View Full Version : RPM Drop when A/C Kicks on??

01-31-2013, 02:55 PM
My car idles at about 1200 and when i kick my a/c on it drops to like 500 when im at a stop, does any one have any idea why its doing that?! its a KA24e with a turbo. im thinking it might have something to do with the extensive tunes my car has

01-31-2013, 02:58 PM
yes, your tune is linked with your A/C and causes the car to go to a 500rpm open loop idle to not overdrive the A/C at idle...


Your A/C compressor might be getting tired putting more load on your motor at idle

01-31-2013, 03:25 PM
Does the idle fluctuate once the a/c is on? or shake your motor a bit while idle drops when a/c is on?

if so your A/C compressor could have been overcharged.

01-31-2013, 03:47 PM
OH so your saying the ac compressor dosent want to run at high idle when the car is stationary?

yeah it might do that i cant remember for sure it just sounds like it going to die, i have noticed that it looks like it leaking coolant from the bottom of compressor not a lot just here and there

01-31-2013, 03:48 PM
oh also if im driving with it on if i let off of gas and come to a complete stop the car dies, the rpm drops all the way to 0

01-31-2013, 04:16 PM
Yeah the Auto Freon has a bight neon dye to easy spot/indicate leaking.

id get a hold of Air Conditioning Gauges and connect them to your hi press/lo press quick connects and check the pressures to see if your overcharged on freon. and under your hood/radiator support there should be an ac sticker telling ya the amount of free on that your vehicle should have. if its at the right amount then you could knock that out of your possibilities for reason of complaint.

most likely if your vehicle was charged with a do it yourself freon and your idle drops a big amount like you stated then your system would be overcharged and would have to extract some freon.

01-31-2013, 04:38 PM
Check your gearbox neutral sensor and its wiring first ...

Your ECU compensate load by raising idle, but it does that only when not in gear. If that sensor is broken or disconnected, the ECU cannot do that, and it dips. Although it should not dip that much, unless you removed compression to make the turbo conversion. The same would also happen if you have a boost leak. Usually, BOVs leak at idle ... if you have one, block it and check if the problem is gone or not.

01-31-2013, 04:53 PM
why do you idle so high.

01-31-2013, 06:39 PM
Okay thanks renelovesnike ill check the freon when I get a chance

I forgot to motion I have a 5spd would I still need to check the sensor and wiring?
Yeah the compression might of been messed with, I have a Garrett GT3076R Dual Ball Bearing Turbo and I hit 20 pounds of boost and from what Iv heard its not easy putting a turbo on a single cam

01-31-2013, 06:40 PM
It's always idled that high I think it's better acutally

01-31-2013, 09:16 PM
on the back of the intake manifold is the IACV. there are two plugs on it. one of it is the a/c idle up solenoid. it`s the one pointing towards the firewall. remove and clean it. make sure you do not loose the very small spring inside.

02-02-2013, 11:06 PM
okay thanks every one i still havent tired to fix the problem but when i do ill be sure to explain what was wrong