View Full Version : Silvia S13 RHD/LHD Headlight Question

Mr. Miyagi
12-19-2012, 04:46 PM
Hey folks ,

i´m Tobi from Germany and i got a Nissan Silvia PS13 straight from Japan.

For the German road traffic i have to modify the OEM Headlights , because in Japan they drive on the left side on the road , as you know .

My light cone´s goes throught the left side and it has to be on the right side!

My question now is , if YOUR light cone from your "tripple projectors" or "bricks" Headlights are just the same as mine ?

Why ?

Because i love the "Brick" headlights but it would be impossible to modify the light cone for the german streets, you know.
In the other "triple projectors" it is not a problem to modify them.

So if your cone light go always to the right side , i don´t want to modify my lights and buy bricks over the US .

It would be great if someone got an answer for me :)


Mr. Miyagi
12-20-2012, 02:05 PM
Hmmm no Answer for this easy Question :( ?

Maybe i write too much ^^

Short version :

Does the cone light of US "Tripple Projectors" or "Bricks" go to the right side or on the left side ?

Thanks you !

12-20-2012, 02:11 PM
They never sold Silvia's in America. All the 13 chassis 240sx's came with flip up headlights.

12-20-2012, 02:11 PM
"There are no versions of the us bricks or triple projectors. We only have pop up headlights over here."

What he said.

Mr. Miyagi
12-20-2012, 02:44 PM
Thanks for the Answer !

So you guys have to make always a silvia front end conversion ???
And you get your Bricks/Triple Projectors from japan ?


12-20-2012, 04:02 PM
Thanks for the Answer !

So you guys have to make always a silvia front end conversion ???
And you get your Bricks/Triple Projectors from japan ?


yeah i just slapped the front end on my coupe and drove it since havent had any troubles with authority or anything

Mr. Miyagi
12-20-2012, 04:09 PM
Okay thank you very much :)

I´ve seen so many pictures from the US of 240Sx with Silvia front end, so i thought it´s OEM :)

Okay , then i have to modify my head lights for the next check.