and out to a track day, no amount of advice compares to getting out there.

04-20-2013, 06:13 PM
It's the person not the car

True^ its all about seat time and technique:2f2f:

04-21-2013, 06:30 PM
Get off the forumns and out to a track day, no amount of advice compares to getting out there.

True^ its all about seat time and technique:2f2f:

This is very true listen to these guys, I used to be good when I was able to afford to go to the track. still hopeing I can get track time this year thou
Dont be some sorry ass that rely on power alone, learn skill.

Try ride alongs with actual good drifters, learn technique, push yourself don't be afraid, it's all mental practice and stay Positive Have fun, laugh when you mess up or spin out! I've seen many come n go because they got "fed up at drifting" so now you know.

04-21-2013, 09:42 PM
Drifting is an advanced driving technique, it is NOT the first thing you jump into. Learn how to drive the god damned car FIRST. Once you have close to MASTERED "grip driving", THEN you are ready to learn how to drift. All these dumbass kids think they're just going to jump right in and start drifting without learning anything about actually driving the fucking car first. OP is a fucking MORON, lock this shit already...

dude do you hate your life or something? EVERYTIME!! i see you post its something negative or trash talking someone. you remind me of the 'old guys' at work who cant stand the new people, all they do is talk bad and think every question they ask is stupid... let the so called 'kid' be a kid! and mind your own already. if your not going to help him then wtf are you posting for. .

OP: like people have stated, the best way is try it for yourself, know your car and what it needs and what you need to get 'good'. your going to mess up your car and thats ok, thats part of the learning process. so enjoy and good luck to you!

04-21-2013, 09:56 PM
dude do you hate your life or something? EVERYTIME!! i see you post its something negative or trash talking someone. you remind me of the 'old guys' at work who cant stand the new people, all they do is talk bad and think every question they ask is stupid... let the so called 'kid' be a kid! and mind your own already. if your not going to help him then wtf are you posting for. .

OP: like people have stated, the best way is try it for yourself, know your car and what it needs and what you need to get 'good'. your going to mess up your car and thats ok, thats part of the learning process. so enjoy and good luck to you!

Are you fucking serious???

What in the world could possibly make you think that responding to my post from like a month ago in a trash thread was worth your time?

If you don't know how to drive a fucking car, don't go drifting. It's simple. Drifting is a driving technique. You have to learn a whole lot of other driving techniques before you go out and try to be a "drifter". It's NOT easy, NOT EVERYBODY can do it, at least be any good at it that is. Fucking idiot kids go out and buy a 240 just so they can be a "drifter". They don't want to put in the effort to actually learn anything. They just wanna jump right in feet first. The fact that the OP posted this thread tells me exactly that about him. No research, no work ethic, no experience. Dude just posted a thread expecting all the information he desires to be handed to him on a silver platter. It doesn't work like that...

04-28-2013, 04:47 PM
Not true drifting is easy just weld your diff.... and your car will practically drift its dam self
(all statements in this comment are intended for the track, please leave drifting on the streets for intial d , and need for speed underground)

04-28-2013, 05:51 PM
Not true drifting is easy just weld your diff.... and your car will practically drift its dam self
(all statements in this comment are intended for the track, please leave drifting on the streets for intial d , and need for speed underground)

and Forza Horizon

04-30-2013, 12:32 PM
^ lol oh yes

04-30-2013, 01:17 PM
It's like asking how can one person fail at life and the other not? The answer: Lack of common sense, education, and experience. Without the above mentioned you will suck at driving, and posting on Zilvia as well life in general.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

04-30-2013, 01:28 PM
Get your car setup for drifting and get some seat time.
I've driven at a few events so far, and it wasen't until probably the 3rd or 4th event that I actually started getting the hang of drifting.
That had alot to do with my cars setup as well, since after each event I would address any issues I was having.
Imo its all about getting out there and having fun. You will find out pretty quickly if drifting is for you or not.
Oh and I'm still rocking a stock KA.

05-06-2013, 05:06 PM
It's the person not the car

Not always true if you have a shitty setup.

For example, my best friend was drifting his SR coupe that had a bad alignment and a few small issues and he was spinning out all day and couldnt get it right. Then I let him drive my VH S14 and he killed it, linked the whole course and his line was on point.

But the way I see it is, it's like any other sport. Either you got it or you don't, practice obviously helps, but some people will just be good at it naturally..

My best advice for drifting is to not be a pussy, go fast!

05-10-2013, 11:23 AM
learn how to read and drive a proper race line as well. too many dudes say some lines are 'not possible' because they dont have 800hp, and then the NAKA dude goes and kills it because he understands line and how to not get too much angle at the wrong times, slowing you down.

05-10-2013, 07:34 PM
I heard it is extremely easy like you can do it in as little as 5 hours just like cramming for a final the night before you have to actually take the test. Just grab a couple of redbulls, some hot pockets, and have at it on gran turismo. By morning you should be a DK (drift king)!

05-10-2013, 08:34 PM
This was my second event and first time for my buddies. Im in the S14.

Nothing beats seat time and not being afraid to try different techniques. One thing I did notice since I am drifting with a stock KA is that finding the perfect line is key for underpowered cars.

I think I got it down on the last run in the video.
Fresno Tanso Tandem or Die V.3 (240sx, E30, E36 Drifting) HD - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfc5StH_dqM)

05-12-2013, 08:43 AM
Are you fucking serious???

What in the world could possibly make you think that responding to my post from like a month ago in a trash thread was worth your time?

If you don't know how to drive a fucking car, don't go drifting. It's simple. Drifting is a driving technique. You have to learn a whole lot of other driving techniques before you go out and try to be a "drifter". It's NOT easy, NOT EVERYBODY can do it, at least be any good at it that is. Fucking idiot kids go out and buy a 240 just so they can be a "drifter". They don't want to put in the effort to actually learn anything. They just wanna jump right in feet first. The fact that the OP posted this thread tells me exactly that about him. No research, no work ethic, no experience. Dude just posted a thread expecting all the information he desires to be handed to him on a silver platter. It doesn't work like that...

why must you be so aggressive? we get it you just dont jump into a 240 and learn how to drift, bashing this kid with how you just know the type of person he is and wants everything in a silver platter blah blah is your personal opinion. Wasting your time when you could concentrated that hate to another idiot that post how can i get 400 hp in a sr any ideas help. op just try doing figure 8's and "manji drift" look all this up if you have a nice open parking lot at night you should be drifting in no time you really wanna focus on your counter steering/ steering lock first at low speeds and those two techniques are what helped me alot!

05-15-2013, 09:07 AM
alotta hate..man you just gotta go out and do it. starting slow then go up very slowly.

05-15-2013, 09:23 AM
why must you be so aggressive? we get it you just dont jump into a 240 and learn how to drift, bashing this kid with how you just know the type of person he is and wants everything in a silver platter blah blah is your personal opinion. Wasting your time when you could concentrated that hate to another idiot that post how can i get 400 hp in a sr any ideas help. op just try doing figure 8's and "manji drift" look all this up if you have a nice open parking lot at night you should be drifting in no time you really wanna focus on your counter steering/ steering lock first at low speeds and those two techniques are what helped me alot!

That idiot asking how to get 400 HP in an SR is just the same as asking how to drift, both are questions asked over and over repeatedly on this forum, and could have been answered by a simple search.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2

05-15-2013, 10:14 AM
why must you be so aggressive? we get it you just dont jump into a 240 and learn how to drift, bashing this kid with how you just know the type of person he is and wants everything in a silver platter blah blah is your personal opinion. Wasting your time when you could concentrated that hate to another idiot that post how can i get 400 hp in a sr any ideas help.

This thread is twice as stupid as getting 400hp in an SR. I bash MORONS. You don't just get up one morning, with no experience, and say "gee I think I wanna be a super awesome JDM drifter guy". Cars/driving is a way of life. It is not a hobby. A car is not a toy, it's a tool. These dumbfuck kids have no respect for their tools. Much less enough patience and dedication to actually learn how to use them. I've got no respect for drift kids because they think it's all a game. You're taking your life in your hands when participating in any type of motorsport. Those who think it's all a game have no respect or understanding of that. I have no respect for that attitude.

05-16-2013, 08:43 PM
this was my second event and first time for my buddies. Im in the s14.

Nothing beats seat time and not being afraid to try different techniques. One thing i did notice since i am drifting with a stock ka is that finding the perfect line is key for underpowered cars.

I think i got it down on the last run in the video.
fresno tanso tandem or die v.3 (240sx, e30, e36 drifting) hd - youtube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfc5sth_dqm)

our events are a great place to learn.

05-17-2013, 04:45 PM
our events are a great place to learn.

Yes !:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

05-18-2013, 11:35 PM
It's impossible because I tried once. Took out 4 telephone polls and a girl scout concession stand. All the thin mints and samoas couldn't even be salvaged.

im still laughing at this 2 months later :rofl:

05-18-2013, 11:40 PM
im still laughing at this 2 months later :rofl:

Sometimes when I haven't been on Zilvia for a while and I log on and see my sig I let out a laugh. :bowrofl:

05-19-2013, 12:58 PM
this was our last event come out and get some seat time again june 1st 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZSFBPZRtbc

05-28-2013, 07:35 PM

Round 1 - 17th
round 2 - 10th
round 3 - 4th
round 4 - feeling BETTER than ever.... and then motor blew lol (I don't wanna talk about it haha)

different setup every time, between angle setup, coilovers, power, alignment or suspension.Would JUST get use to a setup at the end of the day. (At evergreen speedway you don't really get a lot of runs on comp days unless you make top 8 lol) (well as of 2012)

Different people have different learning curves, and sometimes peoples setup is just easier to deal with than other peoples' (poor to decent setups).

Welded diff, struts and springs or coilovers, some tie rod spacers, BAM drift.

I was sliding around open diff for a while... I feel as if it really helps me as with open you can't really adjust with throttle modulation, you have to pretty much control everything with momentum management.

05-28-2013, 07:51 PM
i bet the OP now is suuuuuper expert jdm awesome at drifting now. lmao

G-moore's s13
05-31-2013, 10:44 AM
The thing that helped me the most when i first started drifting was letting the wheel slide in my hands or "throw" the wheel and catch then counter steer to hit your points. I also learned alot from riding along with someone who was a fd driver. Instead of trying to find a ride along, find some in car footage of a good driver and watch what they do with the wheel, ebrake etc. But like anything else, nothing beats practice...

06-03-2013, 10:40 AM
"there is no wax on wax off for drifting, you learn by doing it"

07-30-2013, 04:25 AM
Step 1. Buy 240sx

Step 2. 5 speed swap

Step 3. Weld Diff

Step 4. Enter Event and Crash and Ziptie

Step 5. Realize you didnt really want to drift

Step 6. Buy Honda and Delete Zilvia Acct.

I dont always drift but when I do, Its because im playing Forza.

OP. Go to an event and watch others. Ask questions. Join local groups and make friends and boom. Practice

10-07-2013, 05:20 PM
It all depends how much time you spend behind the wheel and your finances. Someone going to the track won't go as hard/receive as much experience as someone who came with a car on a trailer and doesn't care if they beat the crap out of it.

10-13-2013, 08:42 PM
Well since the thread got bumped I guess I'll add my 2c. The best way to get better at drifting is to have a car that doesn't break every time you go to a track or... :hide: the streets. I have several friends who's cars are constantly broken due to abuse, neglect, whatever and I have progressed much faster than them.

10-13-2013, 09:23 PM
Personally think it can be the person or car but really more the person.. Simple basics really but practicemakes pperfect! I drove my 6th or 7th event yesterday with my na ka and for a ka car u would have thought it been double tht time... Just practice and focus on them steering and throttle

10-13-2013, 09:24 PM
Drifting is a lot harder than it looks but also a lot easier than it looks. Jus gotta do it to get what im saying

10-14-2013, 07:33 PM
Well since the thread got bumped I guess I'll add my 2c. The best way to get better at drifting is to have a car that doesn't break every time you go to a track or... :hide: the streets. I have several friends who's cars are constantly broken due to abuse, neglect, whatever and I have progressed much faster than them.

This^. I have stuck with the stock KA for three years now and it has made me a better driver mostly because it just runs and runs, as well as it requiring commitment and balls to drive well.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk 2

10-14-2013, 10:13 PM
everyone can judge me, but im throwing my 20 cents in on this....if you want get good at drifting, honestly have zero fucks about your car and have fun.. well maybe 2 fucks, but have fun and just kick it out..dont be afraid to just go out and spin out over and over again, because sooner or later or next run your going to rip it and hang on to it. ive been drifting for about 6 months after i built my car and its been at a local undisclosed spot and on the streets which im not happy about,but the turns were right lol and then one night i got huge head and thought i could cut a lane at full lock and smashed my front end, but dude honestly if you want to get good at drifting, just be yourself and have fun and let your friends that drift and other drifters give you pointers,but take them with a grain of salt and develop your own style, DO NOT TRY TO COPY someone elses style..its the same thing with riding bmx or skating or snowboarding everyone has there own style....honestly when i was going out with my friends and going to local spots i would just try to have as much fun as i can even if i spun out or not, and if i did i would try and perfect what i did wrong the run before..they always said practice makes perfect and they didnt lie..just do you and have fun sliding

10-17-2013, 07:58 PM
^^^awesome advice man. that gives me hope i just need to get my car up and running so i go spin out at events!

240sx lover

10-18-2013, 11:06 AM
So I'm not going to claim that i know everything about drifting however i have noticed a direct correlation between seat time and skill level. Basically the more time you have behind the wheel practicing the better drifter (driver) you will become. I don't know about all of this don't give a fuck about your car and go smoke into a wall mentality but if you go and practice the basics (donuts, figure eights, j turns) and then work your way up you will find you have built a reliable platform for your drifting/driving skills to grow from. Don't be so cautious that you wont try things outside of your comfort zone but at the same time remember that there is a healthy level of fear that will keep you from seriously hurting yourself or your car. Id rather see you spin out 1000 times than understeer once. In saying that remember that drifting is about having fun, your skill will grow along the way.

10-18-2013, 01:04 PM
I think having a good feel and understanding of what your car can and can't do is also important. Not even specifically drifting but just hard driving in general. Just understanding how the car behaves can help you a lot.
But like others have said, the more you do it the better you'll be. Don't practice on the street. Find an abandoned something and practice practice practice.

10-25-2013, 12:07 AM
will take all this info into consideration once i Finnish my swap, its been about half a year since ive driven her so ill have to get seat time like u said just driving hard. i look forward to gking to events and tackle the learning curve. thanks for all the info. i know its not my thread but great advice here Haha

240sx lover

11-12-2013, 10:10 PM
My $0.02 ; Drifting Requires a reliable missle, tons of tires, and you must only " Give a F**k" about your Functioning parts. Aesthetics must not matter to you. Getting better will introduce you into a wall or cone or barrier or Dirt. Your Clean Show stopper is not what you should slide. At the same time drifting is about style so wait til your not hitting shit and spinning anymore then worry about how she looks after youre invited to a ProAm. Being Attached to your car only hurts worse when you smash the quarter panel @ 65mph trying to kiss the wall. Most Importantly HAVE FUN.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

11-13-2013, 06:23 PM
My $0.02 ; Drifting Requires a reliable missle, tons of tires, and you must only " Give a F**k" about your Functioning parts. Aesthetics must not matter to you. Getting better will introduce you into a wall or cone or barrier or Dirt. Your Clean Show stopper is not what you should slide. At the same time drifting is about style so wait til your not hitting shit and spinning anymore then worry about how she looks after youre invited to a ProAm. Being Attached to your car only hurts worse when you smash the quarter panel @ 65mph trying to kiss the wall. Most Importantly HAVE FUN.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

I mostly agree. Don't be too concerned about the car getting damage, just about everything can be fixed. On the other hand if every time you go drifting you are just crashing and shit you're not getting much out of it. So try to avoid hitting shit, but don't be upset when it happens cause you can just fix it later.

11-21-2013, 06:40 AM
The five most important things to me when learning to drift were:
1. First start drifting in a place with a LOT of runoff room, on both the inside and outside of each corner. For example, I started drifting at a large gymkhana course with pylons, and spun all day. Sure you can just buy a drift missile and crash it into everything, but if you care about the look of your car too, that's not an option.
2. Have a properly set-up car. Not just tires, camber, suspension mods, 2-way or welded diff, etc... but the interior as well. Putting in a bucket seat, 4-point harness and a Nardi wheel vastly improved my car control, and gave me proper support during violent transitions.
3. Don't be a pussy. It's far better to spin in every corner than understeer through all of them. You will learn more from spinning than from understeering. Don't be afraid to pull the e-brake at a speed you are very uncomfortable at, or to clutch kick the shit out of your clutch, or to throw the weight of your car from one side to the other at speed.
4. Understand the different drifting techniques. Watch the drift bible, and some of the earlier drift tengoku videos.
5. LOOK at where you want to go. Look at the next corner while you are in the middle of your drift, or at your clipping point. If you just look around aimlessly while drifting, you will often spin.

Number 3 and 4 are the most important. I started drifting about 8 months ago, and have only been to 7 drift sessions. I can continuously drift all of Fuji Drift Park and Honjo Circuit, now rarely spin, and have yet to crash. Another guy that started about the same time I did and has been to more events still can't drift to save his life. He is too scared to kick his clutch because he doesn't want to break anything, and doesn't want to pull the e-brake. He just mashes the gas mid-corner at low speed and spins out, or understeers almost every corner. A lot of seat time is important too as many are saying, but if you are doing nothing with that seat time, it's worthless.